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MAISONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL. QUE., Wednesday, June 20, 1917.— Fourth day. Maisoaaeave Park Jockey Club. First meeting of 7 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Judge. W. V. Lyles. Starter. William Murray. Pacini; Secretary, W. W. Lvles. Pacing starts at 2:30 a, m. Cliicago time 1:30. 338G5 First Pace About 5 -8 Mile. Purse .00. 3-year-olds and Upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner, 2.7; second, $.70; third. 5. Kqaiv. odds lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. S377S*Manfred 116 1* H Chappell ;i:;:. 1M 33820* Ua in., na IKS 2?. F Baker t ISMS Dora Collins MG :.; Jt Itvan Mt-MI 333 1. *» Bit H6 4| A McClonkey t 3S« lft* First Raya let; :,- D Bloom 228MM 3.5i7!» Bon Pox 115 6» H Dennler sso inn S2S68 Meelogene 107 71 J Dennlson 47o loo 33828 Coincidence lu:t S A Hullcoat 4770-ine S381S Billetta Ma : F Hopkins 11G0-1N 337X4 Debris Kr.t P.- it Lowe MM bi 89238 Maryora 110 ll J Howard M*V1M tMatael field. Time. 1:00%. Track fast. S2 miirneis paid, Manfred field. ..70 straight, ¥.-..10 phi.-.. .s:t.-jq dhow; Baaaaaa field, ,$:..lo place. S3. 20 show: Dora Collins. .40 show. Kquivahnl booking odds Manfred field, 135 to loo straight, 155 to loo place. 80 to 100 show. Hamoaa field, 153 to loo place, ;o to loo shew: Dora Collins. 270 to 108 show. Wi r D. Hills li. g. 4. by Jack Atkiu — Fllan- gowaa trained by D. Hill; bred by Mr. T J. Clay. Went to at 2:31. At post 8 ml— ll a. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Scratched -32S8S Star Sapphire. 102. Overweights Meekareae, 2 paaada; Polachntatt. 1; Debris. 4; First Pays, 4; Maryora, ... .",3SG6 Second Pace -About 0 1-4 Furlongs. Purse 88. I year olds and upward. Claiming. Net ralae to winner. .2."«; second, 850; third. ,." . Kquiv. Odds lad. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 33683 Dr. Kendal] 117 1 C White 263 100 S3783 Louise Graea 115 V H Dennler 766-100 3378S Nan. McDee 115 ;;", .1 Dennlson 1060-100 33711 Signorette 10C 4] 1 Bloom 2710-100 33020 N.r. Waloutt 106 6 G Corey 1715 MM SS811 Prospero Sonll7 6s A McCloskey 3O2and1O0 33883 Jeannette MG 7; it Ryan 2426-100 83718 C i i 115 s» T Nolan 125-101 S3£M Jim Hatch 1n7 I J Pit/. 3X6-100 Time. l:21»s. Track fast. matuela paid. Doctor Kendall, S/.30 straight, 84.10 place, s3.3o show: Louise Green, St;. so place S4.0O show: Nannie McDee. 84.08 show. Fquialent booking odds Doctor Kendall. 20.i to loo straight. 106 to 100 place, or. to loo show: Imise Green, 2lo to loo place, 108 to loo show; Nannie McDee, loo to loo show. Winner /.. I.arnet.s eh. g. g, by Marta Santa— II. trained by Z. Parmtt: bred by Mr. S. C. Line. Weal to post at 3:07. Af post 2 minutes. Start good and sh.w. Won easily; second ami third drr, ing. Scratched- 33788 Craakie, 105. Overweights Sigaarttte, 1 psaaat, 33867 Third Bare About o 14 rnihmga Parse 8300. 3 -year .dels and upward. Claiming. Net value t.. winner, 8233; second, 0; third, 5. Kquiv. » Ids lad. Horse. wt. Kin. lackey. Straight 337S7 Suar King 117 Pit; Carey is.n.i 33783 Lyndora US : ■ G vVarren 390-100 33817 Patsy .iaek Ilii :,. v Mclntyre 761 100 " 3S811*Heroini 102 4 !• Baker 2670-100 33817 Thomas Harell7 5 1 II Dennler 266100 3381 4 : Minnie F. US 6J W Hinphy 57 100 33788 Mandrgrite W. 115 1- II Stuart 3360-108 33487 Sun Kist 117 sM1 Grand 1676-100 3378S 1!" Coining 115 9* A McCloskey 1240-100 3378! Kimberly 101 in K Hopkins 1796-100 Time. l:204s. Track fast. mntitcls paid, fhagar King. .70 straight .08 place, ..20 show: Lyndora, place. 84.40 show: Patsy Mack, .20 show. Equivalent booking odds Sugar King. IV, |a 100 straiglit. so to 100 place, 80 to 100 show; Lyndora 220 to 100 place, 120 to 100 show; Patsy" Mack, 100 to loo show. Winner O. Mussaaa br. g. 4. bv King Tamfl Bellamia trained by 0. Johnson; bred by Mr. H. T Oxnard. ;• r ni i/n 1 , wwiie, £.£., Ilf. Went to post at 3:32. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. Overweights — Heroine. 2 pounds. 33868 Fourth Pact — About 7 I Mile. Purse 00. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 277; second, $.".; third, 5. Equiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 337»0*Pau!son Id 1 H Sobel am M 33788 P. of th" Knlll 8 It Hvan luiT.pjO 337!»0 Toaatmaater 110 3* W urm.Ft TM-M8 33812 D. Dawson 10S 4 J Dennison 2115-101 33820 Satisfied list; l| i Bloom M20-M8 I 33787* May Kuennll2 C. i" Baker 7 n M8 33810 Reacae ill 7- H Waada MS6-M0 33847 Mica Girl l"". 8 ; Corev lii-iuO Time. 1:29%. Track slow. mataela paid. Paulson. .4.N» straight. JS.10 place. .80 show: Belle of tin- Kit. hen. .28 place, .00 show: Toasttuaster. a. 30 ahaar. Kquivalent tx.oking odds Paulson. 040 to 100 straight, 805 to loo place, 145 to KK show; Belle of the Kitchen. 888 to lno place, ISO to 100 show; Toaatasaster, MB t » 100 show. Winner It. Stanburys b.k. f. 4. bv Hurst Park — Isabefle D. trained by L. Christ; bred by Mr. J. S. M.Ciillough. Went to iiost at 8:84. At nasi S minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. Overweights — Mico Girl, 3 pounds; Paulson, 1; Satisfied. 1. 33869 Fifth Pace About 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner, 2."i; aerial, 850; third, 3. Fquiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight 33010 Carl Roberts M8 1« T Nolan 2846-100 33787 -Sin-g.t 1111 2| H Woods SM-MO S3784zBlighouse lit; :: A .McCloskey V, |ih| 83744* Palm Leaf lb I II Chappell 2S06-M0 33780 C..|,,rs Ki7 ."» V Hopkins 114O-M0 33780 Big Lumaz 107 l«l M Mountain 21 30 104 33781! Tse Lai 111 7 It Low- MM loo 337 11 Beaaaata lot | i Byaa 3MO-M8 Time. 1:02,. Track slow. •*2 mataela paid. Carl Roberts, 888.88 stralgkl 7.10 place, s:,.7o show: Bareget, .30 place, .70 show: Brigbouse, 82.08 show. Kqiiivalcnt booking ...Ids Carl Bob. its. 2848 to loo straight. 1258 to 100 place, isr, to 100 shew; Bareget, 118 to 108 place. 35 to loo show; Prig-house. 88 io loo show. Winner S. P.dl.s ch. g. 1. by Cen. Poberts -Janice Marian trained by C. P. Myatt; bred by Mr. B. M. Van Cordon. Went to post at 4:2... At post 8 minutes. Start - 1 and slow. Won easily; kCCand and third driving. Scratched 33002 Jejuni. 102; 83828 BthH WeBca, lo.".: 2!»".ls Aaster, 100; 38818 St. Leo. 107. Overweights Sureget, 1 pound; Calm Leaf, 3; Beaaaata, .7. 33870 Sixth Pace About 8-8 Mile. Curse $:sim. 4-year olds ami upward. Claiming. Net value to wlnaar, 25; aecoad, 0; third, .7. Equiv. Odds Ind. Herat. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straiglit. 33 104 Oakland 117 l" w Pinna Hi M8 33781 -L. Capriclouall : 2* II Chappell 1260-101 33813* Elizabeth 1 11:; :! 11 Dennler 1166-100 33588 Dartworth lir. 41 J Denniaon 1106-100 S37SODetour Ji" . It Lowe 6U0-1OI 33784 Snip ins C 1 Bloom 2265-100 33744* Frisky 110 ?: k Baker ::.;7h-iihi 33783 Rosemary M8 8 ■ Alexdra Jr 1020 100 Time. 1:02J3- Track slow. mutuels paid. Oakland. .70 straight. .88 place, .70 show; Lady C ipricioiis. .30 place, .10 si„,w. Blisabetfa I SI. 00 show. Kquivahnl booking .d.Is Oakland, 85 to 100 straight, 50 to 100 pine. ::., to 100 show: Lady Capricious, 20.". to 100 place. 10.7 to 100 show ; Elisabeth Lee, loo to loo show. Winier | Bipteyl b!k. u. 8, by Bearcatcher - Laveaa trained by P. Bipley; bred bv Mr. o. A. Biauchi. W nt lo post at 4:53. At post I minutes. Start g I and slow. Won driving; se.-oml and third the same. BliaUhtd 33851 Z.ali. 115; 88828 Quick Start, los. 33871 Beveath Baee 1 1 10 Miles. Pane 08. 3-: year-olda and upward. Claiming. Net value to uriaaer, 25; second, 0; third, .7. Kquiv. Odds Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 33785 L Worthtonlll l» B Lowe ..on 1. 1.1 33817 Bolaia ll-. :: N Taylor 860-100 33824 River King 118 :;" .1 Domlnlck 110-101 33818 Capt PredksMG I G Corey 710-100 20340 Chester Krmnl:l :.-■ E Culi.11 1646 loo 33820 :in Horn lis t; K Rvan IMS 101 33822 Lieut. Sawvetlls Pup. A M b.skey 2865 KM 33780»Kisiii. t p. ll:; p.up.K Baker 726-109 Time, 1:555. Track slow. mataela paid. Ladj Worthiagtoa, 2.00 straight. .sl place. .20 show: P.olala, 1.10 place, si. 30 show: Biver King. 82.50 show.. Bqaivaleat hooking odds Lady BTortkingtoa, ."km to loo straight, 288 to loo place. 00 to 188 show; Bolaia, 455 to 100 place, 11.7 to loo chaw; Biver King. 25 to 100 show. Winner D. Christians b. f. 4. by Magazine — Marcie trained by D. Christian; bred by Messrs. .1. D. Carr .k Bras.. Went to post, at .7:1S. At past 1 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. Scratched 33822 Freda Johnson, lit;. Overweights Chester K 1 tun, 3 pounds; Capt, Predricks, 1.