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WHY THE GREEN COMPANY WAS BARRED. Below is given a aeeond tabulation showing the reason why the Green Company of New York was barred from advertising in this newspaper. The Green Company advised the betting straight and place on their selections and chose the 00 tig-tire in their advertisement of results. Here is a digest of the information the tirm sent out for the racing of May 22, and the result of profit and loss on the 00 bets, straight and place, according to its advice: Facta froni Dally Raring Form harts. Horse. Track. Straight. Place. Won. Lost. Finish. ! Treasure Trove Jamaica 21-20 1-3 67 2nd C. M. Miller Jamaica 2-1 lost 7-10 200 4th Miss Krnter Jamaica scratched .... .... .... Pullux Jamaica 13 5 7-10 30 2ii Corydon lamaica 2j-l 3-.r 10 1st Totals 10 ejnj Net gain 3. Horse. Track. Strakhr. Place. Won. Lost. Finish. Jocnter Lnalarilta so. on .10 00 sth Charley Nolte Louisville 4.55 1.N5 200 7th Hen 11.1 in psen Louisville 3.95 1.50 50 .... 2nd -ppnrtuuity Louisville 3.70 .50 2nd Ebony Louisville 1.20 .45 210 5th Irish Gentleman I enisville 2.95 .80 20 250 2nd P.ringhurst Louisville scratched Totals | 70 1917.sh50 Net loss MM Advertisement l»y the Green Company. Horse. Track. Won. Lost. Corydon Jamaica 250 .... Ebony Louisville .... UN iarahera 1 areata 130 .... Hampton Dame Toronto 200 .... Totals • *0 00 Net gain S0 Western subscribers were not sent Tahahera or Hamilton Dame. Some I.oNKeN Not l «-r • iscil. These two horses were filed with Daily Racing Form, together with six others. Ban is the Toronto filing and results: Horse. Track. Straight. Place. W n. Lost. Finish. Louise Stone Toronto .25 .05 200 Bth Unseen Toronto 9.40 3.N5 200 5th Iarahera Toronto 1.30 .15 8115 W-n Crimper Toronto 45 .05 No bet 3rd Khoml Toronto 2.25 1.15 15 2nd swift Fox Tetania M .15 Ho feet 4ti» Hampton Dame Toronto 2.M .70 270 Wan Totals hB100 00 No gain or loss. Horse. Track. Straight... I lice. Won. Lost. Finish. Lady Capricious Montreal .40 $.25 05 Won S.illie ODay Montreal 5 90 1.20 20 2nd Marie OBrien Montreal 7. M 2. so 288 sth I.eyal Meteor Mi.ntreal !.:-, .30 200 5th Tactless Montreal 2.40 l.OO 200 6th D minion Park Montreal 2.15 1.05 200 Bth Ln ut. Sawyer 1 ntreal S.15 2 3 200 0th Totals , ,000 Net loss May 24 and May 25 the Creeu Ceinpanv defined its informatieii to "specials." Beading out three horses each day as fallows: May 24 Treasure Trove, Jamaica, no bet: lViirod, Louisville, fourth, less 00; Irish Gentleman, Louisville, second, laaa 870: net loss 70. May 25- Jaale A.. Jamaica, liltii. less .10; Imperator, second, less ;7; Crystal Day, Louisville., eighth, loss 00; act less 07. All six lost. If the Green Cemnanyi advice had beea followed, 8737 would have been lost aa the two sets of specials.