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A. K. MAC0MBER MOST LIBERAL NOMINATOR. Names Seventeen to the Four Stakes to Be Decided at Pimlieo Spring Meeting:. Baltimore. Md.. April 14. — A study of tl ntries for the four stakes to be run at the Pimlieo meeting ooening May 1 and continuing until May 17. shows A. K. Maeombor as the most liberal nominator. lie has sereateea named, n- v r before in the history ..f the Maryland Jo, key Club has such a liberal entry been made in the stakes. The most important of these late closing stakes is the 1ioakness. which has a venerable age. Among the owners who have made nominations for tiiis historic old fixtuf are H. P. Wbitnev. Richard T. Wilson. Mm Sanford. E. T. ZollieofTer. J. S. Tyr e. Samuel Boss. Befhert L. Pratt. Kal Parr, if. k. Kaapps meek stable. Alfred llennen Morris. A. K. Mv-omhcr. Freiieibk Johnson. W. R. Coo. Gifferd A. fo.-hran. F. Am brose Clark, apt. Edward B. Cassatt and Gran* Haah Browne. Some of the good three-year olds that are mad are Fruit Cake. Straight Forward. Kffldee, Hano-bala. Manncheii. Iriam. Corn Tassel. Bettrteger, Tumbler. Rickety, Hwfa. Sea Gall, Meteorite. Madam Curie. Tranby. Achillea, Spartacus. Sandstone II.. Sunst II.. Ultimatum. Crank, Soreerer IL. Bra ad. BeartstrtaCi Bread Winner. Gaareek, I horn Bloom. Nebraska, The Belgian II., Daddy Long Legs. The Kaaeker, Tragedy, North Star III.. War Star. Bollister, Le Cheveaae, Star Game, Star Master. Walnut Hall. Btsaga, Verdant. Sunbonnet. Kittenish. Omar Khayyam. Greek Legend. All Star. Bachelors Hope. Spear Lame. Maalstet Toi. lack Mount. W lerful. Oration. Hells Bells, .lock Beat, Mary 1owell. Triple Crown. Qeacsls, Qaeea of the Water, Soothsayer. Spearman. Robin GoedfcUoW, Ros.inne. .ban McNeil, Cachet, Baekhaard, King Herod. Cregsmeale, War Dog and Julialeoii. The Pimlieo Spring Handicap, of a mile and seventy yards, for three-year-olds ami over, is another fixture tiiat has received a most remarkable list of nominations. Some of tie good ones that have been engaged are Dodge. Boots. Kd Crump. Hank ODay. Star Hawk. The Cock. North Star III.. War Star. Hollister. Le Cheresae, Star Gizor. Star Master. Walnut Hall. Verdant. Sunb-mnet. BtsagS, Kittenish. Itaaister Toi. King Herod. Crepusculo. Sand Marsh. Bayberry Candle. ITittergold. Fen-mouse, Ultimatum. Crank. Madam Curie. Sortie. Celto, King Neptune. Trial by Jury. Borrow. Pennant. Bronio. Clapperbill, Straight Forward and Fruit Cake.