Connaught Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-22

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CONNAUGHT PARK FORM CHART. OTTAWA, ONT.. THURSDAY. JUNE 21. 1017. Connaught Park. Fifth day. Caaaamjht Park JoTkTv I [pb. Spring Meeting of 7 days. Weather dear. Steward to K. present Canadian Pacing Associations. Francis Nelson. Presiding Judge. Herman 1 onkling. Starter, .t. P. Daile. Pacing Secivlaiy . . Ndrthey. Pacing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 1:30 p. in.. Indicates apprentice allowance. 3*30 70 FIl.ST BACB 5-8 Mile. June 20. 1817— 1:01.-. 2 110. Parse 8008. 2 year olds. *J Cj I *J Maidens. Claiming. Net value to w inner .70: second, 00: third. $.70. J"_!i;5 Horses AWtlPSl 7 gj Str Fin Jockeys" Owners ~"~"F, iiiiv."7 d~ds Strt 33782 SKMiKN A w lo. t :: I] V VI 1» W Davie «, s Brodie I60-M0 33017 START RJGHT W 11418 4 3* P 2* 2« ! I as .1 S Tyree 40-100 33750 LAI DATOR w MB 5 7 t* 6 pa ji o Crump W Stockton 2N00-M0 FoX S tlH.KE w M81M . :• 4- V 4 I. Mink B P Swifl 688U 100 33825 *DIVLANtD w MS I I lo- 8| 7". 6» A JohnsonG W Wingfi.-hl 37O-100 33S25 SAINTS BRDDGE W 110 12 12 11- 10 V C! T Parlon Miras.d Stable tl3U6-100 330.72 DANDY w lis 11 !:: U U 0*71 .1 Ball H B Johnson t GERALDINB F. w MM 2 2 :•- :; A s,; .1 Dreyar K Parrar BS6O-M0 33017 LADY MOORE w NO 7 N OJ : . Ma ;» R Bstep B McBrlde MO-MO 33311 SCARF wa MR I 1 V 71 I2» M P Cooper P I. Leydecker + DALWOOD w MB I 11 •■ 8* 6" Pell.W CollhsaJ K L Raaa K16-100 33017 WlillAKA w MM I !l 12* llHl- Fell.P Powder. Arthur t 33017 LITTLK SWEBPESR w 101 ; .7 7| 12-1:: Peil.H EricknH tl Bedwell 783-M8 t.Mutuel licld. Time. 2426. 48*. l:02-»i. Track fast. mutuels paid. Semcena. $.7.00 straight, .00 place. . .70 show; Start Pight, 88.70 place. .00 shov : Laudator. .00 show. Bqaivaleat booking odds Semcemi. 1.70 to 100 straight. 88 to 100 place, 7.7 to 1H show; Start Pight. 32.7 to 100 place. 2.70 to 1oo show: Laudator. 808 to KM show. Winner P. f, by Free Lance or Sempionius— Aznocna trained bv W. Walsh; bred by Mr. Ceorge J. Loii" 1. Went to post at 2:20. At post 1 minutes Start good ami slow. Won driving: ascend and third the same. SKMCKNA raced CFItAl.DINK F. into early defeat and gamely withstood START PICHTS challenge. The latter finished gamely and was wearing the leader down. LAUDATOR finished with a rush. DALWOOD fell in the last twenty yards and W1CUAKA and LITTLK 8WKKPKK fell over him. Scratched 88701 Kittiwake. 90. Overweights Fos Choice, gjj pounds; Lady Moore. 3. t t 0 0 i SKCOND PACK About 2 Miles. Aug. 30. 19H--3:471f,— «— 110. Country Club andtyCjOJ Steeplechase Handicai. Purse 00. 4 -year-olds and upward. Net value to win- nor 00; second. 2.7; third. .7. Index Horses AWtPPSt 3 0 tt 12 Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 33703 *TROPAEOLUM s 142 :, a 1» 1 U l1 I* 3 Pussell G w ZOKKO 33758 NEW HAVEN yv S 145 4 2 2- 23 3J. 2l 21 N Prooks AV Smith CM UK 33030 RHOMB W 7 1.72 1 5 I I 8J 33 i- J Clark W Stockton 4:;7-10H :3713 BARLT LIGHT vii7 1l! I 4 8" f P 4 4 J Smith II J Pedwell M8-M0 33045 MOONLIGHT II. w 6 11.7 .7 1 4* 41 I Fell. B Bryant I 11 Uruwnc 21U-100 Time, 3:46Vi new track record. Track fast. mutuels paid, Tropaootum, .00 straight, .70 place, .00 show; New Haven, ..70 place, .10 show: Phomb. .88 show. Bqaivaleat booking odds — Tropaeolum, 2S0 to 1K straight, S.7 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; New Haven. 128 to 108 place, .7.7 to 1KI show; Phomb. 4.7 to KtO show. Winner- Ch. g, by Nasturtium— Fair Annet trained by G. Cornell; bred by Messrs. S. and A. K. Dymeat. Went to post at 2:.V . At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. TROPABOLUM was well ridden, withstood repeated challenges and held NEW HAVEN safe in the final drive. The latter moved up resolutely and finish d with a rush. RHOMB tired in the final sixteenth. MOONLICHT II. fell at the eleventh fence. QQOOT THIPD PACK 1 Mile. Aug. 20, l!li— 1 :3»% — 1—100. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-year-olds O_0_O0_A; and upward. Selling. Net value to winner .70; second. 00; third. $.70. "index Horses AWtPPSt j M, % Str Fin Jockeys Owners KijuivTbddg Strt 83703 GALA DAY w 4 114 M .7 | -» 8* V F Cooper J B Seagram B0VM8 833003 FROISSAPT w I 111 7 i 71 7i 4 3J 2s L Mink D Raymond U6O-M8 33435 WOODRUFF W 8 08 $ 8 O* 6H 51 4s 3J A Johnsoi J G Gorman MO-MS : 3796 SIR LAUNCELOT w 6 8M 5 I 1* 1* 1« 1 41 1 Lomas C Hagan 1.115-100 83045 ALBCTO w 4 99 4 3 9° 98 91" 9" 5»k H Boy Ian V Gorman 7M8-M8 ::3»27 DANDY FAY w I if. I 7 8* 2= 2J 6* 61 J Bell W Walker 2300-100 83070» •TLXngf .EDI wb 4 93 I 4 5" C" 7 6J 71 G SuthTndN It Sutherland 4.750-100 93088 EXMER vu 7 1U 1 1 V 42 : »t 71 V W Ward A T Stewart 250 KM 23827 TYRONE wb 3 9C I 2 44 32 CJ 81 9" H Ericksn.I Hendrick 7020-100 33352 DETENTION wu I M I M 10 10 10 10 10 J Drey.r C Boyle Jr 7020 100 Time. 24%, 49. 1:16, l:43/5. Track fast. mutuels paid. Gala Day, .90 straiglit, .30 place, .90 show; Froissart, fS.OO place, .20 show; Woodruff, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds-Gala Day. 195 to 100 straight, C5 to IOC place, 45 to 100 show; Froissart; 330 to 100 place, 100 to 100 show; Woodruff, 70 to 100 show. Winner— B. c, by Palatine — Court Maid H. trained by B. T. LlttlefiMd; bred by Mr. J. E. .Seagram. Went to post at 3:28. At pobt 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second aud third driv- ing. GALA DAY began slowly, hut was taken tc the outside on the far turn. then closed a big gap ami drew away into an easy lead in the ftaat eighth. FROISSAKT closed a gap and tired in the final drive. WOODKFFF finished ganielv on the inside. EXMEE was eased up when he tired. Scratched 33845 Annine. 101: 3:,M0Hld Pop. 114. OOOiO FOlUTH BACK— 3-4 Mile. Aug. 28, 1910-1:13-.-, — 3— 138. First Running Direc-OOOO tors Kandicap. S1.00O Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 05; second. »200; third. MOO Index Horses AfftfPSt ,j jj "j Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt SMM*FRUIT CAKE w :: 112 2 l Ill l- ll J Dreyer ■ T EoBfcottar 25B-1M 33791-WATER LADY W 0 US I 4 4 44 l*» •*. W Trump .1 Arthur ,loo-P 0 33801 TEA CADDY W 4 MB 5 .1 » L:T Bj 1*1 W Collins M Siva I S3883*GRAPHIC tlW l | ::» 8* 4» 4- A JohnaonThornclRYe Stable MO-MI S37SB?WAl KEAG w :: ic 4 l l 5 r. I J Ti.-n w J Pro— MB m fCouphd in betting as .]. Arthur and II. Shea tAOded start, r. Tim.-. 24. 47J. 1 :134s. Track fast. nuituels paid. Fruit .ike, .11 straight, .70 place; .1. Arthur and M. Shea entry, .40 place, no show niutu. 1- Bold. Equivalent boohing ttdtte 8lttH Cake, 255 t» 1 J0 straight. 35 to 100 place; J. Artlmr and M. Shea entry. SO to lOO pla e. Winner ,. f. by Dick Welles— Parislenne trained by W. A. Burtteehell; bred by Mr. J. K. Respess. Weal 1" peal at 4:01. At peat 2 Minute*. Start geed ami slow. Won easily; second ami third driving. rSOIT CAKE Pet a fast pace from the start aad easily woa all the way. WATER LADY gained steadily and outstayed TEA CADDY through the last eighth. The latter tired after t» Mowing the winner in desest pursuit to the stretch. GRAPHIC saved icroand on all turns and finished close up. Scratched 83784The Masquerader, 118; SST34*Baek Hay, 110; 33795-Ceito, 138; 33091 Beprehate, M8j 33500, 100. FIFTH BACE 3-4 Mile. Aug. 28, 1310- 1:13-., — 4 12S. Pttree 3380. 3-yoar-olds 3QQWQ O OO O and Bpward. Claiming. Net value to winner 3480; second. 00: third ,_ 1 _ Index Horses AWtlISt j U- % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 83833 BEAUTY SPOT wlM I 1 2» 1= l3 l» W Crump N Macfarlan- 315 KB 88831 CARDOME w 4 MP 1 4 I» 2 2" 2- T Dice P Leydecher 8K-MO 33579 EDDIE HENRY w R I 111 W 3 •!■ 4* 32 3 T Par ton D A oM-ara M2B-K3 33104 NIGHT OWL w t MB I ■ V SI 1- 43 W CoBina C Rajrawr t4Ss-K3 SM51 BABY I i A - i I w3 M S M !♦• .» 0 r, J Hell i V Brant f 33757 BIRD MAM wi: tin 3 I :. 7l r.1 ll A Johnson.! D Dunn 2M-MI :::,757 cottTUMER era tin 1 I 1*» » 8 7"« ; Lodum i* Harlan *SG Ml 33811 *COMMBXSIA wSMi I 7 M M W M W C.uilevi; Hartley CTM-MO SSOSOMIRAAflCHI aaTM I •". ::: 8* 4- !i- .1 Dreyer M Smith M4-H0 33788 VARDA 1:. ar Ml 7 I V B1 •* M W Doyle N KJtaoa t tMataH field. Time. 24. 48,,, l:M%. Track fast. S2 MUtaeht paid. Beanty Sp..t. 4.80 straight, 0 pla . P4.40 show; Cardome. .«S.40 place, show; Eddie Henry, 8880 abetr. Bqalvalent boekiag adds Beauty Spot,, to 100 straight. 190 to 108 place, 128 to 100 show; Cardome, 828 to 100 place, 20S to 100 show; Eddie Il.nry. 245 to loo she. v. Winner 1:1k. f, by The Caauaoaei Lady Bastaaaa trained by II. Bird; bred by Messrs. Farmer and llendrie. Went to poet at 1:37. At post 2 minutes. Start goo 1 and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BEA17TY SPOT forced ■ faat early pace, raced MIBAMICH1 Into retirement and drew away at the end. CARDOME s, t the -ally pace and made a game finish. EDDIE HENRY was doing his beat to oiit-•tay NIOHT OWL. The later closed a big ga BIBB MAN raa a bad race. MIRAMICHI qait. Scratched s:;::i ; Breeai Coin. 108; tSOOSt Reyboara. ios; 80888 MeUa, j7; 33101 Ihjam. lt»7; 33SL1 Miss Qayle, MM; S3651 Maaaih, ios; 88828 Garden, 114. •_ Q O Q /| BIXTH RACE--1 1-16 Miles. Jane 22, 1014 1 : !*— 4-17. Purse 8888. OOOOtc and apward. Claim lag, get value to winner MgOj aecond, 00; third, ..o. Index Horaea AvriTSt"-" jt__%BtejThl Jockeys Owners E "iuiv. Odds Strt ."37!»7 MALHEUR ar 5 101 I S 4s 4:- V V 1". D Stirling L 1 Milh-r 4J0-1.i : 37!7 PERPETUAL wi: C Ml 2 I 1 ll l1 L:t 23 W Doyle W Oberneaeer 270-MI :;:!",."..■" !OlTNTERPART wb 7 101 E : :: B" 1*1 8« ." " J Dreyer M smith 48V10I 83700 miss PAY w 4 : .. I I •; f, t; 4- 1". .1 Bell W Walker CM-M9 88781 SHRAPNEL v. m 1 102 1 1 V I* 41" a3 .V W Crump C W Campbell 2M-10I SSS88*GALAR w- I 10 4 r. :."• :.s B t; « L Mteh . K Hynea 1115-161 Tfane. 28, 50. 1:18%. 143, 1:51. Track fast. mutieis paid, MaBttur, 810.40 straight. .00 place, JBI ■haw; Perpetual, .70 place. .40 show: Counterpart. .54 show. Eqairal eat boohing odds- Malheur, 420 to 180 straight. 200 to KM place, 118 to 108 shew; Perpetual, 135 to 100 place, 7o to 100 show: Counterpart. 1l." to lot ■hour. Winner Ch. g. by St. Bhatoulan II. rTeur i«- .Mane trained by J. A. Qibaon; bred by Messrs. ,1. o. and 6. 11. Keene|. Went to ; ;it ":11. At post 5 m iimt • s. Start strangling and slow. Wen easily: second and third drivini:. If ALII El R wore the leadera down while ronnding the far turn and outstayed PERPETUAL in the stretch drive. The latter art the paee to the stretch, but tired after going seven-eighths. COUNTERPART rared fnrwardly, but tired at the end. MISS FAY was turned sideways when the barrier was sprung. SHRAPNEL quit SEVENTH BACK— 1 1-M Bandu, June 22, 1814—1:48 4 87. Purse 1917.sh00. 8-year-O 3OOOC O O *y edds and upward. Claiming. Net Talue to winner 8480; second, 00; third, 880. Index Homes A Wt lISt jj 7.- % Str Fin Jockeys Owners gnujr. Odds Strt SS7S7 BIRKA era S M8] 4 4 V Ill* 1- ll L Mink .1 Lowenatela 250-1M SS707aALSTON a I •". MO t; r, 4* :; 2 2- 2* W CoBina L B Fine 2M-1O0 :;:.S3t PAIRIA* wOIOI 2 :: B* 6| 41 ". ::4 W Crump C K Brant B7B-1M 80748* ENJOY w3 W 1 I P 4] B* B* 4". H ErichanB Luta BMB-108 3S828,tASTROI.OGER wan 8 112 :: 1 2 atp 41 r,- T Btee .! J Bgan 2S-10I SS880 T4K1TSIE ail M 5 »; ti i •. C fi .1 Bell C Beed 203O-1M tflenl out in entries as Astrology. Time-. 24s-,. 481.,. 1:18%, 1:444.-,. 1:495. Track fast. muturls paid. Birha, S7.K ■traight, .00 [dace, .00 show; Alston, 220 place, .78 show: ralrty. .20 show. BquiTatent hooking odds -Birha. 2S8 to MM straight. 100 to 100 place. 43 to 188 ■how; Alston, 00 to 188 :::. to 100 sh...: Fairly, 00 to loo show. Winmr Br. m. by Solitaire 11. tiolding trained by M. Laweaatete; bred by Mr. Adsanh P.. Spn chela. . m to post at B:38. At peal 1 Minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; ■ ad and third driving. BIRKA qaiefcly took the had and easBy held the race safe all the .. ALSTON raced aa the autaide ef the leadera to the stretch turn and was tiring at the end. FAHM.Y finished fast ami would hare !•• en -. o in a few more strides. ASTROLOGER showed speed, but quit in the butt quarter. Overweight* Birha, l1.. pounds.

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Local Identifier: drf1917062201_2_7
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