This Day Is Hamilton Derby Day.: The Probable Starters and Their Riders--Track Will Be Good if Not Fast., Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-26


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1 1 THIS DAY IS HAMILTON DERBY DAY. The Probable Starters and Their Riders— Track Will Be Good if Not Fast. Hamilton. Out.. June 25. The eleventh annual renewal of the Hamilton Derby, which will he run tomorrow afternoon, will serve as the feature race of the opening day of the spring meeting at the picturesque course. The dash is at a mile and a quarter, to which .*4.MM» has been added. Of the large nominating list, hut seven accepted the eaanfl tions. while Iron Cross II. and Waukeag are coiipleil as the W. J. Press entry and Barney Shannon and Raider as the c. s. Straus ami Riverside Stable entry. Bondage. Fruit Cake and Judge Wingfield complete the field, of those nameil to start, two are doubtful starters, namely Waukeag and Barney Shannon. the list of riders is as follows: Fruit Cake. D. Stirling; Bondage. W. Crump; Baider. I. UcDermott; Judge Winglieh!, K. Il.iynes; lion Cross II.. K. ■step. The heavy rains of yesterday Spatted the tracks conditions, hut the warm sun of tin- nasi two ilays. ana the efforts ol 11 large gang of track men will have the going in good order, although it will not be at its beat. An addition to the Derby, the Salisbury Handicap, a dash of three quarters for sprinters, has also been carded. The speediest of those stabled at the course have bet u entered for this rac and. with the other five under claiming conditions, make up a highly attractive card for Lie opening day. Tin re have been many improvements completed at the course, which mean much to the comforts of horsemen and spctators. A large, roomy paudock. containing fourteen stalls, has been completed, and .1 new secretarys office. The latter building adjoins the paddock and, in addition, having entry oil ices and the Jockeys qnarters. other facilities are provided for the officials engaged at the course. At the lose of the recent meeting at the Ottawa course, a delegation of horsemen waited upon the manage me nl and expressed their thanks on behalf of tie- Horsemens Association for the treatment they received and the manner in which Track Superintendent Wheeler kept up the track. Runes Injury Not Serious. Trainer J. Bdsrnida is satisfied this morning that the injury which ltun.s received on Saturday at Ottawa is not as serious as first thought. The stal.le arrived this morning ami Runes shipped well, although still lame. He will he rested here and shipped to Windsor to meet his engagement in the Frontier Handicap. Tin- lack of apt 1 lal race trains from Toronto and Buffalo has been •vereane by the acquisition of a special boat that will leave Toronto late In the morning, returning after the last race. The two r-gnlar trains on both roads from the east, will take care of the remainder. Jockey J. Poll, the npproiit i.-e under contract to II. Giddings, was notified this morning that his apprenticeship had expired yesterday. John Lowe arrived this morning from Devonshire. n~ did C. -I. Casey. J. D. Heard and others. Mr. Lowe purchased outright the horses that he had been training for C. W. Clark, the young California sportsman, and will remain ia Canada until the close of Windsor. Howard Oots, with a large stable, including two Derby nominees, arrived from Kentucky. Joseph Murphy of St. Louis came in from Jamaica. C. O. Smith and M. J. WolIT of Chicago arrived this morning. Two specials arrived this morning from Ottawa, with the majority of the horses that raced at that point, bringing stable room to a premium. The steeplechase, which was carded for tomorrow, was declared off dne to non filling. There is a scarcity nf timber toppers at the course. II. C. P.cilwell. who took over the horses of the Montreal sportsman J. K. L. Ross, arrived after a hurried trip to that point, where he spent the best part of the time at the farm that Mr. Boss purchased last fall. A meeting of the Canadian Racing Associations will he held in the club hell e tomorrow and the usual routine of business will be transacted. Jockey P. Lewder, who was injured at Ottawa, due to a fall, will resume riding tomorrow. Jockey li. W.-ikoff was an arrival, as was E. Hay lies from New York.

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Local Identifier: drf1917062601_1_4
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