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DEVONSHIRE FEATURE TO IIAN0VIA. E. T. Coltons Mare Defeats Good Ean-.l of Hrndi am Horse:; — large Attendance and Good Weather. WTaassr. Oat., May IS. Raaaria, caryhag th- color., of B. T. Colt ...1. won the Sandwieb Handicap ii a small but select field. Thia mare was short in her previous start and his afteraaea had to be shaken np in the stretch to gel the decision aver Behj Lyii.. which, under a change of riders, also showed to better advantage aad round the g ling more to ie r liking. There vas aaother g I attendance at the coarse, which was acceaated for through the greatly Improved weather conditions. The transportation has improved daily aad tie- specalathm has Increased . tie- racing public have obtained a Bae on the banes. Tic fields bare I" en hug" during this meet bag. all of them filling to th-- limited number ef twelve, -with the exception of the handicaps, ia Which on any eaaiat smaller fields go io ! ■„• past. The management ef the track are keeping within tie- rules of the Canadian Racing Aseociatioaa, through eliminating the numerous sprint cashes and giiug a greater majority of rani aver a distance of ground. Jockey Anderson has been set down fa tic meeting for bscompeteat riding, by the stewards. Coward Ball, champion bicycle rider, was a i-d-tar this afteraaon and .ill remain for the balance of th" meeting. William Martin Appointed Tatrol Judge. William Martin received notification this morning from Been tary Praaer of the Canadian Racing Associations of his appointment as astral judge on all tracks under th" ir jurisdiction for this year., Mr. Martin is well sjaalifled for the position, having! at different periods in his career being idtntifiedj US a jockey, owner and offiial. Cad Bryaa, one id the dire, tors ,,f the BewM Racing Aaseefalthnm, was an arrival last evening and will remain for tic meeting. I A. X. Mind received the blue prints for the pro- j posed miituel building at the Back liivr track at Montreal. The plans call for twenty-five selling machines and thirty-five cashiers, which will bei in readiness for the opening meeting in June. I A delegation, headed by John Hare, arrived from Toronto this morning. Aid. Sam. McBride and "king Hare were among the party. j Sheridan Clark racing secretary at Dorval. received ward from Montreal that the entries for tie three stakes to be run there, will average thirty-five. All tho prominent horsemen that will race through Canada have nominated. It was announced here today that It. J. Mae-1 kenzie, the prominent railroad man, had accepted j the presidency of the proposed new Thornoliffe truck at Toronto. j G. II. Keene will ship twelve horses to the Weed- | bine track at the end of this meeting, consisting principally of two and three -year-olds.