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I10URLESS WINS CANTERING DEFEATS HIS TWO OPPONENTS IN THE BELMONT STAKES WITHOUT BEING EXTENDED. Wistful Victorious in the Coaching Club Handicap in a Close and Exciting Finish with Battbj — Wollerton Gains a. Now Owner. N-w York. June If,. Clipping the track record by one fifth of a second and simply plaving with Ins opponents for the entire mile and three-eighths Vug isi Belmonts Boarbsn galloped borne winner or the Belmont stakes, the feature of the Hand, day of the spring meeting .,t the beaatifal Nassau County course, it was Boarleaa from the rise of the barrier to the end. and not at any time was tia- leadership of th.- Belmont coll even questioned Batwell permitted him to gallop along in front lor the first mile and a aaarter of the jouniev around tie- winding Belmont coarse ami. not aatil in the final eighth, did lie really call on him. Then the French racer fairly flew ami drew out to win ■ by lea lengths from H. ii. Bewitti Skeptic. Wonderful, th- only other starter, was beaten off for second place by fatty a sixteenth of a mil-. Tin: victory ..f I he s,,M of Negofol stamps him unde-oiablj the champi hi of the Eastern three-year-olda, and ii is most doubtful if there is ins eajaul in the country. While the official time hung out was 2:17%. In- was timed privately by several horsemen in 2:17. la.- Bi lint. nt Stakes dates back to 1887 anil its h. torj in tabulated form since lixt:, follows: v.... Winner. wt. lackey. Val Time. Mm.. Tanya 11*1 HUdebrnd 7._lu :m s 1806 Burgomaster ....lLti l.vne 22,788 -j-jo C» 7 Peter Can llii Mountain . Ul.Tti.". •• lPiis il.lin 128 Natter -" 785 ** ID09 Joe Maddea 128 K. Dagaa.. 24,50 2:21% lllti Sweep 128 Batwell ... 8,788 2:22 1013 Priace Bugeae ..1UB Troxler . 2,825 2*18 l!"l 1-ul.i McLnke ...128 M. Buxton. 3.025 2:20 CM.", the Finn liii c. Byrne. 1,825 2:18% 1916 Friar Bock 128 !■:. Rnynes. 4,108 2:23 1817 Boarieaa 128 J. Butwell. 8,888 2:17% Bun a: Jeraant Bark prior to 18881, Bun at Morris Park from ls »i to 1885. Bun at 1 1 1 miles bj lOOl i.:d 1005. "Nil time taken. No racing in 1911 and 1912. Bic I"ield in Cor.ching Club Handicap. The companion feature of the afternoons sport. the Coaching club Handicap, brought a big field of three-year old misses to the barrier and resulted in a driving victory for James Butlers Wistful, which was on; to the last ounce to defeat I. A. Clarks Battle, with C. I . Widenera The Banshee II. a beat ti off third, anil the others of the field strung out tor over a sixteenth of a mile. Tin- start was • i 1 i "U" and the eli veil contestants left the barrier in straggling order, with .lulial on. Golden Bod an.; Star Maid practically left. Yankee Witch quickly das. id! to the front and s.-t a sizzling pace for the first three aaarters, with The Banshee II in cloaesl attendance. At this -tag she was through and as the field swung into the straightaway Wistful : nt! Battle, after always being well up, dashed to tin- front to fight ii out for stellar honors. It eras a long, hard dael all tin gh the last quarter anil right at the end Wistful proved gamest. though forced to give her best to withstand the Clark filly. Yankee Witch anit badly after going three -quarters. The Glen Bidtll • Farm has purchased the fencer Wolfertoa from Thus. Hitchcock. W. Travels bid up Xyl.n. winner of the first ruee, to 12.088. an advaace of si.imio over his entered price. The gray horse was bought in by the stable tor tin- cast. unary 85 advance. W. Travers parchased at private sale this morning the three-year old Master McGrath from J. O. Talbot t Willis Sharpe Kibner has shipped back to hJa Binghnmpton farm Hatbor, Attumear, Smagene and .loins. They will be turned out !cr lee summer.