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DAVSELLON WKIE THK CRAVEN STAKES. Close. Finish Features Opening of English Racing Sc.ioon at Newmarket. London. Eaglaad, April 21. The flat racing sea son epeaiag at Kewaaarket, was attended by eatha- siistic crowd-. Conveyances of all description brought the race geCTa to the curse, the use of the railways beiag prohibited by the government. The featare race of the meeting the Craven stakes of the value of ,500 which resulted in an exciting slrngg!. only a few feet separating the first three baraea, waa run Friday and won by Sir Bedwartb nfenxa naaeeUoa, ridden by Wataaa, by a head from W. .lardines Ithona. with S;iear in the aaddl . I.. Uoihschilds St Quin. with Whulloy up was third, only a short head behind. Nine horses faced the stirtir. with Hampshire Lilly the favorite. The betting was: Dausellon. 4 to 1: Khona. 100 to 7; St. Qaaa, 7 to 1. and Hampshire Lilly. 5 to 2. Lamb-ton trained the winner. Dausellon is a brown colt by Chaucer -Tartar aad was one of the best two-year-olds in England last year.