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OLD ROSEBUDS FINE SPEED EASILY DEFEATS ROBERT BRADLEY AND PAN ZARETA IN NEW TRACK RECORD TIME. Request for Three Days Extension of tlie Meeting Refused — Ophelia W. Wins Again and Is Claimed — Track Gossip. H«.t Barbara, Ark., April •.- II. C. Aajplegatea 01.1 KtiMi.iiii eatpha -ized further his return to gend I". . i-m . when lie ;i count, d Car tin- -eoi: -eighths purse that I •:iti:rf l todaya program :it Oaklawn aii.l easily heal Robert Bradley and I ";t II Zan-la. The Apphgatc Turk, thoagk off ■— mluil toasted up bark of Robert Bradley, m i ■ U I shot into :i goad lead I in Id -way all tkc mm to aria with much spied iii reserve in t!i. fat in f 1 :2."i.-.. f.m Bareta dwell al the m -ml off aad eoaaea.aeatly ]i:id iiiiu-ii tkc areral af tkc start, but under urging. quickly overhauled Robert Bradley aad farced IHd lioaebad t«. Ids beat pace in tkc first half Mile. win n aaaeoachfaag lae atretrk turn i: v.-. is evident ■he araa done. :h n i Rosebud was draw las awaj KteadJily ;iml Beherl Bradley araa gaining on lax. sin- reliaqaiaked we road place ..nst abeal Ike mm eighth i».st aad al tkc now time lloteawerth, na Hid Beaebad, began easing ap alightly, aitk th.-remit thai it appeared aa if Beherl Mr:..:i. araa gaining faster than be did. old Baeihad araa ;it all time-, mi outstanding favorite aad abaarkedj all Ike bi| kachhhg, the paMie keepkag tkc Robert Bradley aad Ran Bareta prleea alalieaaij Old Rosebuds time clipped .1 lull seeoml the loitni r track record, made by Bavabte ktarrk 20. ttw?. Some of the horsemen even made Hd Beae I lids time b.-tter. The meet im; af the trie of cracks, coupled with line weather, araa raaaeeajMe for another large Katfctrlag to witness the sport. The tr.iel; comli-lioiis were the best iii some time and the limited : ii Ids in ;:!! tlv dashes made good racing possible aad it araa thoroughly enjoyed. L Ten Youngsters in Opening Race. Tkc apeaer was raateated by ten yoanagatera, in eluding the aewcaaaira Wow aad Jaafce A., tkc f .rmer represent bay, . W. lark and tkc latter A. A. Kellly. Tlie pair had a dine, dnng battle and fin: iked in th der named, with Pfctfck W. in third place. Milhr Hendersons reeeal ac |uisition. Ophelia W., made g I al the first asking for her new owner when she won with evident ease in th.- seeond race. Tkc favorite, Tzc-Lsi, was nowhere and ran a hid r.:iv. Conon Russell cave ati acrobatic performance in tin- fourth race, which he won after a hard drive from Beauty Shop, with Bogy Johnson third. In his last previous start, when call J lag much less weight. • Ion:. in Baaatll finished a bad third, with Beauty Shop heather, him off. He was in trout from the start this afternoon and outgamed Beauty Shop in the final drive. Tkc Board of Coventors of the Business Mens League today, took up the horsemens request for ; n axteaaiofl af three days here and decided cot ta have tkc raeiag fa beyond the original allotted period of thi:t days. Ike horsemen were disappointed that tie- extension was not granted. Twraty ear books were in line during the after- aaaa and all i-i port.-d a good business. Sam i.ouis dispose, i m€ Maekaaaaark to Holland Bros, this mot iiinir on prirate tenaa. After Ophelia W.s vi.tory akc was claimed bv c. Hartley tor Miller Henderson retaliated by claiming Tantivy for s.dit. Jockey Troise will accompany trainer Andy Biakely to Havre ae Rrace tomorrow. Tkc first apeeal far Leatagtoa will depart Thai a !ay. to In- fallowed by ei u Sunday, or a. apardWj as rata can be had to transport the horses.