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FREE FIELD AT PIPING ROCK. Invitation Tickets Arc Distributed Among Residents of Nassau County for "Neighborhood Field." New York. May IB, — Following its usual custom the Piping Rock R::cing Association will have a free field on both of its racing days at the beautiful Locust Vi.U.v coarse. This free field is for residents of Nassau County, and in order that there will be a proper distribution of the invitations for ••Neighborhood Field." as it is known, the tickets of admission may he obtained from any of the Ib-rgymei. school superintendents. oys clubs, neighborhood associations and compani-s of the Boy Scouts. This invitation takes in the villages of den Cove, Oyster Bay, Sea Cliff. Roslyn, I/attingtown. Locust Yaliey. Westbury. East Norwich. Syosset. .loneho. Hnyvil.c, Brookville, ISreonvale, Glen Head and Woodbury. For the accommodation of these visitors, a considerable section at the southeast corner of the course is set a ide, where a perfect view of the races is had and the results of the races will be announced. A band will furnish music, there will be chairs for the ladies and a refreshment tent. "Neighborhood Field" Popular. In past seasons the "Ni igaborhoad Field" has beta tremendously popular with the natives, and with the excellent program that has been prepared for the sport this season, it is sure to be more popular than ever, for the racing dates are May 80, Decaf* ttoa Day and Saturday. June 2, two holiocy -. While the entries for the races to tie offered do not close until May SB, Racing Secretary Frank J. Bryaa haa already obtained responses from the, horsemen that assure better spori than has ever before been seen at the Locust Vally course. Sir. races are down for decision and both the steeplechasers and the fhit runners will have ample opporlunitv. when five oi the twelve races are to !»• on the flat. While the racing at Locust Valley will conflict with tin- Wcatcheater AanoclatloB meeting at Bel ■MMt Park, the latter association has framed programs for hath of the days in which no steeple chase appears. This lessens the competition for the Filling Roch Association eaters so largely to con tests through the field that it naturally attracts the hunting and steeplechase set. Probably never before have there been so many high class steeplechasers in America, thanks to the various importations, and when the entries are all in it will lie found that the best of th-m are I engaged for the Piping Back offerings.