General News Notes Of The Day., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-26


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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Ten dollar certificites of paithaaall— ha to-Liberty L an arc to ! • bmaed at once. aeeardhaB t. a ion made by the federal Ites. rve Bank of Chicago, in charge of floating the |7,B8B.BB8BB8 war loan in this district. The certificate will be put on -ale at the departni at store-, the postoffiee and banks. Five .f the certificates, ai 1 ardlaB M the pl-ia. will ! :• exchangeable for a S.".D liberty loan bond, the purpose ..f the certificates aeiag t.. per in it those who cannot purchase a bond outright to buy one on the installment plan. Liberty Bonds are nontaxable. If your city, county or state taxes are three mills on the dollar. I a not unusual tax. these bonds are equivalent to ordinary corporate Im.ihIs or other investments bear - j ins r.L. per cent. In addition, no federal tax. which | war conditions may later make necessary, wiil affect these bonds. The only tax these lioiels are ■abject to is the inheritance tax. which applies to all property of all kinds whatsoever. One especial advantage ,.f the Liberty Bonds no other Ik. ml-, national, state, municipal or corporate, have is that if the Inited States afcariag the continuance of this war shall issue other bonds at a higher rami of interest, the holders of them Liberty Bonds have the rijrht to exchange their Liberty Bonds fat bonds bearing the higher rate of interest, dollar for dollar. A London dispatch of yesterday says: The succe-s in the campaign ■gainst submarines has resulted in a distinct improvement in our food situation, said Lloyd George in the House of Commons today. The premier said more effective blows against fubmarines had been dealt in the last three weeks than in anj* period of the war. In a proclamation to the American people. President AVilson yesterday designated the week ending June 25 as Red Cross week, and urged that during the period generous gifts lie made to assist the organization in properly caring for the armed forces of the nation, and the administration of relief. Discouraging reports come from Petrograd saying that the agrarian disorders, wholesale i-onf iscation of property, incendiarism and other dangerous symptoms of anarchy which followed the overthrow of the old authority in many important industrial centers and agricultural districts of central and southern Russia are becoming more serious. The funds to prosecute the war should come from the men and women of the nation at large, not from only certain classes. The support of the Liberty Loan of 1917 must lie universal. — R. W. Woollev, Director of Publicity Liberty Loan of 1917. Liberty Loan information is being disseminated in thirty-three languages in approximately 1,600 papers, reaching over 12,000,000 people.

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Local Identifier: drf1917052601_8_1
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