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DEVONSHIRE PARK FORM CHART. WIN.°rV?H,eV 1,R7ID1AY Mx£VX19,17 *»»■"■"■ ***- Six... da;:-,," Racing Association. "si -Moot in;- ol i flays. Weather clear. Stewards. Martin Nathausou and W. .1. Morrison. Presiding Judge. ShoiidanTkTrk Starter aiBBBBi, Edward imi Iribe. Racing Secretary. Martin Nathanson. Lacing rtartaatjm! Chicago lime l7o~ p. in.. Indicates apprentice al lowance. ftQQQO ,,l: ,:a,!;. 4 1-2 Furlongs. Ba track record. Pane SMB. Z-vear-ahm. Maidens. T.-J7 HP"clal H ihts. _ et value to winnei4o_ec.,nil._»1t»i: third. $.-.». Iadex_ Horaee_ AWtPPSt. 4 .■ % Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Kniiv tldds Strt i|i|2;RAc,E : i: ! i tfi y, Tandg TFizlr ss lllli J*aH?i? ■ S5 ! lh M ::"k A rl-- ,! h nJowne i;;: M7t7 tippo vi vvi-i v1 ! Z : 2 S £ * HmvanKi W .1 Btanefl SIMM «7« ATTORNEY Ml IK w 112 t 7 ;. 8 V C c. lb ert HlVVt.r xstam «**5 RUTHSTATHE1I M B • B 7. s p HPklnaG Davenport tSStfm !•••«- llVi,-,-,- WMJ 7 r ■-■ !" " W A Carlli: M Hall « t.tJ8.,l DAI. A TON w BUM 10 Ml pi 1. Gausel II Q Kodw.-ll M ion S2SS1JUAOT BERGEB WB Mi t 11 111111 SoJbNK v" M i k "•atael held Ttare, 12=,. M%, U%, aw%. 56. Track fast. rtarBtaSTpare; Jaahww?" S":i""t- *** ""* sl"W; "y ":" * li",! PXm "I;" 41° K.iuivaleut booking odda- Near. -j.Kir, to MB atraight, !i.-,o to Kmi place. CS to MB ahaw- Mv Cncie held. :;..o to no place. 1«Q to log show: Simon Pure. K to 1 no show oracle, V"";" •• -v Ahe Frank Oar Beaaoe trained by .1. Polk; bred bv Estate of Mr J V Iti ■■ail . «"■ «,!■• l»-« •« 2:41 At pes, 2 minutes, start rood and slow. Won UandilT; eeaai aaaTrtM drivlag. NRAB earn with a rush when -traightened out in the homestretch, wore the leader- down •,,, was goiag away a! the , ad. MV URAC1B raced in ckwesl pursuit ami ontstaye,l SIMON IMRK Tie latter aheared a good order of speed and set a fast pace, but tired. TIPPU BAH IB was hi close .. it to the rail in the Baal sixteenth and forced to be take, np. DAL At Ton raced storrfsMy ■■BJBfllagJ. Scratched S2755 Hasty Mabel. 1,K»; :cjs;,l Uttie Menard 11 Overweights Iris T . L poaada. *A 9Q91 SBOOXD l I_lT2rT0nff,. i b-T~«7l!H«—i :«.«■--, "1 "iTTiTl7s7 MBtTTyaaat f 9 £J * £4 JL olds. Allowaacea. Net vahre to wiaaer SB; irrond. ; third, fTrl lu*. v 525" AWtPPBt % KBtrPia Jockeya tremera ■aaJyToanaTBtTl : :~;x mystic loi.i.v at MS i 1 y v V l- A CUver t; H Browae ~ Tpmihi S374B SISTER BMBLBM w MS I :i :: 3 U V B Smith G W JBteaell BglS ::-:8.,i PONCE DE LEON a a 1 M 1 I E| « | :;■ ::-• t Nolan C Baartaa 7 " S 3S87« SPRINO SONO a lto 7 10 71 fii 5" V_ A Mott K T Cotton SS S|4tB TREOWEN ws M 3 7 1 :. P V A Venters L shurely ST2 U8B78 CLASS A. w MS $ I 8 71 7 6 A Johnson O Cnpler MtvS :.-!«7H USEFUL w 104 4 s W 10 10 7- T Henry M C Moore ■■ m Z ■■ i IT PETROVNA w MS 10 5 p. 1- 4 s W Hoag .1 O Keene S2t W7B5 FRANK COLEMAN w 107 I 4 V . N V P Hopkins H Van Ry fso inn BtSSS KESTREL «IW t 1 jM 8» 8 10 1: MolesthF Farri agton £32 K Time. B414, 49i/it i;02, 1:08*5. Track fast. BBtnebj paid. Mystic Folly 4.20 straight. 17.21 place, fl.oo show; Sister F.mblem. MJlM place. gt.SU snow: tone c!e upon, . .!.. Ill show. * .. j2",T2*r"! l,,,,Ui,": .",- Jystic Folly. 10 to UK straight. 38J to 100 place. 100 to 1H show Sister Emblem, : ..., to UK! straight. 1 111 to 1K show; Ponce de I.eoa. t;r, to lOtfanow Wijin. r--Br. . by sir Archibald Seance trained by C. J. Casey: bred In England !-...■...»». by Mr J W Lavaach 1. Meat to post at 3:lf,. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MIS TIC FOI.I.l raced PETROVNA into early retirement and was shakes tin at the eiirhlh i.ost then drew away with ease. SISTEB KMl.I.KM raced well and iinished gamely. PoC| DE I EON made up ground, but came wide on the stretch turn. BPBING BONG Cioaed a gap PETBOVNA " set the eirlv pace and ipiit. »H Scratched 32878 Dr. Embree, MS. Overweight* gpring gong, ■"■ pounds: Paeftd, L: Kestrel. 4. OOQOk TMIKI RACE 3-4 Mile. Oct. :;i. Si* 1:1- l-!io.i Purse svtMi. :?-vcar olds and *f dg * and and upward. laiming. Net value to winner s.".KI: second. slL.".; third. .".. l"1 « Haraea AWl PPBt % % % 8tr Fja jockeya _Oarnera K.pih. odds strt : ZW BIRD MAN WB C 114 1. 1 1- 1- 11 !• a Claver J B Dana ~ Ba-MI ::•,•;:• POPPEE w4MI I B 3 3 3« 3 A JohnsoaC Polk 11:11100 12414»=THIRTY SEVEN w 4 los 2 4 9 ::• :: 3» W MclnreE J Ramnu 47;-K 32701 ALEX GETS w4 11- 1 I 7- 4 41 4 W A CarilW II Fixer S S S2832 CAUL wa 4 11311 2 1; 1, :,. r. K Hopkins W Waterman IMM 1M itSBSl PLAUDITO wn 4 112 7 M M 7 S 0" A Mott E T Colton • ■•■• i-S 3C8AS*YACA a 1 101 3M 13 13 7 7s F Baker O Toggle 3M» Ma S2S88*BANK HILL wu I Ml n 7 s- s1 V s H Bobd H It Dalley ffTT ITT .•J.-.Ki INGOT wllos I :; 4 f.l ! a C, Moles the .I Hrockniiller G0-100 30840 SIR ARTHUR wb « M» S 11 11 9* M* 10- B PrescottT Fowler t M8S2=OLDSMOBILE WB 7 110 4 S H M| U tt« H Taplm W M Cain 1310-100 :.:i.SG PLEASE WELLES w«MSM :» B 11 11 1- T Nolan R P Dodaoa « .Mutu.l leld. Time. 24. 49-5. IM%. Track fast. sl mataels paid. Bird Man. . ;7.7o atraight, .si. 10 place. s:Mti show: Paaaea M.7B Mace $" l» ahaw Thirty Seven. 5.40 show. i:iui alent 1 king odds Bird Man. 288 to IPO straight. lLO to KM place. 00 to KM show Ponnee :is."i to 100 place. MR to 100 diow; Thirty Seven. 70 to KM show. * Wiaaer Ph. t-r. b. Marti Santa Whisk Broom train. -d by V. C. Jones: bred bv Mr K 1: P.ridlevl Went to lost at .!.;::. At » * l" minutes. Start road and alow. Won easily; second and third drivlag. B1BD MAN. showing sadden improvement and rarias. to his trae form, took the lead at the end and. drawiag away steadily, won in a canter. POPPKB raced in closest pursuit ill the way and finished gamely. THIBT1 SEVEN ran weU, but was tiring at the end. ALEX GETZ was on the inside throueh-out am! mart hampered. GAKL and PLAI DITO ran weU. Scratched i::.iii7Cliiiiisy Kate, in.; 32831*11. A. Jones. HO; 32851 Boaemary, Kis. Ofc lO* FOI Kill IIACF. 3-4 Mile. Oct. 31, MM 1:12— 2— W. Kiwanis Handicap. ParM O dal *J are O i.iiiMi. :;. ear olds and anward. Net vahre to aiaaier STSO; second, 17.-,; third, iadexT Ilorses_ A WtPPSti C- ■-, Str Fin Jockeys ""owners Ei|iiiv. Odds W7t 32881 SKILES KNOB a?S~M5 3 1 1" I V- 11 A Claver W Feochter 400-100 ::•.•!!» TIAJAN a 1 ; s 4 1 41 .v 3* 31 ; ScherrerC a Da vies UtS-aW 32881 *PAN ZARETA WB 7 1M • • ••- l"k 4 .".- A Molt B T Collon ]K -loO r 82881 ETRUSCAN WB • 1M •". •" -" S- .A 4 K Smith B G Viveil TBI Mt :i.y.:i:i FILIGREE wi • : 1 :: ::■ 31 :.- :.- A JohasonG W .1 Ihjaacll Ma-Mi .IiTtiO MANGANESE w I los 2 3 i; 0 1; r Nolan C Baxtoa M0S-M0 Time. 234i, 45, 1:13. Track fast. Sl mataela paid. Skiles Knob. 0.00 straight. .10 place. .00 show; Tiajan, S7..S0 place iSS SO show: Pan Zareta. SUM show. Eqaivaleal baakiaaj odds BkBea Knob. 400 to Kmi atraight, 105 to KM place, 4." to KM show; Tiajan 26S to loo place. 1,0 to KM show: Pan Zareta. 40 to KMI show. Winner Ch. g. by ilurst Park Felicity Murrat trained by T. Iroetor: bred by Mr. J. S McCul-loagh. Meat to post at 4:12. At post J minutes. Start good and slow. W lriving: second and third the same. SKILLS KNOB set a fast pace, saved ground on all turns and hung on gamely at the linisli. TIAJAN was slmt oil on the stretch turn, but came through fast on the inside and was wearing the winner down. PAN ZAKF.TA began slowly and moved up on the backstretch. but seemingly tired under her weight. ETBI SCAN raced in closest pursuit to the last eighth and gave way. Scratched 33881 Pesky. MB Overweights Manganese. pounds. 3*J_kfcl/| PIFTH LACK 1 Mile. Nov.:;. MM l.T.., 8— MB. Purse SSM. 3 year-olds and djj * and TC upward. Claiming. Net v. line to winner 100; second. 2S; third. ."i. nd»;x 1 lorrea A Wt 1*1* St 4 ■-, Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Bmriv! Odds Strt 88BB4»BOGrABT w S 111 7 I • 7i V 3** r»k A Mott N M MikTl TftMOO S2SS81 EUTERPE w 7 Mi M ■ V ". V lh V ■ Smith B Hanlev MMM ai«8: FROSTS face w fi Wt 3 ! lir- l- S« I4w Doyhs .1 11 Maady KKio-ioo S2852 L1KKA wi M I :» oi «" 71 • 4 A Claver J Lowcnateia 700-100 SBB1S PONTB3FRACT wu I M til 7» !f S1 71 : L N Burger J M Hooker fl-lOD 32882 Mi.NHA atM • I 4 I | a 4 »;- Q Loaaaa .1 a strode IMa-Me SSS84 TEEVL8I wu 4 M 1 1 _" I* 4". iii 7- c, Corey W M MUtel 5:i -l00 328 IS PAYMASTER w 4 114 .1 10 loj. si ;ii s s- K, Taplin W .1 Mailman MK-MO 3»8:. MISS WATERS w •. M f. 4 ! 10- M* KJ. !li G MolesthA C Mot afferty 18ir -100 88887 RUT OAKWOOO wu.ilosn I :: :.i 3* M* M* F HopkiaaH Snannon :i3S0-loi 88888 Moss h»X w J ill 3 1 11 11 11 II 11 A JohasoaW C Weant f t.Miituel field. Time. 2425, 49%, 1:16, l:43«i- Track fast. $ mataela paid. Bogart, fS.20 straight. .30 place. .:i show; Eater pe, $.."0 place, $."..30 show: Frosty Face. .40 show. Bqaivaleat booking adds— Bogart. 100 to 100 straight. ]1." to 100 place. 05 to 100 show; Euterpe °35 to 100 place, 10T to KM show; Frosty Face. 278 to KM show. Winner Br. g. by Bannoekbiirii Belle Ward trained by It. Chapman: bred by Mr. Barney Sehreiber. Went to jMist at 4:14. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. BOGAJTT was outpaced in the early running, but worked his way up steadily and. finishing with a rush, wore KlTLKPK down in the final sixteenth. KlTKBPL raced well on the outside, but tired when challenged. FROSTY PACK showed the most speed, but tired in the stretch. PONTKFBACT and KIRK A Iinished fast. Scratched 82881 Dartworth, 105; MR General Pickett, 10-.; 32901 Lady Mildred, 100; 3290-llHigh Horse. 105. Overweights — Minda. 2 pounds; Frosty Face, l.o. QQQQj K SIXTH RACE -1 1-8 MUes. Nov. 2. 1916— 1:52%— i— 115. Purse 00. 4 year olds Q 4g M j *J and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 25; third. 5. "index Horses AWtPPSt % V2 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 326G0 MKNLO PARK w 5 10S 2 7 71 5*" i lh ll L Gaugel II 5 Bedwell 415-100 32880 FLYING FEBT W !» 108J 7 3 M 21 ll 21 2" J Connors A Clesi 2045-100 88884 PETIT BLEU wb 5 105 4 5 6- P 6" 31 3l G MolesthS Le Duke 180-100 32483 NANNIE McDEE wb I 103 1 10 10 10 81 41 4» E Smith C N Freeman 1640-100 32882*WEYANOKE wb 7 103 6 8 81 8s 7* 5- 5- F Baker C A Davies 1000-100 32883 SPPREME w 6 105 8 2 4i 3l 4 6 6» W Doyle E K Bryson 1490-100 32856 - PRIME MOVER w 5 108 9 6 5i 41 5i 7i 7 T Nolan R Jarrett 530-100 32856 RAY O LIGHT WB 6 110 3 4 31 7- 93 8 8i G Corey R V Haymaker 925-100 [Continued on aecond page. J . . DEVONSHIRE PARK FORM CHART. [Continued from first page.] 32834 ORPERTH wn 8 10710 ! 9 V 10 9" 9= A Claver F W Coleman 2015-100 32690 LADY POWERS w 5 103 5 1 1J 1- 2 10 10 F Hopkins G L Davenport 6685-100 Time. 25, 50%, 1:17%. 1:44, 1:57 /S, Track fast. nmtnels paid. Menlo Park. 0.30 straight, .00 place, .80 show; Flying Feet. 4.30 place, .20 show: Petit Bleu. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds — Menlo Park. 415 to 100 straight. 200 to 100 place. 90 to 100 show; Firing Feet. 615 to 1H place. 260 to 1H show: Ietit Bleu. 50 to 1H show. Winner — Ch. m. by Ormondale — Busy Lass trained by J. Tigue; bred by Mr. F. D. Knight. Weal to post at 5:15. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. MENLO PARK was taken under restraint earlv. then improved her position steadilv and. coining through on the inside, finished with a rush to win in the last stride. PLYING FEET was a forward contender all the way. but tired after taking the lead and just lasted long enough to outstav PETIT RLE!. The latter raced well all the way and linished with a belated rush. NANNIE McDEE closed a big gap. LADY POWERS gait after setting the early pace. Scratched -32901 McClintock. 105. Overweights — Flying Feet. 3% pounds. Q9Q9H SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Nov. 2. 1916- 1:52%— 4— 115. Purse 00. 4-year-O — . t"7 __ O olds and upward. Claiming. Net, value to winner 00; second. 25; third. 5. lades Horses A Wt PlSt Owners i % _______ _____ Ecpiiv. Odds strt 32835 SUDORA w 4 105 :; 7 N • H 1" 1" G Moles thj C Forriss 2440-KO 32882 GIFT w S 107 7 .". 4- 4 1 1] _- W Tavlor M Goo.Ipastor :!!I75-1oO 82*64 »ACI8 w 6 107 t; :: :;- V _l ii 3* A Oarer O J Brock miller MS M6 22620 ATABOY w ."» 105 110 10 10 ] fi 4- H Smith A Charles 6M64N SZ8SS*PIN MONEY w 5 107 10 fi V 3* 4* .". 5i _ Taplin P L Short OS-MS 32883 LADY WORTHN w 4 161 I 8 71 7 3" M ». K Hopkins I Christian 4105-110 StS8S*BI__IE BAKBR w 7 110 2 9 8" V M H !■ W Onaea J B White M6-M6 32834*% AM LOCH wn 5 114 S 2 V N Ti 7 3" A Johnson C Polk SB-MS 32856 EGMONT w 5 107 4 I "i .!- 1 10 9" L Gauge] .1 P Phillips 2000 110 32836 JESSIE LOIISE vb ti 10S 5 1 1 Ink ;;•■ :;■ M W Hoag J M Hooker 855-100 Time. 25. 50s5, 1:16V -_-%, 1:56V Track fast. , mntuels paid. Zudoru, 330.80 straight. 0.10 place, 1.40 show; lift. 623.46 plate, 318.83 show; Acis. .20 show. Epiivalent hooking odds- Zudora. 2110 to 166 straight. 1205 to 100 place. 470 to KH show; lift. 1170 to km place, 366 to khi show; Acta, 186 to Kio show. Winner P.. f. by Watorltoy Star trained by R. Dirkerson: bred by Mr. James B. Haggin. Went to post at 5:16. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second ami third the same. %1IMlRA was outpaced in the early running, but was taken to the outside and. finishing fast, outstayed GIFT in the Baal drive. GIFT showed high speed in raeing into the lead and linished g.imelv. ACIS ran well. ZAMLOCH was eat off when trying to get through on the inside. JESSIE LOIISE set the pace to the stretch and quit. EGMONT retired earlv. Scratched 32905 Electric. 103.