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JAMAICAS DAILY PROCAM ANNOUNCED. Si.akj Race Almo;t Every Day, the Meeting Opening with tho Paumonok IlamUcap. By Kd Dale. New fork. May 3. The condition book for the Jamaica meeting, which licgins May Is and will inaugurate the ISM season en iiw metropolitan tricks, is oat, Tin- purses range from sroo np wards, then being few of the tower variety of offerings. Secretary Ed Wards has given little at-tentioa to claiming races, confining most ,,r bis | selling nces to the old time affain in which the winner will be s bi at public aacttoa. There is , stake for derision nearly every day, opealag with the Pansaoaok Handicap tar spriaten. The star eveat of the two in" tings i the Excelsior Handicap. !t will be ran on the opening day of tin- tecond meeting, Jaae 18, far which there an seventy-eight entries, amitai them b lag :h best handicap h rses la Use eoaatry. It. is aot beyond nn extravagaat prediction hat then will be from seventeen to twenty starten in the Excelsior and probably more. it always bring- I large and representative field when atmospheric conditions are favorable. Quite a number of hams Ut out on the gronads, headed by the John Baaford strings, ia charge of Preston Bareh. During the racing season, many of the horses entered will be brought from Belmont Park ami Aqacdact tracks, both being in close proximity. Selling Race Rule Will Be Discussod. It is probable that the subject of an earner being privileged to • liter mar ■ than Use horse la a selling race will Ik- discussal at the next meeting of the Joekej Clah stewards. Fader the new rules, ci. alining M owner to on" enr;, in a selling race was omitted. The gen ral opinion is that it ; was nn oversight, as the unseat rales woeld permit an owner entering as many hoi -es as he dc | sired. I I ■salmoilH regrets have been tendered Sclnn I -r Parsons and H. K. Kaapp an their loss through the recent fire at Belmont lark. The;,- horses can not be replaced and they feel Use loss greatly, oa ing to tin ir being enthusiastic horsemen, who race for the nmasemeat and honor of winning. It is ihsahtfal if 1OS.0M would fill the vacancies in the thoroughbred ranks. The conflagration has sent many owners to in Kuraace ouTiceu. Andrew Miller, being one of the 1 : ,t to take at papers m all his beraea, | Nearly » veryoii" hereabouts is woaaVrhag if the fire waa of incendiary origin, few entertain the thought thai the war with Germany had anything to do with it: yet then is every nana to ! •■ heve the burning of the grandstands at Bclne nt Park and the Terminal tracks was deliberate. The whole thing is a mystery, which may never be solved, notwithstanding the offer of :?10.000 reward far information.