No Outstanding Choice: Kentucky Derby At The Present Time Appears Quite An Open Race.; Something to Be Said in Praise of Many of the Candidates for Americas Premier Race--A. K. Macomber Has Strong Hand., Daily Racing Form, 1917-04-15


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NO OUTSTANDING CHOICE KENTUCKY DERBY AT THE PRESENT TIME APPEARS QUITE AN OPEN RACE. Some tiling- to Be Said in Praise of Many of the CudMatea for inMilhul Premier Race — A. K. Macember Has Stror.s Hand. By c. a. Pcigin. Lnatsi ill-. Ky., April li What arouhl yea glee " b ■ *■. ■ right now to correctly picture la yuan: minds rye the result of tke forty-third Ken to. ,v Derby, the richest stake in North Am. ri. a for three year olds, which hi ti be derided at the finish of a race ar one and one -quarter mitea over the tvorld kuown battle ground at Churchill Downa on Saturday, Maj 1_. the opening day of the New LonfarriUe Jockey Cluba annual spring meet ins 7 Of course, as Kentuckiana say. you would git* a "whole Int." ■ !• as they sa. further south, you would Vive a bean." That would Indeed be vain t:We Information. It in something that everyone h«. !- at all Interested in raring and thoroughbred horses .:at. to know. They hare wanl -.1 to "pick the winner" far in advance af the ia.. of tins race, each and every year in the long and - aorable lite tor] ol tin event, which stands out as ill.- race in America about which there i. the mosl sentiment; but this year, because of its international aspect, through the urcacmo among the xeventy sis eligibles of no kma than twentj five thai . ti bred and foaled aa foreign soil, the people ai" especially auxiona to "get a 1 1 1 1 • - on em." Pour ""ks in idvance of the race tb greatest t-tnre hi anent the probability of the success of tin- foreign bred celt. The Aaaerfa ins. of course, as a matter of sentiment, nouM all probably prefer thai there be no break In tin- auccession of victories of burses foaled In this rouatry, but there are soon-. importers principally, who would like to m oae of the Bnglish colta roane .lawn in front for the Derby, b r n of the credit it woul 1 ui.e t! •■ animals of Engl] h blood. Thua t!.. , » Utilities ..: the contest !..•« v» .■•■n Aasericaa and English -breds dp hare rmne ba rank above the rivalry of .-as; and arcst, Ui -i i re ; much being .-.:i.i on that ■core In the -ii cussion* of turf devotees. Lrut Years Wbxaex Highly E.egarded. 1 Kt y..;l| ti,o Amerl an bred George S:ni:li was highly regarded by tbe public and be won by the •■■ rowest af mandrgina from the English bred Star Hawk, whose dam was foaled in Kentucky and seal to ;h oth t aide from Ebuendorf farm. «. -• ■ Smith brought the fourth bbccbbb in sj yeara c the Bast. Star Hawk was also well considered and Ik carried tin- colora of A. K. Ifacom-ber, tbe Califomian, who, appeara likely t.» nave in hia string of sevea eUgflries tii" entry thai amy 1" ti:.- publics choice .it post time and the one thai maj win. This is North star III., a shapely ehestnul coll bj Suasrar third in the English sin- list iai year- Angelic dam of Sun Tat Inst. Angela i"t.i. a daughter of Hampton. An gelie was a winner bat Pota was not. North Star III. beaded tbe list of winning two-year-olda burl year ha England and was purchased by Mr. Macom bet fr .1. I! Joel for a big price, he at tin anane time acquiring the brawn coll ".-.r Mar. another sun of Bunstar. North Star ill. won tbe Barton .Mills Nursery in September ami in October rarried 121 Bounds, ibree-quartera in 1:1 % "n ti " grass and won tbe Middle Iai-k Plate with Malty Dea ml and Grand I-l-ct winner of 3,500 behind bam. These twa rieteriea brought North Star ill. to the top with earnings of 0,875, which Is not sa bad for war times in England and even more than was won las! year by any twa year aU in ...r;h Aaaei lea, except Campfire. An English critic after describing the nip and tuck struggle between North Star III. and Molly Desaaoad, the favorite, which he defeated by is head, said: "North stirs performancea have n vi-al.-il him the possessor of sterling figbtiag quail ti.-s. ami if looks renal fat aaythiag he is a top-notch. -r." .loin V. Schorrs Harry Kelly, with five winning races, oae f them tin- Breeders Putarity at I.--, ington. ami two arrsada, with earnings af 4,044 to his n-.-dit. i- at tke top of ti..- lis! of American eligibles to this muchly desired nrtae. Harry Kelly v.. is headstrong and highly nervous last year, hut thus f;ir this season hi- has been anriet and is taking his training in a in mm r thai mill .Mr. S.-l.o.r smile i-v.-o time on.- says Derby iii his pre acme He f.-els that be lias better than a good chance to win it. Omar Khayyam and Manistt-r Toi in Favor. So math for the leading foreiga ami American eligibles from an earning point of view, bat after them cansta the rub in .-very fellows calculations. C. K. ;. BUUags Omar Khayyam, ehesmut son of Marco Laama, must be given deep eaaaUdera-tinn. His race for the Hop. -fill Stakes, wherein he was baatea three parts of a length by the ehaaaptan Campfire. after betas ff last ami forced to run on the extreme outside the greater portion of the three -quarters, entitles him to it, were it not also known that lie has wintered well and that ho is in Banal racing condition at this time. Then there is Banana* the Englishmen Manister Toi, son of Santoi — lleriot. for which Eiuil Herz paid Qraai Hugh Browne S5.000 at Hot Springs lnst month and since has refused 0,000. Everyone who has seen this colt since his arrival here has had something in praise to say ahout him. Those who saw him in action during the winter are impressed with the idea that he has quite a chance for the Derby. Another Britisher that is training healthily is Trevisco. the son of Tredennis, and The Test, which -was purchased last September by K. I. Alexander lifter he had won the lialdoyle Paul Stakes in Ireland. Trevisco is In V. J. Youngs stahle and therefore is under the same roof that shelters Buck-horns hnlf-brothor Midway, with which J. IP. Farrish confidently expects to win. at Lexington they are saying that John rOver O. Whitlow is supremely confident he can win the race with Westy and his confidence is said to lie shared by many keen observers. If it should lie muddy everyone will have to give Waterford. the Boss and Looncy eligible, a look in. Schuyler L. Parsons, hoping to duplicate H. P. Whitneys success with Regret, has named his Koh-i-Noor. She was at the top of the list of money -earning fillies last year with ,643 to her credit. Another filly candidate for the big race is Crepuseule, daughter « f Meddler — Strike-a-Light. for which Grant Hugh Browne paid ,000 at the sale of Clarence II. Mackey. She won three races last year. Rickety, Hwfa and Tumbler are three of II. P. Whitneys four eligibles that were well up in the list of lost years money winners.

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