Telegraphic Form., Daily Racing Form, 1917-05-31

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TELEtiltAriUC FORM. The horses which seem best in Thursdays races nre: Douglas Park Louisville. Ky.. M.iy 30. 1- Charley Nolte, Little Bollo, Laggard. 2 Bastes, sisier Susie. Brian, 3 Palatable, MUbrey, Blue Cap. 4— SLEETH, Wadsworths Last, Bedtead. 8— Violet Beanie, Silk Lady, Robert L Owe*. C— Irish Gentleman. White Crowe, Willi.. 7 — Harry Bardm r, Seed Counsel, OeL Marchaaoat. J. L. Deiuusej. Observer Douglas Tark Handicap. 1— Cruelty. Laggard, Charley Nelte, Dickie W. 2 — Brian, Sister Susie. Hasty Cora, Resists. B— PALATABLE, James ;., Blue Cap, Running Queen. 4— Sl-etli. Bedtead, Wad-worths Last. Mary II. 5-Silk Maid. Violet Bonnie, BrsSSB Peddler, Kirs-ties Cub. 6 — White Crown, Irish ;entleman, Wilblo. Scrutineer. 7 — Harry Gardner, So[ihia Bateweed, Good Counsel, Lindeuthal. Belmont Park, N. Y.. May 30. 1 — Woodthrusli, Beattego, I.iganini. 2— Ballybay. Abdea, Eeltwood 3 — Itegret. Wistful. Yankee Witch. 4-— It. T. Wilson entry, Quarts, Ft liciilad. 6— SKEPTIC. Al M. l»i«k. Brooklyn. 8— Suaftesh II., Biversi.le. F. J. Orttll. Observers Belmont P?rk Handicap. 1 — Sauting". Woo.lthrush. Dteathea, AUeea O. 2 lleshach, Ballybay, Abdoa, Handranateg. 8 — BBGBET, Scarlet Oaks, Palry Wand, Saakee W tll. 4— Straight Forward. Gloomy Cos. Killdoe, Quarts. 5— Al M. Dick, Skeotic, Keatacky Boy, Flitter gold, fi— Sunflash II., Biversi.le. Bladen, Saatli. Dorval Park Montreal. Cue.. May 30. 1 tasty Filet n. BUI Livingston, Prsdaeer. 2 Bats and Stars. Jerry, Farly Sight. I— CAPTAIN B., Corn Bresea, Last Spark. 4 — S.-mtls of Pleasure. GoUrresI Bey, Christie. 8— Bank Hill. Prim rv. The Basyhsdy. 0 — Perseus, Ftlith I.aumann. Gateway. 7— Colonel Matt. Fenroek, Alliena. T. K. Lynch. Observers Dorval Park Handicap. 1— Pill Livingston, Lady Fileen, Producer, Sam Pickett. II — Encore, Maznik. Nellie P.., Borax. 3— Corn P.i-ooin, Gartley, laaheUe II . Last Spark. 4— BANDS OF pl.KASlRE, Geedcrest Boy, Christie, Sky Pilot. 5 — Tom Caro. Bejel Meteor, Prim Harry, The Busybody. B— Gateway, Craakte, Etiith Banansna, Perseus. 7— Colonel .Matt, Alhena, Feather Duster, Stone-henge.

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Local Identifier: drf1917053101_2_2
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