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LIBERTY LOAN WINS AGAIN PROVES THE EASIEST OF VICTORS IN THE LATONIA DERBY WITH CUDGEL SECOND. Record Attendance Views the Running- of the Big Race and Speculation Is Heavy — George J. Long Scores Twice with Amelia and Ocean Sweep. Lnttmiu, Ky., June 18. By far the largest OMN that has ever visited tin [.: toiii.-t truck m on band to view the running of the thirty- fifth Derby. in Hi.- throng .Mil- many from distant points ami many first timers mi ■ race track. Their interest in the aport and attending incidents wax pronounced. The local attendance, particularly the clubhouse contingent, was far in enws of thai present aa aaj for aii1 1 occasion. The crowd began reachiag the track about 1 1 1 ; 1 1 l : i . They were mostly 1 1 r • . --• - aha lad failed to secure reaerred space aad win heal oa ■- -cartel raat . imints. Leas before tin- time art foe the boraea to go tu tin- [uist in the initial rare, every inch of tin-bit grandstand was occupied .mi the overflow cob-■tested tin- ataira aad lawns, natil it was with difficulty thai i. in- roali mow about. The infield was :il:--i a 1". . . •-! : •■ |i«i!iit. especially with the auaaeroaa owners, traiaera aad a majorit; of the regulars, who foaad this location especially adapted t.. netting .i good view of each race. Par tin- accommodation of those speculatively in- Im. il. Manager tiaciuaebiter provided seveatj aevea matael machiaes, tin iargesl aaatber thai haa ever beea operated .hi a race track in tin-, coaatrj ar « !aaada. Bixteea of the macbiae* were exclusively far aate posl Derby wageriag aad they win- coa-• t.intl.v in use. Tk-keta from the |S variety to the 80 in nomlantloa arere sold. The machiaes arere stationed at vnrlons imints and those oa the liun. oa the oatsid the betting pavillioa, relieved the coagestioa in the latter pfc wasiderably. The total of betting was greatly over any foraaer sales and established a record thai will probably toag endure. Even with the great aoaiber of auichiaea and extra facilities for wagering, there arere manj who failed t . be accommodated and wen- shad out. A. K. .Mai omiii rs reeent acqaisitioB. Liberty Loin, for which In- paid B. I". eager, £20.000 anil half hi-, earning* in tin- Lalonia Derby, nrortfa Ml. 551 net to tl.e winner, made good in tin- mile am! :: half dash la a fashkai that hit aa i i lor doubt :i to I is Mi]- riority, over those that opposed dim and stamps him as probably the lust there year old racer in this country. Lofton, who came here from New Yolk especially to ride him. rode bun perfectly ami was content to win by a maruiii of nix lengths, having the eoli eased up after overhauling Cuds i just before reaching the last eighth. Had the colt beea ridden oat, there i no question thai he would have snrpasned the track record of 2:30%, ox tab -lislied bj l!o ruor Cray in the same race in mil. following tin winner. utterly exhausted, her struggling gaately came Cadgel, tl verwhelmiag favorite, and. many lengths back, came Midway, Diainiuid and Opportunity were so far distaal at the finis:, that th.y were almost forgotten as having been among ;ln starters. Midway Victim of Faulty Ride. That Liberty Loan was greatly the heal in the raee was the universal "pinion of all the critics. Inn the raee disclosed the lanientali.e incompetency of some of the riders in ties. parts. Muriliy. in par-tieular. was a faulty btnaderer, for lie exhausted liis nioimi in an effort to overhaal Midway, which was going at a heart-breaking pace for the first mile. It left the Schorr starter utterly helpless win ii Liberty Loan, which had been under easy restraint, challenged in the last quarter, and enabled the Mac amber representative to win as his rider pleased. Midway cracked nailer his exhaustive effort before the mile was reached, but as he had no opposition for third place, he only hail to canter daring the last sixteenth to get that pertton of the purse. Todays decision .f the LatoaU Derby wna the thirty filth renewal of this great three-year old race over the real Derby mate, lis bistorj abaci 1MB is lure shown: V.-ar. Winner. Wt. lackey. Vat Tim.-. IMG The Foreman . . .111 Tit uli.l . . .$ 5,850 2:38 lilts; Sir linen 127 Troxler ... 5,085 2:36% 1887 The Abbot 114 J. Lee ... 4.410 2:40-. i.tbs Piakola 114 Minder ... 3 055 2-35-- 1808 Olambala 114 T. Bice .. 3,005 2-38 H 1010 Joe Morris 117 c. lirand.. 2,925 2:33% liill Gavemor Gray .124 T. ttice .. 3,550 2:30% 1812 free Lance 114 C Peak .. 4.250 2:31 If IS Gowell 117 Teahaa ... 5,725 2:33% 1914 John Gund 122 A. N.-vlon. 8,025 2 30-- 1915 Royal II 122 c. Gaaa .. 18,125 2 :32 1018 Dodge 122 1". Murphy.. 9.950 2:37 1917 Liberty Loan ....122 J. Lactam.. 9,950 2:99% The winner and his rider ami trainer May arere gtven a big ovation after the finish. "I had heard so niueli about Gadget that I was really beginniag to get acrvaas aboal Liberty Loans ability to land the big me*," said Mr. May after the finish, ••r.e-fare bearing New York, there was absolutely no tloubt in my mind that Liberty Loan, barring a mishap, would Im- the victor. When 1 told friends here tlmt the colt would run a mil:- in 1:37 if he hail to. many of them came hack at me with wont beat Cadgel, 1 became dubious. I am highly gratified that my judgment as to the colts ability was sound ami 1 am doubly glad that each a sportsman as A. K. Maeomber is the owner of him." Liberty Loan will be returned to New York tonight and will be accompanied by trainer May. .lot-key Loftaa will leave for Near York tomorrow. Liberty Loan is a development of these parte and was bred by It. A. Anderson. Most of his races in Kentucky last year were while a member of John Whitlows stable. He won his maiden raee on the I m tenia track under somewhat peculiar conditions. He has always been rated as a high-dass racer. The big crowd this afternoon was treated to some excellent sport, most of the finishes being of the close variety and. as many of tin- better class horses furnished the contests, enthusiasm was marked. George J. Long scored a double, his representatives, Amelit.-l and Ocean Sweep, accounting for both two-year-old races. Both were ridden by Connolly and showed excellent performances. The favorites during the afternoon to offend were Mistress Polly. Sansyming and Cudgel. The talent fared well over results of the other races. Jockey Loftaa, before departing, statetl that Dodge, North Star III. and Star Hawk will in all probability not be started this year. Their ailments are sufficiently grave to keep them on the shelf. Latonia Plant to Be Enlarged. "The immense crowd here this afternoon has convinced me of the necessity of expansion." said Manager John Hachmeister this afternoon. "I will begin planning at once to enlarge the plant. Present Indications are that the present paddock will be made over for use to the grand stand and that the ground below the paddock, will have to be converted into the paddock. The improvements will 1 include an extension of tht; grantl st.uul and betting pavilion." Mr. Haehmeister was highly elated over the results of l!17 Derby Day and had cause to be, for it marked the largtst patronage in the long history of the race. Fink and Petting, represented in the last race bv Cliff Fi. hi. claimed Waaawartha Last for 91,999. L. Bawertoa, who is latmestod with Knehelkamp in the ownership of Lucile P.. Art h Platter anil others, s u lit red a broken leg this morning. James Kverinan will train the three yar-oltls that J. W. May is intending to campaign here. C. E. Brossman. well- known as having developed the crack mare Imp, was an interested visitor at the track this afternoon. Mr. Brossman is now a prosperous farmer living in Columbus. Ohio. Work-outs this morning at Latonia were over a fast track anil the following wan among the best: Immense, st ven-eighths. 1:30-; ; Water-Fortl. half mile. 5M ;r, ; Belgian Trooper, seven-eighths. 1:34; Marion toiosby. mile. 1:45; Lindenthal. three-quarters. 1:17.-,: Viva America, half milp, 48%; Thistle Preen, three-quarters, 1:M%; Margaret E.. three-quarters. 1:18%; Ed Garrison, three-quarters. 1:18; Bradleys Choice, mile. 1:444;; Langdon, mile, 1:44; Batchler. three-eighths. 99%; Fair Orient, three-quarters. 1:21: Sir William, three-quarters, 119: Payday, three-quarters, 1:18%; Evelyn V.. half mile. ." : Ken ar aid, mile, 1:49; nmeaba, five-eighths. 1:01 "t. ; Little Bollo, five-eighths. 1:02%; Piatt, mile, 1:48%; Ycnghee. mile, 1:42%; Paramount, mile, 1:48%; Dragon Bock, five-eighths; 1:02%; Callaway, five eighths, 1:02%; Dixie Highway, five-eighths, 1:04%; Trusty, three-quarters, 1:15%; Trapper, three -quarters, 1:18%; Westy Hogan, mile, 1:41%; Thornwood. seven -eighths, 1:99%; Mac-monde, three-quarters, 1:15%; Miladi Aim, three-quarters. 1?15%; Katahdin, three-quarters. 1:15%; Nobleman, three-quarters. 1:15%; Lightfoot. mile, 1:48%; Bourbon Lass, three-tjuarters, 1:19%; Jane Btraith, half mile. 49%: Tom Jr., three -quarters, 1:18—: Alfadir, mile. 1:42%; George Duncan, five-eighths, 1:02%; Black Toney, half mile, 50; Queen Apple, three -eighths, 37%.