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R. T. WILSONS FORMIDABLE STABLE. Trainer Thomas Healey Has Twenty-One in Train-ing of Which Campfire Is Star — Ten Juveniles, By Ed Cole. New York. April 21. — One of the strongest stables that will be raced in the east this year is that of R. T. Wilson, the proud owner of Campfire, a son of his good sire Olambala — Nightfall. Mr. Wilson has been a prominent member of the Jockey Club for a number of years. H-? also presides over the Saratoga Racing Association, unquestionably the greatest racing center in this country. If ever there was a man who delighted in owning a good race horse it is Mr. Wilson, but possibly not more so than his trainer Thomas Healey. It might be mentioned here that Mr. Healey has looked after the Wilson stable for many years and his ability in that department speaks for itself, by the success he has achieved and his long attachment to a stable of the importance of Mr. Wilsons. An old trainer once said, in shaking of Tom Healeys ability as a horseman: "Why Healey could train a wheelbarrow into a rubber-tired push cart if he had to do it." Bather a strong recommendation perhaps, but its forcefulness is convincing as Mr. Healey is universally acknowledged in this section to be one of the most callable trainers in the profession. During the winter months the Wilson string braved the winds and snows of Belmont 1ark, trotting, cantering and walking around the sheds. Then the time came for tliein to take a look at the outside world. Now when they parade over the track for their work, it is doubtful is there is a better-looking band of horses. Even old Tartar is going sound after a breakdown that was considered incurable last year. Whether he will retain his soundness when given a grueling task remains to lie seen. "I hope so." is all Healey says iu answer to the question of Tartars soundness continuing. "There is but one ether old horse in the stable, the four-year-obl Ormesdale. The remaining are all threes and two. " Campfire the Pride of the Stable. Naturally Campfire is the pride of the stable and with just cause. He more than paid the stable expenses last year, proving the best two-year-old out, though some believe he was fortunate in beating Hourlcss. Nevertheless, hi! won 7,735 iu stakes against Hourlcss 0,750. There is a great difference of opinion regarding the merits of these two horses and the first time they meet this year it is safe to say the interest will be pronounced by the attendance. Loth retired unqucst ionably the best pair of the younger division. Excuses were offered lor a few others, but figures and achievements are the crowning proof in such matters. T hope Campfire improves in ability as much as he has in appearance." said Mr. Healey. "If he has Hornless will not bather him much. But Hildreths bene might improve too. Anyhow, youll see a good horse go to the races when Campfire has his colors up. I have a brother to him, a two-year-old, in the stable, and if he is as good as his near relative, Mr. Wilson will have pfteaty fun beating his associates in th" two and three-year-old races. There are also four other youngsters by Olanihnla. three fillies and a colt. They may turn out good horses, too. if they are true sons and daughters of their daddy. "We cannot tell much about young horses until they have boon tried in races. Those you think will develop into great stars frequently wind up bad selling platers. Every Mf and then some wizened-looking youngster will grow into a high-class race bene. I know I have ■ fine band of horses to begin with and I hope theyll turn out well." The following is the list of the Wilson stable: Two-year-olds. Annhen. br. f. by Olambala — Madc!ic:i. Queen Margot, oh. f, by Olambala — Lady Navarre. Sabretash, h. c. by Duke of Ormonde — Kiticolla. Starwort. ch. c. by St..r Shoot — Mamie Worth. Sunrose. b. f. by Astronomer— Gonesta. Whip|M.orwill. ch. c. by Olambala— Night Call. Weeuthr— h. b. c. by Olambala- LAlouette. Bay colt by Ogden — Flora Iomona. Brown colt by Helmet -Roman Gold. Chestnut filly by Olambala — Fantasque. Thrcc-ycar-olds and Upwards. Montresor. eh. g. 7, by Monfort Madehcn. Tartar, b. f. 7, by Ogden- -Yankee Sister. Ormesdale, ch. o, 1. by Ormuiidalc -Mndrhcii. Campfire. ch. ■. .",, by Olambala — Nightfall. Corn Tassel!, br. g. 3. by Santoi Cornfield. Manobala. ch. c. 3. by Olambala Ml 1—1. Killdee, b. e. 3. by Olambala Mauviette. Maiinchen. b. g. 3. by Olambala Madchea. Briam, br. c, 3. by Iriiner Madge Ford. Silver Sandals, b. f, 3. by Ogden -Lyndall. Straight Forward, b. c. 3. by Star Shoot— Frankness.