Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1917-06-26

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Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, June 26. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. Racing starts 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 2:30. X Runs well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2 -year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. Colls and Geldings. Track record: June 7, 1909— 1:05%— 3 93. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.llan. 33910 Bracon Rock 112X728 33NSIP I ii ir 111.. 720 33832* Benefactor : 188x715 83832 Nib 112x715 38848 Lucky B 112.. 715 33*46 Ilairvoy.iiit KI9..710 33807 W. W. Baatiasa .. 188x786 33553 Bar One 112.. 70.5 33MKJ Gafl 112. .705 Fox Ri.lge. eh. e. by Toddiagtoa — idle Day 112 Packet Change, b. IE, by MeGee — Trisau.e 112 Br. Shir, eh. c. by Baglisfe Lad— Beautiful Hess . . 112 ASM eligible to start should any of the above be scratched: SBM8 Quito 112.. 710 Closely matched young racers. Second Race— 3-4 Mile. 2 -year -olds. Claiming. Track record: laae 27. Bill 1:11 5 -lit;. S38883 Mah 103 1:13% 102.725 S8KS3 I rusty 182 1:1 1 100X720 83888* Sister Lniblin ...1871:14 107x715 83744* Sedan 112 1:13 112x715 8BM8 Seaward MS 1:15 114X715 S3M00* Bd Carrisou 112 1:154 104x710 33832 .lames I! 182 1:1414 184. .718 32218* The Baroness KM 1:19", in 97. .705 33X87 Dental 102.. 705 33527 Leon.ldia 10411:15-. 1W..TSS :t:ts:.l Fashion Girl M . .103 1 :15-r, MS. .788 .",0015 Vagabond M ... 109.. 700 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: 38808 Tom Aadersoa i Mlos 1 :ic.-. MS..TM .V.i-Xi sleeper 10*1:14% 104x728 ::.3s.!l* Immense 80 1:13% 100X715 88841* J. Bataa 118 1:14 110x720 S38K7 Handsel Rose B .104 1:18 102. .700 :;:;ss7 Mat A. B 10*1:18 lo«..7oo Nothing outstanding here. Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2 -year -olds. Claiming. Track record: June 7. 1909— 1:05-.,— 3— 93. 33007 Ambuscade MS.. 720 33732 Quartette BIS.. 71 5 33728* Eastern Princess .. 109x715 33940 Butcher Bay M. 103 .710 33907 Rookwoid 105.. 710 :.:«.o7 Little R.dlo MSX710 33852 La Baine M | MS. .705 33XK6 Toni Tit M ... MB.. 705 33002 Blue Paradise MS X 705 38888* Before Pawn M 95.. 700 At or Under Jockey. P.C. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2.1. 3.1. Goose. B 22 107 757 1S4 120 132 Conn.Ilv. I 20 107 092 MS 110 111 Murphy. K 19 Kir. 10117 195 108 139 Oeatry, L M m 5.".s so 77 73 Hunt, 15 108 S37 127 121 12s Andress. W 15 110 307 51 50 19 Metcalf. 1 11 110 548 71 82 SB Kels.iy, W 14 108 514 74 S3 71 Martin. ■ 14 102 190 70 59 57 Median. W 14 10S 10S 15 14 14 Lapaille. K 13 107 49S 04 70 70 Wiagfield, R 13 93 454 M 40 5s Bray, 11 U 108 BS 7 1 8 Sharp-. R 13 101 8 1 S 1 Steams. H 12 102 531 05 M 79 Hanover. J 12 107 554 til 00 71 MeDcrniott, R. .. .12 lol 515 S3 70 00 Lilley. W 12 Hl!» 410 4S 5.. S4 Carroll. G. W 12 Hi2 223 20 23 32 Anderson. B 12 MS 22 25 27 27 Henrv. T 11 101 MS 44 80 51 Dishnion, G 11 101 330 30 40 54 33094 Walter Bant 108. .700 Warln.rse. b. g. by Itoarea t C h e r — Lizzie Oilman .. 100 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the nlx.vo be scratched; John Ilyner. eh. e. b y Radford — Miss Matthews . 100 3379S P.istime 105. .725 3370S Dr. Ni.koll Ml.. 103.. 700 Race ef doubtful outcome. Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. •1-year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Oct. 7. IMS 1:43-.-,— 3 122. 33010 Queen Apple 100 1:47-, » 104x725 338*2 Ratchler MS 1:47% 5 110.720 33010 Col. Mnrchniont ..109 1:46% 9 110.715 338*2 Harry Gardner ...107 1:48% I 101x710 32177* Lawrence. 08jl:4*% 5 103X710 33941 Fascinating MS 1:45-. S 111X71S 33881* Thornwood 1801:4*% 4 101X700 33728 Dick West M . . .101 1 :50-. 4 100. .095 S38M Spadix XII 102 1:49-., 4 100. .090 Queen Apple ran well last Saturday. Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Western BUB Pane. 3 year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Track record: June 27. 1914— 1:11—5— 110. 33883* Kiag Bile M.. MM. 1:13% 107..725 32*88 Amiga 112 1:13% 112x720 SS88S* Uffhtfoot M 88 1:14 107. .715 32988 Kan G 10511 :14%a 112x715 3.ts«ii Sunflasli 100 1:13% 107x710 33701 Rosewood 107 1:10 107. .705 33833 Miladi Anne 88 1:13% 107x700 king Relics Inst race was a good one. Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 4-ye;.i 01,1s ami upward, i laiming. Track recard: Oct. 7. 1910 1:43--. ". MS 83884* Howdy Howdy ... 9S 1:45% 10 108x725 33892= Liadeathal IOH 1 : is . .. 1,11 ,_o 33801* Baraarel K 9*.» 1:47% 4 101x715 338*1= Gratunere 110 1:15-. 10 110X715 33853 Biddy 107 1 :52,i 4 104 . .710 33012 Soli.i Bock 103 1:10 4 109x710 33808 Allan Cold 107 1:40% 0 110.705 33808 Cora Lane Ml ...MS 1:52 4 104. .700 33458* C.nsol.r Ill 1:1S:!5 0 108X700 33000 Sir William Ml... 5 110.. 700 llowdy Howdy may prove best here. Seventh Ract: — 1 1-1C Miles. 3-year olds and upward. Claiming. Track recard: Oct. 7. I9M 1 :4S%— 3 —122. 33889 CLARK 107 1:47--. 3 102X725 33854 Beauty Shop 95 1:40 4 102x715 33010 Zim 1111:40 8 100X715 33940= Julia L 108 1:47 4 108x715 33941* Intone 114 1:47% 5 110x715 33888* Highland Lassie... 3 92X710 33*12* John Ilurie 108 1:47% 7 100 710 :.:«lll Douglass S 100 1:401. 3 107. .710 33912 Fly Home 100 1:45% 5 1O8X710 33900 Miles Plain 3 92 .705 33858 Miss Fannie 107 1:406 5 112x705 SS8S4 unco Ml MS 1:40 3 97X000 Also eligiblo to start in order named should any of the abate be acratched; 33055 Crime S 113 1:47% 0 113x710 33912* Surpassing MS 1:47 0 101x715 Clare is a good filly and should win. LATOMA JOCKKY IKH i:TAiKS. Irom January 1, I Bit, tu June SB, I !H 7, liioluslvc. At or I nder •T-key. IVC. Wt. Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. Judy. K 11 S»J 73 8 4 12 Shillin.. II 10 107 757 118 123 97 Van Daaea, c nt MS 107 47 40 M Morys. J IS 103 288 20 M 30 Tudor. M MS 73 7 10 5 Tliurb.r. II OS 101 411 37 S3 50 Callahan. J 88 101 200 21 23 2S Fuerst. F OS 101 172 13 11 11 Ruckles, T 07 105 MS 21 37 33 Qravea, K 07 103 MS 11 27 20 Barrett, X 07 100 181 13 19 21 Taylor. W. W 07 111 lot 11 11 20 Beloist.r. J 05 1041 si 4 5 5 Plata, J 03 100 30 12 7 Shannon, 7. 03 102 35 1 1 5 Simpson, li SMI 32 0 2 1 Lunsforil. II 90 13 8 0 O Orulier, J 95 34 O II 3 Carncr. L 97 B 8 8 I Praacia, J KiO 2 o o 0 Spencer. 1" 102 IS o 11 0 Ross, C 107 2 0 0 0 FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colt- and Geldings. Special Weights. June 7. MOJO— 1:05% — 3 — 93. Index Course DlstTimeTckOdda Wt St 4 % % Str Fin Jockey* Started Order of Finish DRAGON ROCK, br. c. 2 M 112 By Trap Rock— Consuelo II. W. F. Poison. SMM Latonia 5-S l:M%faat 20f 112 4 2 3 31 3J li.shmunl2 K.Trovato. American. CKvovant MSB Latonia 8-8 l:0Z%faat 47-M IB 3 4 4 4 4*1 R Oaaae 8 Roister. Clairvovant. Benefactor MBS Doaadaa 41 f M%aaad :!S-5U2 7 4 2i 1-- B Martin 10 J. Ha re Jr.. B.B.Jnson. J. Koster :.2: !i0 Churchl 5-S l:tt%iaat 15 IIS 1 12 6* S* J Hanover 0 Br. Shaft I. Kling. Jay Bird 370 Churchl 4i f 54%fast 9 106 6 4 4" 3-i W Crump 8 C.A.Coinkev. J.Foster. St.Atiue 32777 Lexgton 4i f M%mad 46 5 113 5 7 7 79 B Martin 7 Kseoba. Herald, Korbly 32741 Lexgton 4J f S.i 10 112 4 5 41 Sf I* Lykes 12 Boy Blue, Tex Form an. Herald S268S Lexgton 4J f BSjTjfQM 15 112 3 1 52 5S1 L Lykes 8 Escoba, Boy Blue, W. P. Dabny UNAR, ch. c, 2 M 112 By McGce— Royal Una Gallaher Bros.. 33!»M Latonia 5-S 1:01 fast 12 112 4 2 2 21 ln W Andressl2 UamiltonA., L.Pncess. PinTray BENEFACTOR, b. g. 2 M 109 By The Manager— Alanarka T. C. McDowell. 8MB Latonia 5 S 1 :02 / B-6M8 fi 3 3 3 3*J E Martin 8 Bolster. Clairvoyant. Brag. Rock 3:;701 Latonia 5-S l:03/ohvy 09-SM 2 C 4 S* l" E Martin 9 Freecutter, Xib, Tanlac NIB, b. c, 2 M 112 By Ferole— Domino Whist J. W. Schorr. 33S32 Latonia 5-S 19-10 112 4 2 5 G- 57 F Murphy 8 Bolster. Clairvoyant, Benefactor 33701 Latonia 5-8 l:03,4hvy 315 112 3 3 2 L" l"J ¥ Murphy 9 Freecutter, Tanlac, Benefactor 33506 Douglas 5-8 1 Mil fast 36-5112 1 1 4 8 714 F Murphy 8 .las. Foster, ButeherBoy, LuekyB. 33357 Douglas 41 f 55%good47-10112 3 13b 3*F Murphy 11 B.B.Johnson, Clairvoyt, Pastie LUCKY B., b. c, 2 M 112 By Jim Gaffney— Viola B. 0. A. Bianchi. ::.;:i40 Latonia S-S l:M%faat 19-5 112 S 5 I C- 8*1 W Lill-y 12 KingTrovato. American. D.Rock 33506 Douglas 5-8 1:01 fast 49-5112 7 7 7 51 31U W Andress 8 Jas.Foster, But.Boy, Clairvoyant CLAIRVOYANT, b. g, 2 M 109 By Ivan the Terrible— Bewitched W. W. Darden. SMM Latonia 5-S l:01"V,fast 51-10 M 7 3 5 B 4T1C Hunt 12 KingTrovato. American. D.Rock 33M Latonia S-S l:2!-ifast M-MMS 1 1 1 1A 2= C Hunt 8 Bolster. Benefactor. Drag. Rock MM Douglas 5X1:01 fast 17-5 112 6 6 5 3* 4" D Connelly S Jas.Foster, ButeherBoy, LuekyB. 35357 Douglas 44 f M%KOOdM-SM 4 4 4" B D Connelly 11 B.B. Johnson, Xib, Pastime 33116 Churchl 5-8 l:00V3fast 171 107J S 5 7 84 S= C Hunt 9 Boniface, Jas.T.Clark, Herald 32927 Churchl 41 f 55 fast81-10f 109 10 9 101 ll16 K Lapaille 13 B. Peddler. Char.Xolte. JayBird W. W. HASTINGS, ch. g, 2 M 109 By Harrigan— Royal Lady A. L. Rogers. 33907 Latonia B-8 1:02%fast 23 IM 7 6 7 «! "i Z Shannon 12 LittleRollo. MissBonero. StriiK-s ; i732 Latonia 5-8 l:01%fsist 198 102 8 9 8 7* 611 7. ShannonlO Xepe. Butcher Roy, Great Gull 8MB Douglas 5-8 l:01%good 18 106 4 3 6 4" 4" Z Shannon 9 Br.McPawell, Desire, Honolulu 3::196 Douglas 44 f f.5%mud 97-10 lofi 5 3 4= 3"J 7. Shannon 8 Desire. Pretty Baby. Pinehurst 32927 Churchl 44 t 55 fastSl-lOf 109 4 8 8 J 910 Z Shannon 13 B. Peddler, Char.Xolte, JayBird BAR ONE. b. c, 2 M 112 By Radium— Badoura II. E. R. Bradley. 3;553 Douglas 44 f 5Hsmud 23 112 S 8 6- «» H Shilling 8 Mehaffey, Freecutter, Angeline 33474 Douglas 5-8 l:00«,-fast 48 107 5 5 4 5"1 S»« H Shilling 6 V.Aricn. J.HareJr.. B.B.Jnson 3283S Churchl 1-2 4S%fast 47-10 112 14 14 1= 144 C Kir.schmU Talmadge, B. Peddler, T. Goose GREAT GULL, b. c, 2 M 112 By Bryn Mawr— Flaming- Flamingo J. C. Rodgera. 53803 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 23 107 2 6 6 7* •"•• TJ Connelly 9 Broom Peddler, Xepe. Desire 33732 Latonia 5-8 l:01%fast 157 105 2 2 2 " 5=i F Murphy 10 Xepe, Butcher Boy, Quartette 33442 Douglas 5-8 l:01%good 55 107 9 9 8 7l 610 W Kelsay 9 Br.McDawell, Desire, Honolulu S3317 Douglas 41 f 56%mud 32 112 9 12 9* 94 C Dishmonl2 Frank Wilson, LadyG., M. Agnes First start for the following: FOX RIDGE, ch. c. 2 M 112 By Toddington— Idle Day J. S. Ward. POCKET CHANGE, b. g, 2 M 112 By McGee— Trisauce S. Weisenbach. DR. BLAIR, ch. c, 2 M 112 By English Lad— Beautiful Bess A. W. Young. Also eligible to start should any of the above be scratched: QUITO, b. c, 2 M 112 By Free Lance— Mytilene G. J. Long;. 32940 Latonia 6-8 l:01%fast 63 112 11 10 10 10s 10"i D Connelly 12 KingTrovato, American, D.Rock SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Claiming. June 27, 1914—1:11—5—110. MAB. br. f. 3 102 By Mcoiick— Dona Hamilton H. T. Batchler. 33X88 Latinia 3-11:14 fast S7-UMI 1 2 2 2J 26 N Barrett 8 High. Lassie, Matin, Bird Lore PHI DoUBtes 3-4 l:l4:,6good 0 los 8 6 7 4 4J R Goose 12 Milbrey, LadyKatbera, llns Cora 33282 Douglas S-4 LlUjinud 33 103 7 6 I 9 9" F Stevens IrnrWaar, Prizz, SafetvFirst 32866 Church 1 3-4 l:lS*4test 29-10 104 8 7 7 7* ?J F ttevens «J .lames G., B.Hampson, MayStar 32412 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 6 103 6 3 3 2h 2- F Stevens 7 M. Bacon, Waremore, P.deLeon 32362 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 11-5 107 1 2 1 1» 3!i F Stevens 9 Sat.Belle, P. c!e Leon, Dom. Park 32182 Tijuana 51 f l:09y5slow 3 107 6 2 3 2«» 3 F Stevens 7 Waremore, Sat.Belle. LadvLeona 31446 Juarez 61 f l:06%fast 4-6 98 1 1 1 Is 1» R Troise 5 Hondo, Deckhand, English Lady TRUSTY, b. g, 3 10C By Broomstick— Loyal W. Perkins. BBSS Latoate 3-4 l:13%test 39 MB. 2 2 4 55 B*1R Graves s Kinney. Arch Plotter, Redteai 33803 LatOBia 3-4 I.UKfaat 198 BR 4 I 2 21 2* ■ Graves 11 Impressive, J.Rafas, StephenK. BH Latoate 3-4 l:13*ateat 4S-6M4 9 I 7 6- P]F Murphy !» impressive, BafetyPirst Martre 23112 Churehl 3-4 1:14 fast 36-5 loo 4 12 V 3i P Lowder 15 Primero. Lingtal. Sister Sasie 32929 Cliurihl 3 4 l:14%fast 22 107 C I 5 3» V K LapaillelO Patalile. JamesG., W H lVarce 2741:. Latoate 51 f lrOSfAteat IS 1071 5 3 5 7 7" R Goose 7 Nettie Wnleutt, Money, May YV. 3P84 Latonla f.-S LOl/ 13 111 G 4 4 6* 617 L Gentry 7 Pan G., Peachie, G -o. 0 Love 27222 La to ala 5-8 1:01 Jifaat 11-5 109 3 1 1 ll l2 D ConnllvlO Rhyme, Eluebanuock, Tlie Duke 2718:. Latonia 5-S 1:01 /bfast 4 109 2 1 2 31 44J D Connllyl2 Veivet Joe, Lady Ivan, Piraeus SISTER EMBLEM, b. f, 3 107 By Ballot — Ave Marie G. W. J. Bissell. 33889 Latonia 1 l-lfi l:47%test 37 MS 111 1 2. 3* R McDott 9 Clare, Alert. Monotony 33*00 Latonia 3 4 l:13.r,fast IS MS 5 7 9 J1! PI F Murphy 11 Impressive, Trusty, J. Ratal 83633 Latoate 3 4 1:14 fast 12 Mai 4 1 1 l1 l4 K Murphy 12 SisterSusie, Benjamin, JamesG. 22921 Devshire 61 f l:0S%fast 39-6 105 3 3 3 21 2* E Smith 10 M. Folly, Pon.deLeon. Spr.Soug 22740 Lexston 3-4 1:15 teat y lo7J 2 2 4 5 52 J Howard s Battle, Mellon, Clare 83707 LaaatOM 3-4 l:13%fast 41 BR 2 7 8 8" 8" J Howard 11 Knlitan, Geo.C.Love, Trapping 29979 Latonia 51 f 1 :10»imud 21-10 io7 4 3 5 41 ,vj M P.uxton 8 Ped. Stories, Diamond. Saff.Girl 29804 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 26 108 8 7 8 8- !*• J Hanover ■ Vague, Suntlash, Latonia 29529 Church-1 i| f 1 :07M,fast 7 108 4 2 3 3* 3S1 J Kedtris 0 Mellon, Bnaaash, Signorette 29439 Church 1 51 t 1:08 mud 2S1 98 5 1 1 2 » 21 J Brown B R.Gilsev. W.H.Iearce, Ktenleh 27652 FortKrie 61 f 1:07 fast 11 106 4 3 3 4 1 7» W Obert 8 S.ivilla. fl "Ml ■Baal— . Pondage SEDAN, b. g, 3 112 By Jim Gaffney— Kitty Belle Brooks Williams Bros . MM Latoate 1-41:13 fast 9 5 ■ 1 1 1 1*131 R WiagTd T QaaRrrant, Redteai, Stephen!!. 33445 Doastea :: 4 l:13%sood43 10 119 I 1 1 1| 43* K Lapallle 7 Gayrortnne, Hig.Lad, Crempeull 3332* Doastea 3-4 l:12%mad 24 5 io» 3 13 4 4"K Lapallle 4 Opptuaity, B.Haley, Pamouat 32842 Chun hi 3 4 1 :l4; 9 2o MS l ill l1 K Lapallle • flash of Steel, TreTisco, Blaise 32764 Lexstoa 3-4 1:13 fast 17 20 112 1 111- ll K LapaillelO Peter .lav, Trevisco, Satin B«T1 Kenllwh DJ f 1:13 slop 9-20 114 1 1 1* 3s K Lapallle 7 Berthier, Swift Fox, Starter £9776 Latonia S-4 1:13%taat 1C-5 112 1 11 2i lJ K Lapallle 8 W.Hogau, Acabado, B.MeReya 2*364 Doastea El f i:oo* 4-5 113 1 11 1- 2" J Kederia Kittenish. Basil, Highland Las BMW Saratoga 3-4 l:14 r,good 10 110 2 12 85 12* F Murphy 12 CampUre. O. Khayyam, S. Master KENWARD, oh. c, 3 114 By Alveseot— Bashford Belle G. J. Long. 33946 Latonia 11 16 l:4S%fast 21 M 3 3 3 I 3 79i N Barrett !» fenshee, Julia I... Intone 3£SM Latonla 2-4 l:i:;, 22 Ml 6 4 4 71 7";; !t MaDott S S ausvniing. tlhl Miss, Saf. First 33S27 Dougrtea 1 1 :40-f.f ast 24-5111 3 111 1" 1" N Barrett 7 Clare, Bo.Uatewood, LyKatnera BOB Douglas lm70v i:44%fast 19 109 3 111 4"» 4,; D Connelly B DouglassS.. Bq.Dealer, Pearod 33066 Churehl 3-4 1:13 fast 19 MS 9 7 7 V 717 B Kleeger » Solly, Phoeion. Gallant Lad 30045 Latonia Si t 1 :09 f,slov 11-10 112 4 2 2 l1 l1 1 Connliv ! Plato, Racgedy Man. Quin 2992, Latonia B| f 45 113 1 11 2* 21, 1 Connlly 7 Pen Baalpsoa, Ouin, James G. 29615 Churehl 5-8 1:01 fast fid 113 3 6 10 10* 10» W Lillev IS Saf. Girl, Sir Wellons, M.Anne MB Churehl 5-8 l:01%fast 39 115 7 7 9 9l 918 F Murphy 10 Dr.Itarlow, J. Errant, Pad. Dear ED GARRISON, b. c, 3 104 By Ogden— Country Fraud W. Feuchter. 33*400 Latonia S-4 I:13Vandtest 71f 99 11 11 11 11 11" N Barretl 11 Inpressire, Treaty, J. Rufiis 33368 Doastea 5i f 40f lol 10 9 12 12 12** A Claver 12 Btineeler, Ophelia W., John Jr. 31394 Havana 6-8 l:04-;r.hvy 4 113 5 2 I 3* l| B Kleeger 7 Quin, Olvn 8., Narcissus 21721 Havana 61 f l:13Vr,hvy 2 110 1 IIP ], R WlnsTM 8 O. M. Crit. Macnetina. H. Flower 21071 Havana 51 t l:07%fa«t 6 99 4 I 1 1 4 .1 Dreyer 10 Two Uovals Sevlla, Eleanor S1SM Havana 3-4 1:17 mud 8 MS 2 111- l L Mink 7 Unity, Etliail Allen. Royal Tea H610 Havaaa Si f 1 : 7::.-,fast 7 10 no I 11 lJI3 L Mink 8 Hel. Daughter, B. Bahy. S.lsiley M432 Havana S f 1:07 fast 3 M2| 4 1 1 1| 2" L Mink ■ Pnity. Encore, Falls Citv 31327 Havana B] f 5 ill 4 I 1 21 4*1 L Mink 8 M. Murray, ll.Colmia, Polonium ■TiMES G., ch. g, 3 104 By Admonition — Linolin Woodman Bros.. 3X22 Latonia 3-4 1:14 teat 29 MS S I 2 2. 4si C Diahmonl2 Sia. Bmblem, S.Susie, Bentamia 33358 Douglas S-4 l:13%good 24 91 4 1 S I 81" R Winsfd S Droll. Billy Joe, Martre 33283 Doastea 8-4 l:l4-:;.imid 12 le2 S 8 8 4 r,4 N Barretl !» Palatable, BlaeCap, Coaa. Court 32992 Churehl 1 1-16 l:4Sttfast 19 92 4 2 2 7 7 7-8 F Judy 7 Int .limWakelv. Monotony 32929 Churehl 3-4 1:14-.-, last 44-5 103 9 9 8 41 314. B Kleer 10 lalatalde. Trust v. W.H.PearcC 32868 Churehl S-4 1 51 le.3 1 2 2 1*11* W llo.-if,- !• P.llanipson. P.. Williams 322.43 Qahlara 3-4 lU6%fast 20 «"7 7 5 4 t s s H Brlcksall Wat, Mllhrey, y.amora THE BARONESS, ch. f. 3 97 By Peter Quince— Lady Hope J. Livingston. 32218 Oaklwn 3-4 l:17%mud 7 MS 7 T S 71 914 " Cramp 11 N.Waleatt, Hondo. lies. Smith 32888 Oaklwn 61 t l:49%sood tk St 5 2 2 I 4JW Cramp 11 Hazelnut. Sigaorette, lies. smith 20040 Lexston Si t l.-48%fast 9-MMS 2 8 1 1* 1 F Murphy " — intn. ffhimtniir. V Tmiiin 28896 Lexstoa 6-8 1 :ii2/ 6J 112 1 111- 1- R Goose 12 L. Katie rn. Saf. Girl. Q. a Park 282.9s FortRrie 6-8 i:on.,fast 21 MS S 4 3 4* 43 R UrquhrtlO The Gadder, FoxTrot, GalaDresa 2n::..7 FortEria 5-8 l:02-;,fast 6 109 2 2 I 41 4*1 H DrqnhrtlO Coaaaeho, B. and Barry, Orlaaa 28186 Rmpire S-8 l:02"r,ood 4 105 2 11 l1 2* It Urqahrt S Kath.Gray, Lautana, StalwtVan 2T927 Empire 5-8 LOlfast 20 let 3 2 3 4- 4TJ R Urqahrt 9 GkMMn.Gus, AimeeT.. Katii.Grav 27781 Kmpire 5-8 ll%teat 30 112 4 4 5 5° 5" R Cr iuhrt 8 FairyAVaial, Hussy, StrmN.vniph DENTAL, h. f, 3 102 By Stalwart— Dentifrice W. V. Walsh. 33887 Lat.mia. 3-4 l:15%test 19-BM8 2 4 2 f.T. i;" li Stearns ! Hasty Cora, Gin. QaUl, Baf.Girl 21642 FortKrie 5.1. f 1 :09 fast 84 ill 4 4 5 5" :.10 .1 Dreyer tt Bon Otis. LuetteP., ValerieWest 37447 FortKrie 6-8 143 slow 17 MS 6 4 I l« 7SV J Dreyer 9 Incog. PanG., Queen of the Sea 27327 Ham toa S-8 l:or-;,tast f Id 115 S 4 6 8- 9*1 F Rotolnsnl2 SwiftFox, BlaeFox, BeauLMora 28849 BlueBoa. S-8 l:02-.-,slop 14 MS I 0 6 6 7J T Par* ton 7 Manokin, Bloc Fox, Great Dotty B067 Wdbine 41 f BBHteat 27-10 112 4 7 7 7*» C Joaes 8 Savilla. P.. and Barly, Lyaette 2623S Wdbine 41 f EB%aiad fid 114 9 13 12* I--1 C Jones ir. Vel. Bally, Manokin, G.Bantani 25934 Li-xton 4! f 58: .-,hvy 26-5 112 5 4 3* 38 D Connelly T Normnhega. Solveis, Diamond LEONELDIA. b. f, 3 106 Bv Alvescot— Variora P. White. 33627 Douglas 1 l:48%fast 61 98 7 7 C 8 0" : -■ il Wlngrd 7 Kenward, Clare. Boph.Gaiewood 33441 Doaglaa 3-4 l:14%sood 21 MS 7 9 9 IP 11" P Lowder 12 Mllhrey, LsdyKathern, Has. Cora 33U2 Churehl 3-4 1:14 fast 14f Phi u 13 11 Hi 11" A Claver IS Primero, Lingtal, Trusty 32988 Churehl S-4 l:13-»-fast 95 M41M M M 10 W»i F Murphy 10 Kinney, Palatable, Areli Plotter 32893 Churehl S-4 l:13**teat S3 108 8 8 8 8 7"; N Barrett 9 Gipsey George, Kinaey, Dhnitrl 29943 Keniiwh Si f l:09-f.i?ood 11-5 101 2 2 q !■* K Lapaillell Wat, Meeloseae, 29x10 Latoate 61 f 66 110 7 5 7 61 7" K Lapaillell Q. Bnaat, Arrow. Miladi Anne FASHION GIRL, ch. f, 3 M 102 Bv Bourbon Beau— Silverdeer C. Benjamin. 33864 Latonia i l-io 1 :47%test 190 90 I 6 7 7 7 7-1 P Judy 7 Prince 8.. Ply Home, right Fair 33626 Douglaa 3-4 l:13%faat 17f 103 11 11 8 91 9"« E Martin 12 BertWilUama, C.Lane. CyCoort 33013 Churehl S-4 l:lfi%slow Hf MO 11 12 12 12 12s* N Barrett 12 Msy AV., Sister Sasie. Pillows 33828 Churehl 2-4 1:13 fast 138 186 9 9 9 9 9- P Lowder » Peter Jay. Wilhite, Bister Susie 8018 Lexston Si f 1 :U%hvy 69 112 10 7 7 7J 7" L Gentry 12 K. T*mpson, Pollyanna, Zamora 29013 Lexstoa 51 f 1:10 fast fid 112 8 10 M 91 812 F Cooper 12 Bird Lore, Pollyanna, Q.aPark 38896 Lexstoa 5-8 1 :02/-.f ast fid 112 8 9 9 9 71U B Martin 12 The Baroness, L.Kaihern. S.Gin 26787 Doastea 6-8 l.-01%sood 113 I M I 81 7"1 1 Connlly 11 Fan G., Sweet Helen, MRbrey 26515 Doastea 5-8 lrOHfcteat 62 109 7 8 8 Si 6 K Martla 12 Milbrey, lanoeeat Iaea, Peaehie 26:164 Churehl 5-8 1:00 fast 122 106 9 9 9 9 9** T Hunt ■ Bated, Greeutree. Sol Gilsey VAGABOND, b. c. 3 M 109 By Migraine— English Esther W. G. King-Dodds. 33846 LatOBia Si f Loov.slow 108 112 G I 7 7- 7"; W Lilley !i Kenward. Pluto. Raggedy Man 38023 Latoate 61 t l:0S**test 122 M 7 7 7 7 L Lykea 7 Ben Hampsoa, Kenward. Quia 39M9 Latoate 61 t l:1",hvv 53 112 9 10 9 H M" B Gooat 11 Applejack, BeaHampeoa, Quin 28868 Hthorae 5J f l:o:» good 30 10:410 10 8 SJ 921 L Gangei 10 Milbrey, Burbaak, Deckhand 37837 Hthorne 6-8143 fast 59 112 1 8 8 7" 7" J McCabe 8 .lustily, Sleeper, Lveia 27580 Latonia Di f l.-QaTtxaat 123 112 9 9 9 9 92* J Drown I Paramount, Immense, Irregular Also eligible Is start in order named should any of the above be scratched: TOM ANDERSON, b. g, 3 M 108 By later Guincc— Jessie Woodson Adair and Baker. 33906 Latonla 3-4 1 :15-,fast 39 MM 9 9 S SI 6J li Goose 12 Miles Finlen. Santo. GingerQnill 33833 Latonla 3-4 l:13%teat 68 MS|S 2 2 61 W* R Goose 12 AJtiddtetoa, Bt.BeUe, Lishtfoot SLEEPER, 1,1k. g, 3 104 By Duval— Trarce Gallaher Bros.. 33833 Latonia 3 4 l:13--fast 16 MS 3 I 3 2] 4s .1 Callahan 12 A.Middleton, K.Pelle. Lishtfoot 33869 Latonia 3-4 LPS/.fast 36 99 3 2 2 6 6*1 .1 9 Impressive. Salet vFirst, Martre 32086 churehl S-4 l:15%f:ist 2 Mil 8 9 I 8 8»» W Aadress S James G., B.Hampaoa, MavStar 237:0 Lexstoa 3-4 1:13 teat 22 M8 4 4 4 of. B" A Pickens 10 Sedan. Peter Jay, Treriaea 33730 Lexstoa 1 4 l.l.Vrhvy 29 104 S 7 7 7 o10 B Kleeger 8 BtephenR., Bedland, Lamrhorne 83663 Lexston 3-4 1 :17;.hvy 81-10103 8 3 4 41 4!" B Kleeser ! Alert, Mary 1L, Laneliorne 29927 Latonia 51 f 1 :07 16 J1S 8 4 6 8 Sl: VV Andress 8 Passin-Fanev, BalUon, Phoeion 20S1S Latonia 51 f l:07"andfast 17 Ho 8 6 8 81 97i W AndresslO HigblandLad, Lytle, Pas. Fancy 292S0 Douglas 5* l:07andfast 13 115 3 3 3 7i 1Ri W Andress 8 Felieidad, V llogan, Phoeion IMMENSE, ch. f, 3. 100 By Transvaal— Senta W. Dondas. S3834 Latonia lmTOy l:4£%teat 25 108 3 3 2 4 4* 41" R mriasTId B Clare, Walter H. Pearee, Matin 3S698 Latonia 3-1 1:14 fast 13 M0 7 S ■ 9 71 it Win-ld "I J. Hufns, Pilsen. Matin 33441 Doastea S-4 104*tsood 11-6107 11 8 8 8* 7H R Wingrdl2 Milbrey, LadyKatbera, Has. Cora 23193 Doastea 3-4 l:10».,inud 13 OS 1 6 3 Ill R AVin:;ldl2 Matin. May W.. Clare 33112 Churehl 2-4 1:1. fast 15 03 10 7 6 6 0"i It WlngTdlS Primero, Limjtal, Trustv 33013 Churehl 3-4 1 :15:,f,slow 83 10 93 8 7 6 5 5" It AVint,l"dl2 May V.. Sist.T Susie. Pillows 22353 Havana 5i f » 4 96 2 2 2 2- 33 R Wingfd 8 Friendless, Borax, Bird Mau 32240 Havana 3-4 1 4 90 1 2 2 1* 21 J Gartner S Cuddlelp, HaOColumbU, Owana 1X92 Havana 51 f l:07%fast 7 90 1 6 2 1- l3 R WtaaT Ml S Sable, Zali, Little Nephew J. RUFUS, blk. c, 3 116 By Transvaal— Mary Day A L. Kirby. 32011 Latonia 3-4 1:11 fast 79 10 MS 7 fi E 31 31 C V Car* II S .John Jr.. Primero. Koiurlass S. 33880 Latoate S-4 l:13**fast 20 MB • I E 31 ::• G V Carllll ImpreasiTe.Truaty, Stephen It. 33590 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 16-5 113 4 4 4 21 1". G W Carll 0 Pilsen, Matin, Bert William! 23471 Doastea 3 4 l:13r,fast 62 loo 8 8 9 91 B«S G W Car* 1112 Kinney, Billy Joe, Donglaaa S. 32988 churehl 3-4 l:13%teat 115 lot 9 9 9 I* 9*1 G W Car" 1110 Kinney, Palatable, Arch Plotter 82894 Churehl S-4 ia3%test 52 MS 7 6 9 9 9** G W Carll S Area Plotter, Othello, Primero 32149 Oaklwn El f 1 :071igood 15 loT. 1 11 21 3"l G W Carll 7 Opjx.rtunitv. P. Sweep, W. Dun 32079 Oaklwn 3-4 1:17 slow 10 MS 6 3 5 74 !»• D Stirling 8 Fizer, Kultur, Ex-Sheriff BOM Latoate 3-4 l:14=f,fast 1S-5 110 4 2 2 61 553 F Murphy 8 Lytle, HighFndLassie, Diamond HANDSEL ROSE. b. f, 3 fM 102 Bv Handsel— Arden Rose W. S. Eranklin. 33887 Latonla 3-4 l :16%teat 90 mi I r. s s6 s - it Wingf Id B Hasty Clara, Ota. uuiii, Baf.Girl MAT A., br. f, 3 tM 106 By Filigram — Misty Light T. P. Agnew. 33887 Latoate S-4 l:16%teat 162 109 8 9 9 9 9-l E Graves V Hasty Cora, Gin. Quill, Saf.Girl THIRD RACE— 5 1-2 Furiongs. 2-year-olcls. Claiming. June 7, 1909— 1 :»."» "f,— 3— 93. AMBUSCADE, br. c, 2 108 By Sweep — Ethelberta Gallaher Bros.. 3: an, Latonia 6-8 1 :o2"f,fast 14 MS 12 12 12 11= B»l AV Aodressl2 UttleRoUo, MiaaBonero, Stripes 83733 Latoate 6-8 l:08%faat 18 HI • 6 5 - B* W AndresslO Nepe, Butcher Boy, Great Gull 28668 Latonia S-8 1 28 312 6 5 4 V l1 W Aadressll Walt.i.rady, Kale, C. Ellwanger 23469 Doastea 5-8 LOlvsfast 25 112 9 10 9 9= S11 W Andressl2 W. Dant, Pookwoo l, Pret. P.aby QUARTETTE, b. c, 2 108 By King Olympian— Lyrist J. F. Schorr. 33722 Latonia 5-8 1 :01 ifast 14 MSB 8 7 4- i;l F Kuerst M Nepe, Butcher Boy, Great Gull BSSSDoaaias 5-8 1:02 fast 31-10 I07 1 111- 1»1 F POerat B Kling, Fr.Wilson, JohnVViggins 33319 Douglas 5-8 ljBSttBUBd 15 106 5 6 6 6 8*| F Fuerst Pret.Haby, Mist.Pollv, Honolulu 33253 Doastea 6-8 69-10 102 1 11 VI 2 F Fuerst i Kling, AV.P.Dabtiv. Angeline 33147 Churehl 5-8 l:01C-,fast 37-5 108 4 3 3 41 38B Kleeger S Nepe, Honolulu. Mist. Polly 22900 Churehl 5-8 l:01%fast 6 106 4 4 5 6 6" D Connelly 6 Dr.Shafer, Kling, .lay Bird. 32927 Churehl 4i f 55 fast81-10f 112 6 2 41 47 F Fuerst 13 P. Peddler. Char.Xolte, JayBird EASTERN PRINCESS, ch. f, 2 109 By Rapid Water— Mabel Richardson G. W. J. Bissell. 32728 Latoate 41 f EQjteat CI 113 : 3 21 3- c DJahmonl2 Dam Schorr, PteTray, M. Wind 23503 Latonia 41 1 54%fast 21 112 4 4 8* 3* C Disunion " P.MeDawl, P.P...Iohnn, D.Shar 33830 Lev shire 1-2 49Vifust 21-10 117 2 4 41 412 J Howard 8 O.ofllavana, Slil.abv, Mvtiraeie 33708 Lexstoa 5-8 l:02;V,slow 23-10 110 1 1 1 21 25 J Howard 4 Honeydew, Feitation. B. Water 33723 Lexstoa 41 f 58 hvy 33-5 I10 2 I 23 ll J Howard 8 F.Cwford. H.Mabel, P.Paradise 32669 Lexgton 41 f 56 fast 19 112 2 12* 1" J Howard 10 L.Longfellow-, I.Schorr, E.Kate BUTCHER BOY, ch. c, 2 M 103 By Hurst Park — Lady Charles Ross and Loonev. 22040 Latonia 5-8 1:01 "-J ast 14-5 112 8 7 7 51 ElB McD*ottl2 KingTrovato. Ameriean. D.Uoek 33808 Latoate 5-8 1:01 fast 79 10 no 3 3 4 44 PC Dtshmoa • Proem leddler. Nepe. Desire 33732 Latoate 6-8 l.OHifast 18-5 109 3 0 3 3 23 C DudunoalO Nepe. Great Gull, Quartette 33588 Latonia 4i f 55 fast 9-5 113 3 3 P 3* K Goose 8 OlympianKing, Icfal-Baa, Azalea 33506 Douglas 5-8 1:01 fast 28 112 2 4 C 2* 2* C Disunion 8 Jas. Foster, LuekvP., Clairvoyant 3.3405 Douglas 6-8 l:00%fast 31 i »9 1 3 6 41 4"3 C Dishnionll T.Forman, Feeutter. Am.Eairle 23319 Douglas 5 8 l:021/r,mud 17 130 8 4 2 55 5;i3 J Hanov.r ti Prt t.Paby, Mist. Polly, Honolulu 32775 Ix xgton 5-8 lAHteat 23 112 5 4 5 5* 4"i C Dishmon ti St.Augustine, Kling, Jas. Foster 32730 Lexgton 4J t 67%hvy 91-10 106 6 6 6 610 W Crump i Korbly, Nepe, Jas. T. Clark ROOKWOOD, br. f, 2 105 By Contestor— Blackwitch J. S. Ward. 33907 Latonia 5-8 l:02%fast 31-SMS 6 0 2 31 ijH Stearns 12 LitUeRoIlo, MiaaBaaera, Striix-s 33738 Latorda 4i f 54%fast 37 5 100 12 9 91 9C II Slearns 12 HmaSehorr, PteTray, E.Pneess 33631 Latonia 41 f 55%fast 2 110 4 2 1J 1 II Stearns 11 Breezy, Katie Canal, Stripes 33553 DouBtea 41 f 54%mud G 109 I fi 7 7=° F Murphy 8 MehatTey, Freeetitter, Angeline 33469 Douglas 5-8 1:01 -.f ast 47-10 104 1 11 1*1 2* H Stearns IS W. Dant, PrettyPaby, Lit.ltollo 33357 Douglas 41 f 65%good 16 109 2 8 7J 1031 H Stearns 11 P.P.Johnson. Clairvoyant, Nib 33060 Churehl 41 f 64%fast 12f 112 8 5 61 52 H Stearns 12 Atalanta, Killarney, Silk Lady LITTLE ROLLO, b. c, 2 108 By Burgomaster — Quagmire K. D. Alexander. 32907 Latonia 6-8 l:02*fcjuat 17 105 11 9 3 2 11 F Murphy 13 Miss P.onero, Stripes, Rookwood BBSS Latonia 6-S l:08%teat 11 113 11 38 9 7- 5 1 J Francis 12 Pastime, K. Trovato. M. Ponero 33658 Latonia 5 -8 l:02Vifast 19-6112 2 7 7 8" 5" J Metealf 11 Ambuscade, WalterPrady, Kale 3.3469 Douglas 5-S l:01%fast 3 107 6 7 C 4 43J W Ketsay 12 W. Dant, Rookwood. Pret. Baby 33281 Douglas 5-8 l:02VLmud 69 10112 5 6 5 21 2l M Garner « B.MDawell, Laggard, DickleW. LA DAINE, br. t, 2 K 100 By Peep oDay— My Oypa J. S. Barbae. S3852 Latonia 5-8 l:01%fast 27 112 4 6 6 41 4»1 L Gentry 10 Azalea, March Wind, CrvstnlDar :; I:::: Latonia 5-S 32 103 4 6 6 6 6- F Murphy 6 Desire, Nepe, Broom Peddler * 32743 Lexstoa 41 f SSHfast 55 HO 7 6 61 54 W W TlorlO Honevdew, S. Lady, F. Ifandley 83708 Lexstoa 41 f 55«,Bfast 57-10 112 1 6 81 Ti D Connellvl I Honevdew. C. Dav, Felicitation * 32644 Lexgton 1-2 49 fast 81 HI 9 8 8* 8l« W W Tlor 11 Korbly, Enfilade. Half and Half TOM TIT, b. c, 2 M 103 By Sweep— Chicklets C. C. Van Meter. ?3SS6 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 21 112 3 3 4 E*1S*1 J Hanover 12 HamiltonA., Iuar, Lit. Princess 38868 Latonia 5-8 l:02%fast 104 112 8 2 2 2J 73 J Ilanoverll Ambuscade, WalterPrady Kale 33400 Douglas 45 r 55%fast 12r 112 8 7 81 841 C Dishmonl2 E.Hrmann. Stripes. Kremaneh 33196 Douglas 41 f 55%rnud 54 lo3 8 8 8 7" J Callahan 8 Desire, Pr.Pabv, W.W Hstinits 33111 Churehl 41 f 55 fast 91f 112 10 10 101 8"1 J Morys IB Desire. Koran Bda Herrmann 32913 Churehl 4* f 54%fast 35 I06 5 7 7" 7" C Dishmon 12 P.ofPlarney. Kling Geor Kelly 32824 Churehl 1-2 48%fast 62f 112 7 6 6* 69J A Pickens 11 J.T.Clark, Koran, War Macidue BLUE PARADISE, b. f, 2 105 By Helmet— Bandello E. R. Bradley. 33062 Latonia 6-8 124 107 4 6 5 6,u f.15 H Shilling 7 V. America, G. Queen, Oc Sweep 33557 Douglas 5-S l:01-r,inud 61 M8 2 3 6 6 103 H Shilling 10 Jas.T. Clark. T. Forman BOeata 32743 Lexgton 4J f 46-5 11i:i0 9 91 9* P Lowder 10 Honeydew, 8. Lady, P. Handler 32723 Lexgton 41 f 5S hvy 3-5 110 4 4 SJ 48 P Lowder S E.Pneess, F.Crawford, 11 Mabel 88098 Lexgton 1 2 50 mud Cl-10 112 4 3 3" l1 P Lowder 12 F.IIandley, Koran. E. Herrmann BEFORE DAWN, b. c, 2 M 95 By Mushroom Eng.— Lady Colonist Knebclkamp and Howerton. 33888 Latoate 5-Sl:01 fast S3 109 11 12 12 12 13; F Fu.-rst 12 Hamilton A., Lnar, Lit. Princess WALTER DANT, ch. c. 2 108 By Harrigan— Willie T. J. B. Goodman. 33694 Dev shire 5-8 1 :04vihvy C9-10 115 E 3 ■ Pu.up.C Gross 0 High Cost, Haseen Sincerity 33644 Devshire 41 f 55 fast 115 105 7 6 E* 3-l G Molesth 7 Afri. Arrow, Sincerity StarP.ibv 33409 Douglas 5 8 l:01%fast 22f 107 o 6 5 31 f A Claver 12 Rookwood. Pret.Paby! Lit.Kollo WARHORSE, b. g, 2 M 100 By Bearcatcher— Lizzie Gilman R. P. Brooks First start. Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above bo scratched: JOHN HYNER, ch. c, 2 M 100 By Radford— Miss Matthews H. J. Seideneck First start. PASTIME, b. g, 2 M 105 By Marathon— Europa J. B. Respess. 33798 Latonia 5-8 l:02*itest 41 115 4 4 4 2*1 1 1 L Gentry 12 K.Troreto, M.Bonem. OJaaaaa 33732 Latonia 6-8 1 :01 %fast 41 111 4 4 4 9 9" L Gentry 10 Nepe, Batcher Pov. Great tiull 33506 Douglas 5 8 1:01 fast 15 11114 I 2 # 6-L Gentry 8 Jaa.Poster. ButcberBor LnrkrH 33357 Douglas 41 f 55%good 30 11211 8 S» 4J L Gentry 11 P.H.Johnsoii, Clairvoyant Nib 33192 Douglas 41 f E64%aBUd 27 112 1 i 7l 6-3 T Pu. kles 10, P.P.Jnson, J. Foster DR. NICKELL, ch. c, 2 M 103 By English Lad— Santa Susanna A. W. Younel 3379S Latonia 6-8 l*2%teet 27 lis 9 11 11 U 11" B Goose 12 Pastfaoe, K. Trovato, M. itonero FOURTH RACE 1 1-1C Miles. 4-ycar-olds and — upward. Claiming. Oct. 7, 191T, l;fBB 3— 1"- 1 QUEEN APPLE, ch. f, 4 104 By King James— Lady Appleby H. Webb 33946 Latonia 1 1-18 l:«6%fast MS MS E 0 7 5 4= 4»1 H Shilling !. KcasheT Julia L Intone 32725 Lexston 1 1-8 l:57%hvy 139 MC 3 4 E 5 » B«* .1 Howard 8 intone, I. Gentleman alleaCate 32439 Oaklwn 11-16 1:47 fast 50 99 S S 8 7 7*« 7*f B Marco B Joe D. Bocsrt Pal v I 1 33025 Juan/. 1 l:41%fast - MS 4 R Guy ti Lone Star Wart Ouiz 32019 Juan :: 1 l:41%fast — 110 4 Gray « Pogart, Art Rich, tedaatr* 30232 Devshire Im7nyl:45t6fast ridllolOllll 11 11 ll - R Lowe 11 Kazan. Jerry River Kin J 28835 Ken.pton 1 l:44%slow 4 103 2 7 7 V J Dodd 7 Heartbeat, K. Tuscan, TeRnmn 28629 Mt.iloyal 1 l:40%fast 8 98 3 7 6 5 S McGraw 8 Dolina, Zodiac, Duke of Dunbar 28179 Hthorne 1 1-1S 1:50 fast 15 308 4 3 4 5 3 1 3« L Gray 8 Pillows, Baby Lynch Ininrr 28105 Hthorne 1 l:42%fast 8 96 7 7 7 7 6 6»3 T Hunt 7 Rapids, Amulet, Beauty Shon 27660 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :47%f ast 77-10 92 4 10 9 8 6* 3« J Drown 10 Lahore. Injury, Husky Lad PATCHLER, b. g, 5 110 Bv Marehmont IE— Pay House H. T. Batchlerl " 33892 Latonia 1 1-16 1 MsUfast 1S-5H1 7 6 7 8 41 3-1 C Hunt 7 C. Brown, LtedenthaT 1 Mtat 33799 Latonia 3-11:14 fast 32 11110 11 10 9| f*I F Stevens 12 Wilhite. Ardent Sister Sasie 3:037 Latonia 1 1-18 l:471fcfast 29-5 MS 3 3 4 5 51 4«J F Stevena 7 ClilIField, SunMaid, CbiefBrwn 33475 Doastea 1 1-10 l:40%teat 39-10 MS 3 6 E E E 4*1 P Lowder B M. Fannie, Peau Shop Saf First 33234 Doastea 3 4 1:15 good 32 MS 11 10 I 71 73 F Stevens 11 Droll, Martre Lin.llv ,rsi 33180 Douglas 3-4 l:12%teat 221 MS 8 8 8 8* V* H Stearns 8 Prad.Choiee mazon S,nie.-ier 32894 Churehl 3-4 l:13%fast 215 lolt 9 9 8 7" 7*F Bteveua S Arch Plotter. Otbello Primero 32275 Tijuana 11:39 fast 7 102 7 6 7 7 7 7» F Stevens 7 Shell Do, Pullux Star of Ltve 32233 Tijuana 3-4 l:12%faat 8 102 7 S 6 0» H F Stevens 7 lloenir. General. Estimable COL. MARCHMONT. b. g, 9 110 Bv Marehmont II.— Nina F. J. W Fuller! 33*46 Latonia 1 1-16 1 : 4€%fast 118 MS 8 9 9 9 9 9" C VanDun it Yengl , .lulia I Inhale 33891 Latonia 1 1 16 l:47"r,fast 61 loo 2 2 3 3 41 411 c VanDun 8 Sua Maid, Graamere Mara F 33S38 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :46*Afast S3 105 7 8 8 7 7 7-" C VanDun 8 Sansvming, T. Grader W-itwV.r 33287 Douglas 1 1-16 l:48%mud 41-5 112 111 5 7 Pf C VanDan 7 PrJiiice SGatewd MilZ!! 32322 Tijuana 1 1-14 1 :47-iiast I ME 5 5 5 5 5 4* C VanDun 5 Bbjtodo, Leah Cochran Checks 32217 Tijuana 11:40 fast 21 108 6 6 5 5 5 67 C VanDun 7 Guide Post L.Coehrin Pi-lodo 22005 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :5oa5good 1 110 4 2 5 4 P PC VanDan B Bistodo. Dolina, John Graham 3172S Tijuana S-4 l:13, 13 103 6 6 6 5= 4i C VanDun 7 Silver .Moon, Tiaian Oil, Hm.« 30706 Tijuana 1 l:39M;f:ist 3 105 5 4 4 4 2* 2* C VanDun 7 J. Goebel. J. Gralmin It Johnson 20766 Tijuana 3-4 1:13 fast 15 MS 6 6 6 6 6"3 C VanDun 6 Kootenay, Sayonarra El Ma lull 30580 Tijuana 11:39 fast 7 103 2 3 5 2 21 2* C VanDun S Redland, Veldt Mab Dniweber 30538 Tijuana 7-S l:2G%faat 8 109 1 6 6 6 6 6° C VanDun • Camellia, Sam. R. Meyer, Say HARRY GARDNER, b. g. 4 101 By Dick Welles— Fluid W. Covington. 33892 Latonia 1 1 16 1 :48Htest 25 97 E 4 4 5 S* 6* R Winglld 7 t Brown. Lindentha] Patchier 33799 Latonla 3-41:14 fast 38f MS 4 6 7 6 7;i K Lapalllel2 Wilhite, Ardent Slater Susie 33594 Latonia lm70y l:45 .,fast 89 10 MS 4 2 4 4 51 6,s P.Loa-der 7 Princes., Saf First Lindentha] 3369 Doastea 1 1-18 l:461r,good 19 107 2 4 6 4 4- 4" P Lowder 6 StontHeart Zim .limWakelv 33287 Douglas 1 1-16 l:4S*4mod 13 10 112 2 6 6 4 I* 3*1 P Lowder 7 Pr Jaaiee, S.Gatewd Ldentini 33239 Douglas 1 1-16 1 :47%sood 12 103 3 3 5 6 4* 3* P Lowder 6 John Hurie, SunMaid CliffFiei, 33161 Churehl 1 1-8 1:55 fast 27 109 3 11 2 El 6" P Lowder 8 PrincoS., Ir.Gentlema t; Conns! 33019 Churehl 1 1-16 1 :50%slow 12f 104 11 7 8 11 ll5 11-= J Morya 12 Boatas, Ir. Gentleman Princes 32837 Churehl S-4 l:14%7aat 67 107 3 10 10 11 11" K Lapaillell Stout Heart Droll Piiiv loe 29177 Douglas 3-4 1:13Vaast 24 98 2 6 6 I 6" T Hunt S J.W.Kl.iu. Lrator. J.J.Mdock ALMEDA LAWRENCE, b. m, 6 103 By English Lad — Linden Ella F. Rector 32177 Havana 1110 1:19 good 8-5 107 111 1 Ih 11 11 Walcoff 7 Orperth, Kiver King, Hedge Rasa 32073 Havana 1 1 : IsC.hvy 5 lot! 3 3 2 2 21 31 L Gray 7 PageWhite, Maxaatl t rperth 32001 Havana 1 l:49*4fast 5 97 1 7 B E 6* 41 H VVakoff 8 Goodwood Gateway Futerne 31071 Havana 1 1-16 1 :52 .-.slop 7 MS 6 3 3 3 3* 8*1 H Wahofl 8 Orperth, P.White Poactionaira 31027 Havana I 1 :41:; 4 MS 12 2 1 33 3i II V/akoff 8 Gateway, Lantain, Kizm 31S5S Havana 1 1-16 l:50-5fast 3 106 5 4 4 f. 6* 4-iJ .1 Carroll 8 Star P.ird. Pin Money Sun Kist 31620 Havana 1 l:40:,afast 4 105 3 3 1 1 21 23 J Carroll 7 Seorpii, Lord ltyron, Kuterpe FASCINATING, ch. m. 6 111 By Peep oDay— Sweet Marjorie J. Umensetterl 339U Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 25 MB 6 4 4 41 t,7:i U Thurber 8 John Jr., Primero J " Bates S3635 Latonia 11-18 1:48 fast 14-8M0 2 111 2* 2»1 H* Shilling 7 Altedir, Surpassing Pr Mavaf 33569 Douglas lin7oy 1 :46%flaod 90-10 188 7 2 3 3 4l 51" It Shilling 8 Alert. Altedir, Square Dealer 33107 Douglas lm70y 1:48 mud 14 111 6 3 3 I 3- 35 H Shilling 8 Sua, Stout Heart Scrutineer 33066 Churehl lmTOy 1 :46V5f ast 73-10 107 7 7 6 6 8s 6SJ li Shilling 7 BeaatySbop, Altedir GuidePoat 32002 Churehl 1 1-16 l:48%fast 14 99 2 1 1 1 4- 4"! J Gruber 7 Intone, .limWakelv Monotony 32898 Churehl 1 116 l:48%test 21-10 115 3 11 1 41 5" H Shilling 8 PalrOrient, Gleipner JohnHtirie 82788 Lexston 3 4 ldB%alow 27-10 113 1 7 7 6= 618 C Hunt 8 Briax, Sister Susie Back Shot B600 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:4H%fast 16 107J 5 11 1 1 Is II Shilling 10 I. Gntl.-man, StarGaze PrinceS BBBSJaaiaa 7-8 1 J8%teat 22-5 101 2 3 2 3 4»» 4Tj T Henry B Beeaur, Caaoaaarotte. Bamoj THORNWOOD, br. g. 4 101 By Patriot— Mary Sayre H. J. Seideneck. 23891 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :47:.,fast 77 I03 6 0 7 7 7*» 7** C Rosa 8 Sun Maid. Graamere Mare F " 33700 Latonia 3-4 1:14 teat 38f 104 8 8 8 7*1 3*1 C Rosa 12 Wilhite. Ardent. Sister Susie 33659 Latonia 3 4 l:13*Atest 115 96 7 7 8 71 7" R Simpson ! Impressive. SafetyFirst Martre 33554 Douglas S-4 1 :15%mud 38 P4 5 7 6 fM lL Garrett 8 Martre, Pus. Wusxy Lindenthal 33363 Douglas 1 1 16 l 29 10312 113 6 6*| C Todor ti Intone, BafetyPirat OhraStar 33288 Doastea 1 1-16 l:4s%mud 25 108 5 2 4 4 6 6*1 C Tudor 6 I.Gtlemaa, Wrproof W Crown 32107 Douglas lm70v 1:48 mud 11 106 8 6 6 6 65 62 F Stevens 8 Zim. Stout Heart Pascinathuc i3113 Churehl lmTOy 14 104 7 7 6 6 71 7:,J C Dishmon 8 Pillows. Johnllurie BlneCaD 3204S Churehl 1 1-16 l:50kf ast 34-5106 7 5 5 6 2 C Dishmon T Day Day, Johnllurie, Lindenthal DICK WEST, b. g, 4 M 106 By Dick Welles— Flash of Lightning H.R Varwitri 33729 Latonia il:U-;.fast 66 ill 5 7 6 6 5- 5*1 L Geatry ll BayDresm, sTEeaxae corilme 29830 Latonia 1 l:40%fast rid M0 6 8 8 8 10* 11** L Geatry 12 J.Wakely, J • Btoae I Master 29570 Churehl 3-4 1 :14%f ast 31-10 110 3 1 1 o2 5" L Gentry 8 Malabar, Alberta True Pe-todo 27549 Latonia 3-41:13 fast 31 107 9 96 •* 7*1 L Gentry 12 J.Straith, Altamaha ConlVverv 372S2 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4714fast 12 101 7 3 3 4 8l 818 O Gentry 13 Margaret E., Santo P Connellv 33762 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast rid MS 10 7 11 11 ll31 A Molt 11 Mike Mullen, Pusv Joe Cossack 23158 Douglas 51 f l:08%good fid 1051 4 Fell. D Connelly 13 Paymaster. II. Gardner. Saviuo SPADIX, ch. g, 4 M 108 By Nasturtium— Scattercash Keystone Stable 32891 Latonla 1 1-16 l:47%test 103 102 8 7 6 6 6** 6" ll Thurber 8 Saa Maid, Graamere Mane B 53730 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 847 119 9 9 I 7- 714 P Spencer 0 BillyJce, BnckSLot MUesPinlen 33470 Douglas 1 l:0Htfaat 247 112 3 I 7 6 6*1 8" P Spencer 8 P. Voter. Waterblae PI of Steel 2092S Latonia lm70v 1 : 15Ufast fid 99 2 8 10 12 12 12" F Kuerst 12 Camellia, Orange First Stir 20610 Churehl 1 1:42 fast 78 9S 7 8 8 8 7* 52 F Fuerst IS Marc.N., W. Wonder II llowdv 20526 Churehl 1 1-16 1 :4S+f.f ast 4S -5 1081 9 9 8 8 85 I" R Goose ! Meditation, Roy, Pierce W 28604 Windsor 1 l:43%fast 47 99 4 1 1 1 1= 2i A Nerger 10 FairOrient. Gateway Fleuro/iII 2S543 Windsor 1 1-4 2:07-Vfast 107 99 3 6 6 8 8* 7"! V A Carll 9 Itirka, Anna Prazel, FirstPegree FIETH RACE — 3-4 Mile. Western Hills Purse. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. June °7 191 J — 1:11-4— 110. KING BELLE, ch. f, 3 M 107 By King Olympian— Gliding Belle R. P. Brooks. 33833 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 12 101 I 1115 3 G W Car5 U 12 A.Middleton. Lishtfoot Sleeper 33636 Latonia 3-4 l:121~fast 28 MS 11 10 10 lo- *0»* 10 Martin 12 Iurdev. Pbed Voter Sansmiiiur 23065 Churehl 3-4 1:13 fast 81 102 1 112. Se K Martin ! Solly, PhocJoa, Gallant Lad 22892 Churehl 3 4 1 17-10 07 4 11 ll S* K Martin 0 GallaatLad, Valor. CouiityCourt 27364 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 71 105 1 11 1] 21" E Martin 4 Ldylvan, Pon.Lssie. Pour.Lass AURIGA, b. f, 3 112 By Waterboy— School Mistress F. Schaller. 52989 Churehl 3-4 1:13 fast 19 Ho 6 7 7 6= 6" ■ Martin 8 Marie .Miller, Sanbonuet Pattle 3270S Lexgton 1 l:40%fast 21 117 4 4 5 6 4* 471 F Murphy 7 Star Maid, Mida. Diamond 33645 Lexgton 3-4 l:141ss!ow 32-5 112 3 6 4 6i 6" W W Tlor ! Diamond, PelieveMePovs Midi 29731 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 9-5 112 3 4 3 3 2* L Gentry B Cudgel, Bed. Stories, MarvPelle 29298 Douglas 3-4 l:13%teat 22-5 114 5 6 2 2* 24 F Murphy «i Midway, Sol Gilsey, Acabado 29256 Douglas 5 f l:07%fast 21-10 116 6 6 6 5J 54S L Gentry 8 Berlin, Basil, Cudgel 29159 Lexgton 3-4 1:14 fast 7-5 113 1 11 ll 1" F Murphy « Sleeper, W.H.Prce. OortunltV 29043 Lexgton 51 f 1 :07%f ast 23-20 116 3 1 2 21 2* G Garner 4 Mary Belle, Diamond, Rosewood 28540 Windsor 51 f l:07 /andfast 7-10 117 6 4 2 2- ltl F Kob son 9 Ophelia W., Blue Fox. B Morn 28499 Windsor 61 f l:08y5slow 7-5 110 12 10 6 6* 4° F Keogh 12 Blaise. Savilla. Langden 27630 Latonia 51 f l;06ftfast 7-5 116 4 2 2 2i 2°k R Goose 7 Frigerio, Phoeion, Sol Gilsey tDisqualifled. LIGHTFOOT, b. f, 3 M 107 By Fair Play— Lucy Cross Keystone Stable. 23S33 Latonia 3-4 l:13%test 2.5f 9S 10 9 9 41 8" H Thurb.-rl2 A.Middleton. KingPelle Sleeper 20166 LatOBia 3-4 l:13%fast 51 109 6 2 2 4l 6"3 R Goose 11 Fizer, Snowdrift, Pluto 30131 Latonia 51fl:0S%fast 13-5 110 8 7 7 7 i"J F Fuerst It Bell Cow, Velvet, Immense 29956 Latonia 51 f 1 :0S%f ast 60 110 2 2 2 2* 2 F Fuerst 10 Miladi Anne, Snowdrift, Daldia 29816 Latonia Di f l:07%fast 37 110 9 9 10 10» 10-2 J Drown 11 Q. Errant, Arrow, Miladi Anne FAN G., b. f, 3 112 By Ormondale— Miss Doyle C. E. Rowe. 32989 Churehl 3-4 1:13 fast 101 105 8 8 8 8 and-* N Barrett 8 MarieMiller, Sunbonnet, Battle 29804 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 22-5 108 9 9 7 71 613 J Kederis 9 Vague, Sunflash, Latonia 29500 Churehl 3-4 l:14Jfeslow 8-5 105J 1 2 2 in 11 M Buxton 7 Milbrey, Opportunity, G.C.Love 29356 Douglas 51fl:07%fast 27-10 104 2 1 1 1* 1* J Kederis 10 Phoeion, J. Rufus, Latonla 29251 Douglaa 51 f 1 :07%f ast 63-10 104 4 I 1 II HF Murphy i Sisaga, Sunllnsh, Mary Belle 29178 Douglas 51 f l:06»/5fast 15 103 3 11 2J 3*1 K Lapaille 7 Midway, Kittenish, Phoeion 28135 Hthorne 51 f l:08%fast 5 108 2 1 1 li 2* G Byrne I May W., Bourbon Lass, Jamea SUNFLASH. ch. f, 3 107 By Peep oDay— Algie M. Pastime Stable. 33888 Latonia 3-4 1 :13i-,fast 32 98 1 5 7 4» 6 N Barrett 8 Sansyraing, Oh] Miss, Saf. First 33704 Latonia 3-4 l:lS%hvy 17 1061 4 5 4 3* 35 D Connelly J Bed. Stories, Q.F.rrant, Rsevvood 32989 Churehl 3-4 1:13 fast 50 106 4 4 4 T "* D Connelly 8 MarieMiller, Sunbonnet, Battle 32916 Churehl 3 4 1:13%fast 43-5 110 5 4 3 0** S*| D Connelly 7 MarieMiller, Bed. Stories, Battle 30133 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 12-5 109 5 3 3 21 2* D Connlly 8 Latonia, Sir Wellons, Lucile P. 29804 Latonia 51 f 1:07 fast 23-5 108 6 6 3 2* 2* D Connlly ! Vague, Latouia, Saffron Girl 29529 Churehl 51 f l:07Vsfast 12-5 108 1 3 2 2* 21 D Connlly 9 Meliora, S. Emblem. Signorette 29392 Churehl 61 f l:00%fast 17 108 2 2 2 31 3* D Connlly 0 Sunbonnet, W.Uogan, Acabado ROSEWOOD, ch. f, 3 107 By Magneto— Rose Tree II. J. W. Parrish. 33701 Latonia 3-4 l:15%hvy 32 106 6 2 2 4s 4:,1 F Murphy ti Bed. Stories, D. Errant. Sunflash 33445 Douglas 3-4 l:13%good 74 112 0 4 5 Fell. H Stearns 7 GuyFortune, Hig.Lad, Clumps. ill 32740 Lexgton 3 4 1:15 fast 71 107 1 3 5 6= 753 D Connelly 8 Battle, Meliora, Clare 32708 Lexgton 1 l:40%fast C9 117 2 2 3 6 51 515 D Connelly 7 Star Maid, Mida, Diamond 32645 Lexgton 1 I lllqatna: 77 109 7 7 7 6 6» D Connellv 9 Diamond. BelieveMeBoys. Mida 29043 Lexgton 51 f l:07%fast 31 106 1 2 4 4 4T K Lapaille 4 Mary Belle, Auriga, Diamond 28294 Saratoga 51 f l:07%fast 30 107 12 6 7 ll1 9*1 M Buxton 17 Yan. Witch, Koh-i-noor,. Tragedy 27225 Latonia 5-8 l:00%fast 31 109 7 3 2 3» 341 D Connlly 9 Bourbon Lass, Money, Lmigdeu 27PJ3 Latonia 5-8 l:05%hvy 16 107 3 2 6 6 " 5*1 K Lapallle 9 Auriga, Bourbon Lass, America MILADI ANNE, ch. f, 3 107 By Ivan the Terrible — Miss Gardner K. Spence. 58833 Latonia 3-4 l:13%test 35f 98 G 4 4 71 610 J Gruber 12 A.Middleton, K. Belle, Lightfoot 33704 Latonia 3-4 l:15%hvy 95 105 0 6 6 6 62* H Lunsfrd ti Bed. Stories. Q. Errant. Sunllasli 30136 Latonia 3-4 l:13%fast 93 109 8 10 10 10 10» C Hunt 10 Bullion, Ben Hampson. Basil 30050 Latonia 61 f 1 :08%slow 19 111 7 8 8 8 8« C Hunt 8 Pas. Fancy, Saf. Girl, ML Belle 29956 Latonia 6* f l:08%fast 29-10 110 1 1 1 11 V C Hunt 10 Lightfoot, Snowdrift, Dahlia 24883 Latonia 51 f 1:08 fast 13 109 4 4 6 41 4« C Hunt 8 Sem. King, Hazelnut, F.ofSteel 29816 Latonia 64 I l:07%fast 77-10 110 4 2 2 3* 351 C Hunt 11 QoeeaRrrant, Arrow, Bliu-Plmn 29C15 Churehl 5-8 1:01 fast 76 110 6 4 6 61 Z* T Hunt IS Haf. Girl, Sir Wellous, Pulaski J3629 Churehl 61 f l:07Vtfast 76 102 7 7 7 1* 7»» T Hunt » Meliora. Siutflaali, Sis. Emblem SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Oct. 7. 1916— l:435i— 3— 122. HOWDY HOWDY, b. g. 10 108 By Owltj — Sijrnoriua Gallnhor Bros.. 0...M14 Latonia 1 1-14 l:48%faat 31-14144 8 8 7 0 S B»l X Barrett 11 Intone, Prince s.. Mi Hurie S2C37 Latonia 1 1 -Hi 1 :47Sfast 11-5111 2 2 2 2 « 71- V ss 7 ciiiTFiold. SunMaid. CbictTBrwa MN Lexgton 1 1-8 LCrt-slow 43-10107 14 4 5 6 75 B Kl.-g.r 7 Intone. Out fiaaTl, Prince s. 32746 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:46%fast 3-2 104 4 1 1 i 1 | 1* H Kleeger 12 W. Crown. G. Counsel, PrinceS. 32656 Lexgton lm70yl:50 hvy 14 113 3 4 4 6 5 5»1 W Andreas 8 Grov. Hughes. AllenCain, Intone 30171 Latonia 1 1-16 l:46%fast 21 IOC. 8 9 3 4 51 7*1 F Murphy 10 Lahore. Jes.Louise. A.Lawrence 30105 Latonia lm70y 1 :44*if ast 22-5 100 8 6 3 4 4 41 VV Hoag 9 Margaret N.. Syrian, Turco BW Tat»all 1 1-16 1 :45*/5fast 41-5 S8 2 1 1 1 1« 1" L Lyke* 1 Commauretta, Injurv. Iteno 29619 Churchl 11:42 rast 46-5 110 3 6 6 6 3* 3» W AndresslO Marg. N.. W.s Wonder. Iehra 29499 Churchl lm70yl:46slow 16 108 2 6 6 6 4l 4*1 J Callahan 7 Turco. Sum. R. Meyer, Camellia LINDENTHAL, b. g, 6 110 By Star Shoot— Lyndall W. Perkins. sari Latonia 1 1 16 l:48%fast 4* lot; 2 2 2 1 V 23 R Goose 7 ChtefBrowa, Patchier. S.Leagae 83189 Latonia :: 4 1:14 fast 11 ill 11 12 12 12 12" F lfurphy 12 Wflaite, Ardent, sister Susi» 88884 Latonia lm7»v l:4B%faat 2 LO" :; 3 3 3 3; :.ri n ConaeHy 7 PrinceS.. s.if. First, s.R .Merer HMDMgiai 3-4 l:15%mud 43-10 111 S 8 I 6- 3J .1 Hanover 8 Martre. KiizzyWnzzy. ■EM Douglas 3-4 l:14%fast 16 5 Ul 4 4 5 5- 3:i J Haaoverl? Irregular, Hasty Cora. May W. 2M71 Douglas 3-4 l:13%fast 27 Ms E I 4 8* 4*1 J Hunoeeria Kinn.v, Billy Joe, Douglass 8. 3328*7 Douglas 1 116 l:4B%atad 18 H2 4 2 2 1 8* 4-| J Hanover 7 Pr.J.iiii.e., H.Cdner 3319S Douglas 1 2-16 2:03V.-.mud 17 107 4 2 7 8 I 9™ J Hanover ! Surpassing. Prince S.. V. Orient 33113 Church 1 lm7Uy l:40,andfast 19 108 6 5 7 7 8 8»I F 8*Uerat ■ Billows. Joliiillurie, Bin. tap MARGARET E.. ch. f, 4 104 By Cyclades — Diplomacy N. F. Dortch. ::::vj Latonia 1 1-14 1 :47%f ast 22 MAS r. E 4 V 1*1 C Hunt s s. Maid. Graaawre, Col.Mhmont E3BM Latonia 1 1 li l:48%fast 86 Will 1 61 9i C Hunt 11 Intone. Irince S.. John Hnrie 235T.9 Douglas lm70v 1 :464 mud 31 ]o2 X 8 S 5 ".- 4s F Lowder 8 Alert. Alfadir. Square Dealer :;:...12 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47%fast 35 h 8 I I 6 I 4- 3s C Hunt 0 Wat. rpf. SunMaid, Ir.C.-utl-mii 31198 Douglas 1 3-16 2:03 /smud 14 M3| S 6 8 7 7* 7-" J Morys 8 Surpassing. Irince 8., F. Orient 33151 Churchl 1 1-8 1;55 fast 35 M7 4 4 6 5 44 4* C Hunt 8 1rinceS.., G.Ct.unsl 33019 Churchl 1 1-16 l:88%atou 36 M8 9 8 10 9 83 81S P Lowder 13 Boston, Ir. Qeatleaiaa, PrinceS. 32921 Churchl lm70y 1 :47 -.-,fust 17 10713 I 6 4 31 43 C Hunt 8 Jovial. Rapid*. Sun Maid 29X17 Douglas 1 3-16 2:01Vifast 48-5 9.1 1 4 4 5 6 5" C Hunt 5 Manasseh, Clubs, W.s Wonder 29281 Douglas 1 1-8 l:.r.4-Sfast 37 97 2 4 6 4 61 6*3 J Callahan 8 Surpassing, W. Crown. Injury 29248 Douglas ImiOy 3:10 %£aat 19 98 2 2 3 5 44 4"J C Hunt 6 Disillusion, L.Paul, Surpassing GRASMERE, ch. g, 10 110 By Meddlei-Rotha II. Williams Bros.. ISM Latonia 1 1-1« l:47fast 6-5 W2 4 4 2 2 2H 21 C Tudor 8 S.Maid. Marg.K.. Col. Mchmoiit 3:8.:7 Latonia 1 1-S 1 ::.45fast I-E 1-4 111 1 P 2*1 K Lapaillc 7 S. B. Meyer, Willdo. MarJorieD. 238M Latonia 11-16 1:48 fast .V7-10 112 114 5 8* 5-K LajMtilie 8 P-au.Siiop. S. Heart 89187 Churchl 1 1 16 6 5 1M 2 3 3 4 C10 f." K Uipaill- 6 Tur.-o, W. Crown. 1. «;-ntl-man 32725 L-xgt. .n llSl:57:hvy 11-10 112 4 I 3 8 8 V- Iv Lapaill. 8 Intone. I. G-litl-.-nan. AllenCain 2SL13 Hthorn- 1 1-16 1:47 fast 2-5 109 2 3 3 2 1» l8 F Willms 5 S. of Love. Kapids. P.eautv Shop 28030 Hthorn- 11-8 1:53 fast 9 20 107 5 2 1 1 1» 1« W Hoag ." .Miss Fannie. Injurv, High Horse 27961 llthorn- 1 1-H L.l.vslow 4-5 110 3 2 1 1 la Is W Hoag I JastKed, Nan.M Oee. Lit.Higger 27009 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :4:.--,fust 2* 116 5 11 1 l1 2" F Murphy 7 Ply Home, Billows, LGentleuian 27268 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4S%tast 23-10 115 5 2 2 2 l 1 F Murphy 8 J.Ixuiisc, I.Gl-inan, C.Mlinioiit BIDDY, b. f, 4 104 By Dick Welles— Lady Armagh J. M. Shilling. 8ME3 Latonia 3-1 1 dSftfaat 242 ] •. 7 7 7 7s 74 11 Thurl»-r s Kiuu-.v. Ar-h Plotter. P.edland ■... Ml Douglas 1116 1:48 fast 104 P 7 5 5 6 6 I •*• T Henry 8 C1HT Ki. Id. Zini. Princess Janice 23113 Chur.hl 3-11:14 fast 14f 110 13 14 14 14211-"H Shilling 15 Iriinero. I.ingtil. Trustv 32377 Tijuana 1 1 :41%fast 12 let 9 6 8 9 10 1014 M MMh.-wlo Curlicue, Aug.Hpinze. LaeRrose 22:215 Tijuana lm70v 1 :45.ifast 10 l«i: 3 11 1 IS 6«f M Mthows 7 It.Cl.crtson. PrinceS.. A.Ueinze 22304 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 7 H 7 6 7 7 8 8" H Shilling S U. Caji. Presumj.tion. C. Kolicrts 22290 Tijuana 6lfl:07%fast 3 110 9 9 9 81 8»| H Shilling !» C.Boberts, Bafraaor, G-rtrudeH. 32200 Tijuana 3-4 l:13-0fast 9-5 110 3 2 2 21 21 II Shilling H Curlicue. Safranor. Prighouse 32004 Tijuana 6 f l:097t.good 20 109 9 9 9 81 B*t H Shilluigll Presumptn, II. Dale. IT. Petal SOLID ROCK, b. g, 4 109 By Trap Rock— Amaranth J. Livingston. 8SM2 Latonia 1 .; ;•. 28-5107 7 8 7 6 E" :-J it loose 8 fly Home. CliffField, JeaaHnrie BVM 1 1-K 1:4-fast 2E-EM6 ! 4 6 7 S1 7 V Murphy 11 Intone. Prince S.. John Bark 8RS4 Latonia 1 1 -14 l:..:i4-,fast 27-6142 I E 4 E 4- 4" F Murphy 7 Olga Star. Waterproof, 8. Heart 228M Latonia 1116 1:4s fast 91 M los 4 7 5 4 4» A:h 1 Metcaif 8 Wterpraof. Pcau.Sl.o|i. S.IIeart 2222E Douglas 1 1 S 1 :5-i, 131-10 IPS 1 2 2 I ..h i2 R Gooafl 4 Uedland. Jurco. Olga Star 32992 Chur-hl 11 14 1 A: 21-10 los 6 7 6 5 E| 6"J B "loose 7 Intone, JimWak-ly, Monotony 82M9 Chnrchl 11-8 1:63 fast 3 107 7» 5 5 3 11 2* It Coose ti Turco. Olga Star. Intone 22780 L- Klon 1 1-1 2:10 tnud 21 107 3 4 4 4 4 V W Crump 4 Olga Star. I.Ctl-man. F. Orient 88M8 LexatOa 1 1:41 19-20 108 4 4 4 2 V I* W Crump 8 Sosius. Ke.lland, Cantara 32358 Oaklwn 13 16 1:59 fast 11-10 98 3 4 4 2 Ill4 W rump 7 Willdo, Zu.lora. Paby Cal ALLAN GOLD. ch. g. 6 110 By Royal riush III. — Pirate Polly H. Davis. 232*2 Latonia :; 1 1 :iv fast 98 121 7 9 9 9 9" R M.-l ! Sister Saaie, Bbiae, BlackBeaaty ;ii71 Latonia 1 1-14 I:46%faat ill lo; 3 3 4 I $ B* .1 HanoverlO Lahore, JeaLoaise, A.i.a.vr«-n-e 38277 Latonia 1 1-14 l:4w%faat 58 111 7 E 5 5 8* FJW Liliey 12 B.8iaunona, A.Lawreara, Dean 23263 I atonia 1 1 14 l:45%faat 79 i"j 124 E 6 •* J Callahan •; H. Howdy, Coataaretta, injury M38 Latonia lmTOy 1:46 fast 163 111 7 711 11 s1 T1* L Gray n Broara Velvet, C. Baawa, Birka 237 i7 Latonia i 3 14 18%faat rid M2U1 12 12 12 12 12=* c VaaDaal2 Dude. Traasport, Aj.risa 2333E Latonia lniVuv l:44Hslow 63 111 4 3 S S 8s 81B ■ Martin V fela, Kria, Acta 22284 BLGraaa — 106 A Andreai C SpradeL Jua.piin. Cass.. wary 22282 Bl. Crass 1 l:.9%last — 112 3 A Andrews 7 B. First. Oiocn. Jua.pdn CORA LANE, br. f. 4 M 104 By Norbone — Mi:,s Eetty R. Gatewood. •S9M Latonia 3-4 l:15ftfaat 27-10113 S S E 6 7" W Keteay 12 Miles linl-a. Baato, GiacerQafll 23723 Latonia 23-6113 4 111 :.* I|W Keteay 11 D. Dr-am. S. League. Protection 33524 Douglas 3-1 1 :l;: 21 1 7 I I " "• 2- C Tador 12 P. Williams. C. Court. Gia.Quill 2325S l ouglas 5. f l:W; 4.lf 114 12 13 9 91 HI C Todor 12 Sou-, hr, Opl.-lia W.« John Jr. 22233 Lex* ston 3-4 1:14 slow 272 N8 Left at the post. C Dishmon B Blae Cap, Punning Qaeea, Wat 3-6MI L. xgtoii 1 1-16 90 109 1 6 8 9 10 I** J HanoverlO Kas-ir-ating. I.litlenian. B.Gaac 32486 Oaklwn 6] . f 1 :0S mud 40 102J 4 5 5 5° 5-3 G W Caril 7 Mar.Miller. CaaeRaa, G. Legend 82435 Oaklwn 3-4 l:15fast 15 109 4 2 1 11 3ri J HanoverlO Key Oakwood. Nina K... Jane CONSOLER. 1. m. 9 106 By Yorkshire Lad— Clemence C. W. 1L.11. 23158 Dufferin Ab.f 1:26 fast 15 113 8fi Lowe 8 Minstrel. Lulu. on II.. Muz.inti 83272 Dull, rin Ab7-8 1:33 fast IS Kf. 8" . Corey 8 FroatyPace, Uldsmobile, Bogart 28832 Iteno imTov 1:45-. fast 10 inioii 9 s 7*1 7*1 W Ormea U Zaaateca, Baaorita Dana. Canto 18874 Beno 11-16 1:49 fast 13 109 7 6 6 5 •** 6*i M Mth. ws 8 Char.McKerran. Sen. Dana, Hash SIR WILLIAM, b. h. 5 M 110 By Sir Hnon— Latifa J. Flanagnn. 22384 Latonia :: 1 1 :i". .fast 17 116 12 1J 12 11 IT" .1 Hanov«rl2 Miles rinl-n. Santo. GlnserQaill 23781 Latonia 1 1:4 D4 fast 48-5 112 1111 lo 9 s- .s"C VaiiDanl2 Intone. TlUetsoa, Malti- c* 23750 Latonia 1 l:4B%faat lol 112 1 2 1 3 4 6" C VanDanl2 Anna Krut-r. Casaba, Kadi. G. r-;:.; I Uonia lm70y 1:4."., fast 19 5 11" 10 lo 9 S 74 7" C Dishmonll Dade, latuae, Charles 23421 Chnrchl 3-4 Lllslow 41 5 I is I I 2 :- 2* C Uisfaatonlfi laa Kay, Bean Spill. -r. MattieC. 23378 Churchl 1 l:4t%hvy 12 144 8 S 3 9 74 6" c DtebmonlO MarJorieD., AUenCaln, Prospecl 22434 Windsor 1 l:42»Afaat 18 142 8 lo 8 9 H 3*1 .1 Laraaa, Wild !lo:s,-. Cadenza 21239 Latonia 8-4 l:15%slop 26 5 104 10 10 9 9 S"1B Ott 10 Lady l*owers, M. Irvine, Ifiiaptitl BM8 Latonia lmTov l :4 %faat 19 5 104 8 5 4 3 41 441, L Gentry 12 Syrian, Prospect, Beach Comber "1033 latonia 8-4 l:15*andmud 9 102 10 10 10 C- 410 B Ott IP Waterproof, Star Mciee. Dude SEVENTH RACE — 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Oct. 7. 1818— 1 : 48% -3— 122. CTARE br f 3 102 By Eannockburn — Augusta Victoria T. P. Hayes 3S889Latonia 1 1-16 1 : 17= fast 17-10 p.; g 8 | 1 i |"C Hunt B Alert Bister Erableai, Moaotony •.iV.l I. atonia ln»70y l:45%faat 4-5 MS 8 7 4 1 1- I1 C Hunt 8 Walt.H.I*earce, Matin. Immense •3702 Latonia 3 4l:l6i..hvy 4 io«;ii M 8 l| 1 C Hunt 12 Hiali.Lassie. HstyCora, MayW 23627 Douaiaa 1 l:4»%faat 3-4 los l 4 2 2 2»» 2» II Shilling 7 Kenwnrd, B.Gatewood, I..Ka*tho 22438 Douaiaa 1 1 16 1:47 41-10 |«g 4 5 4 4 21 2" 11 Shilling 8 S. Dealer. Kinglisher. B.Gatew8 33321 Douglas lm70v 1 :47r-.-.mud 31-10 147 8 7 4 4 2| 8* H Shilling: 10 Kilkenny, Kingfisher 23133 Douaiaa 2-4 l:K%mud 28 5 107 E 3 7 61 il J HanoverlS Immense. Matin, May w. 32746 L-xgton 3-4 1:15 fast 31 lo7 7 7 7 3 31* II Shilling 8 Battle, MeUora. Bird Lore 2*1276 Douglas 5i f 1:08 fast 19 110 7 E 5 7= 3*1 W Aadr«sal2 Khyme, Geo. C. Love, Milhrev 27330 Latonia 5i f 1-2 109 4 II 88 L Gentry 4 Pessanta. Perseus. Sweet Helen BEAUTY SHOP, b. f. 4 102 By Jack Atkin— Naughty Bills and Koerner. 33854 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47%faat 31-10 Mta 5 2 2 2 5n k»| N Barrett . 1 rin— s.. Fly Home, Fight fair 23444 Latonia li-io 1:48 fast 4 ME 2 2 1 1 1» -. N Barrett 8 Wterpraof, BtoatHeart, B.Rock 33476 Douglas 1 1-16 l:4E%faat E3-14 103 4 2 11 1» 2l.F Mnrpny 5 MissPannie, Baf. First. Batcbler. 33888 Chnrchl lmTty l:loyr,fast 6210104 4 2 1 1 ll 1* F Murphy 7 Alfadir. Guide Post. Sun Maid I 82863 Churchl 1 1-16 l:48Vfcfaat 19 5 lol 3 11 1 V- 4* 8" Murphy 7 Gleipner, Ir.Gentleman, Billowal 22S39 Chur.1V 1 1 1-16 29 -10 P.2 3 3 2 2 21 44 P Murphy 6 Guide Post. Pillows. Sun Maid I S..H Oaklwn 1 1:41 fast 8 5 1o4 3 3 3 4 43 ih L Lyk. M i I. it. String. G. Russell. ByLynch I 32176 Oaklwn 1 l:40«ifast 8-5 102 5 3 4 2 2:1 2 .i- II ti Gor. Russell, B. Johnson Grundvl 32424 Oaklwn 1m7 »v 1:48 slow 7 Wi 1 1 1 1 2:i T- 11 JelTcott 4 Greeawood, G.Russell, L.Strink 88BJ8 Oaklwn lm7iy l:44-3fast 41 M9 4 2 2 3 3h 33 F Murphy 7 Wads. Last. Thornhill. Jes.Louise ZIM b. g, 8 10C By Irish Lad— Guadalite T. S. Parker. 33346 Latonia 1 1 16 1 :4iV .fast 22 M7 7 5 4 4 B* S»IC Hunt !» renal Julia I... Intone 238O0 Latonia 3-t 1:1:. -fast 28 los 8 8 7 6- B" Keiaay 11 Impressive, Trasty, J. Bnfua 58707 Latonte 1 1-16 l:4S%alow 83-18148 2 2 2 3 51 7",! W Keteay 8 Alert. Intone, Miss Fannie 33611 Douglas 11-14 1:48 fast 7 5 n:; 3 11 1 22 2- W Keiaay 8 CliffField. Pr.Janice, Pillows 88368 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46;,good 7 5 112. 0 2 1 2 2" 24 W K.lsay ti St. Heart, J., Ha. Gardner 33197 Douglas liu70v 1:48 mud 21-5 110 5 2 1 1 1" 1" W K.lsay 8 S. Hi-art. Scrutineer 13233 Oaklwn bH74y 1:48 hvy 8 no 3 2 2 2 43 4« G Warrea 7 Lit. string. AlexGeta, NoMaaaaet 32206 Oaklwn 8-4 1:15 fast 8 113 3 3J G Wann 11, Gor.Russell, J.Wakely 32119 Oaklwn 3-4 1:17 mud 21 115 4 2 2 2J : •! A Warren 7 The Duke. Lukemae. B.Johnson 32023 Juarez 5i f l:06"Lfast — 108 1 G Warren 8 O.Rosehud. Pellep.ird. M. Ticket JULIA L.. ch. f. 4 108 By Harrigan— Princess Tulane J. Livingston. 33346 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4C%faat 67-18 148 3 2 2 3 2 2- R Goose «. Yongh-e. [atone, Qi a Apple 23858 Latonte 1 1-16 1 :4E%faat 19 M E 6 E 6 6- 6"1 It Wingil.Ilo For Fair. WaterWitch. Y.-iighee 22180 Douglas 3-4 1 :12fast 11 102 7 7 0 5= B*i B Kl—ger i Brad. Choice, Amazon, S.picder 3-949 Churchl 3 4 l:13%fast 83-10 331 7 r. 6 51 6*1 B G00M 8 Langhorn-. Bqaeeler, Dimitrl 32297 Oak Iwr. 1 1-16 1 :49%hvy 4 106 3 2 2 3 4 4s W Crump 4 Wosdsteae, Ilanovia, Thornhill 32078 Oaklwn 8-4 ltt8%1ow 5 110 I I E 3i 3H H Lrquhrt 8 Arriet, Mars Cassidv, Wise MaD 31696 N.Orlns 1 l:45%mud 3 105 1 1 1 3 4h 57U R McDott 8 Hanovia, C. Venule, All Smiles 21664 N.Orlns 3-4 1:14 good 11-5 los I 3 3 l1 ll ¥ Rot. sonlO Hauberk, Cane Run. Recluse 31171 N Orlns 1 l:39Vsfast 4-5 106 1 2 3 2 11 11 F Robson 4 Jem. Mid. Herrmann. WiseMan 31070 N. Orlns 3-4 1:15 slow 3 lis 6 3 3 l 4i F Rohson J Can-Run, J.J.Murdock. Sis. Susie INTONE, ch. h. 5 118 By Chilton — Chantilla Ross and Looney. 33346 Latonia 1 1 M 1 :46%faat I Ul 2 1 r. 6 3 8» R McDott 8 Yeaahec, Julia L., Qsjeea Apple 33884 Latonia 1 1-16 l:48%faat 23-6114 7 :. E 3 l l1 B Qoaae 11 Princes., j.llurie. Ir.Oeatlemaa 33387 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4s4-sl .W 26-5 112 4 ." 3 2 2M 2- C Dishmon S Alert, Miss Fannie, Valor 8368S Douglas 1 1 16 9 5 U3 112 2 3- HfR Wingl.l 8 M.Fanni... Pe.iu.Shoj . Saf.First 83883 Douglas 1 1 16 lll-10 113 12 2 1 II 1 B WingC.l ff SifetyFirst. OlgaStar, SunMaid 32992 Churchl 1 1-16 l:4S.ifast 11 188 5 3 3 3 2 3* R Wingf .1 7 J.Wakoly. Monotonv. Fascinang 32919 Churchl 11-8 1:53 fast 44-5 109 111 1 3l 4i B Wingtd 8 Turco. Solid Rock. Olga Star 3-794 Levgton 1 1-8 1 :54r-rslow 17-20 110 2 111 ll!1 W Crump 7 G. Counsel. PrinceS., MarJorieD 8328E Lex*Bton 1 1-8 l:57%hvy 57-10 110 111 1 I* I* W Crump 8 I.Gtlcinan. AllenCain. PrinceS 3-656 Levgton lm7oyl:50 hvy 36-5 1 7 2 12 3 31 3* R Wingf d S LHughes, AllenCain, W. Crown 26703 Douglas lm70y l:47%mud 21 105 6 8 6 3 2s 2b R Da vies 8 Impression. Galaway. Grnsvenor HIGHLAND LASSIE, ch. f. 3 92 Bv Marathon— Edna Shannon J. B. Respess. 33888 Latonia 3 4 1:14 fast 11-20 1"9 2 1112 1" L Gentry 8 Mali. Matin. P.ird Lore 33702 Latonia 2-4 l:lfi«,f.hvy 33-10 lol 1 5 3 I1 9 R Wingf. 112 CI. ire. Hasty Cora. Mav W. 20150 Latonia 3-4 l:14%faat Tl-M 102 0 4 5 2k 21 T Buckles 8 Lytic. Diamond. Kinglisher 29835 Latonia 1 1 :40-;-,fast 11-5 102 4 2 2 .3 5,2514T Ruckles 8 Spring Wheat, LucileP., Penrod 29762 Latonia 51 f 1 :09 -.hvy 79-10 1KI 1 2 2 2= 21 T Ruckles 10 Rhyme, Geo. C. Love. Perseus 29472 Churchl l| I I I84J1IIJ II 13 131 7 5 2 11 1» T Ruckles ! Net. Walcutt, Signorette. Matin 29276 Douglas 5* f 1:08 fast 11 103 9 11 11 8l 6»J T Ruckles 12 Rhyme. Geo. C. Lave, Milbrey 28857 Kenilwh 5-8 1 :01%fast 1 1081 3 2 21! 21 L Gentry II Mab. Rittersweet. Little Wonder 27804 Windsor 5-8 LOlfast 8 112 6 4 4 5« 571 L Gentry 10 Thoughtful. The Gadder, Blaise JOHN HURIE. blk. g. 7 106 By Right Royal— Etta Gilroy L. F. Marshall. 88M | Latonia 1 216 2:01 26 114 2 4 4 5 2 |»| W K.lsay 8 Flyilonie. CliffField, S.R.M.v.r 33854 Latonia 1 1 16 l:474ifast 26 HW 111 1 3 4i W Keiaay 7 Prince S.. Fly Home, Fight Fair S2S04 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :48=fefast 17 513 3 2 2 2 41 8* W K.lsay 11 Intone. Irince S.. tr. Gentleman 33887 Latonte 1 1-16 1 :47%fast 14 111 4 4 3 4 4 WW Keteay 7 CliffField, SunMaid. Chiefltrwn 33488 Douglas 1 1-8 73-10 MB 12 2 1 31 4"i W K.lsay i Waterproof. PrinceS., .Field 33239 Douglas 1 1-16 1 :47%goo.l67-10 106 4 4 4 1 I3 1" W K.lsay i Sun Maid. II.Garduer, CliffField 33194 Douglas lm70y l:47%mud 11 110 6 7 6 4 41 4" W Kelsay 8 Checks, Fuzzy Wuzzv, Alfadir 33113 Church I lm70v l:46Vsfast 13 108 3 3 4 3 3 2* W Kelsay S Pillows, RlueCap. Executor 33019 Churchl 1 1-16 l:50%slow 26 1 8 6 3 4 3 4i 4 W K.lsay 12 Sosius. Ir. Gentleman. PrinceS. 3"948 Churchl 1 1-16 l:50»andrast 39-10 1111 3 11 1 l1 33 W Kelsay 7 Day Day, Thoriiwood, Lindentlml 82S98 Churchl 1 1-16 l:4S4bfast 31 112 7 5 7 6 5l 3- W Kelsay S Fair Orient, Gleipner, Day Day DOUGLASS S., D. c. 8 107 By Sir Huon— Victoria B. C. W. Gasser. 83341 Latonia 3-4 1:14 fast 7310 111 8 B 7 6 l"i W Liliey 8 John Jr.. Primeio. J. Kafas 33471 Douglas 3-4 1:13%fast 14 i9 7 9 7 41 3-i W I.ill.y 12 Kinney. Billy Joe. Lindenthal 33255 Douglas lm70v 1 :44-V5fast 33-10 110 2 4 3 2 || 1IW Liliey 5 S.piareDe.iler. Penrod. K.nward 3117 Churchl 1 1 16 l:47%fast 6 5 102 S 7 7 6 44 MS Kleeger 8 Dad.Holbert. Sq. Dealer. Alert 32986 Churchl 3 4 1:134sfast 40 108 S 7 7 JHfM Buxton 10 Kinney, Palatable, Arch Plotter 3-776 L-xgton 1 1-16 1:46 andfast 17-10 106 2 2 2 2 11 1= R Kleeger 8 Monotony, Jocular. B. Ilampson 32742 L-xgton 3-4 1:14 fast 16 102 12 9 7 41 3"" B Kleeger 12 Martre, Running Queen. Joe D. 32515 Oaklwn 8-4 l:l«fcfaat 5 108 1 6 4 1 1" M Buxton 11 Rhymer. Thirst, The Duke . 32150 Oaklwn 3-4 l:17ftslow 15 114 5 4 5 51 58 M Buxton » Ophelia W.. MicoGirl, N.Wlcutt FLY HOME. oh. g. 5 108 By Armeath II. — "La. France C. T. Worthington. 83J88 Latonia 1 3-16 2:01Vsfast 13-10 1W 3 2 3 2 Ill J Hanover 8 CliffField. J. Hurie. Sam. R.Mev.r 32854 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47*bfast 7-5 110 3 3 5 4 21 21 J Hanover 7 Prince S.. FightFair. Joliiillurie 33769 latonia 1 1-8 l:53%fast 1 107 2 3 2 3 3" 3« J Hanover 7 W.s Last, Kg. Dealer, CliffFiel 1 3b555 Douglas lm70y l:46%mud 17 107 14 4 4 4 4* J Hanover 4 Mary H., Sleeth, Miss Fannie 33284 Douglas 1 l:41Vfemud 59 110 6 5 6 6 6 614 J Hanover 8 Sleeth. Mary II., Prince Albert 27768 Windsor 1 1-16 l:47Hfast 13-5 115 6 6 6 6 61! 4* T Rice 7 Irish Gentleman, Droll. Gar. Sun 27509 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%faat 3-2 106 1 5 3 2 2» 1» D Connlly 7 Grasinere. Rillows, I Gentleman 27443 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45%fast 6 Will 1 8 3t K Lapaille 5 Williite, Gold. Roy, Guide Post 27191 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52%fast 29-5 109 4 6 2 1 ll SAP Connlly 6 GcrestBoy. S. of Love. Sauterelle 17004 Latonia 1 1-16 l:19%mud 24-5105 4 E S 8 8»* 4l» J Kederte 0 I.Gentleman, Noureddin, G.Boy ££? ."NLEN, br. c. 3 98 By Dick FinneU— Alios Baird J. K. Redmon. 33944 Latonia 3-4 Llfast 5 111 7 6 4 11 1" L Gentry 12 Santo. Ginger Quill. Jessie C. tES, if °1 a ! lil. fast 24alU 8 5 4 31 8*| R Goose 8 Billy Joe. Ruck Shot. Night Can ■.V-.:. , l,usla" i ,1:,14 "m,l! Vi "° ! ■ 6 i •*! H Bteama • PaaayWaaay. Prizz. SafetvKirst 33838 La ton. u fi t, f 1M %faat 19-10 112 5 2 1 |k f C Hunt 12 Okwd Roy. B.Lsssie. Monotony 2*460 Latonia 51 f l:08 sfast 12 112 12 11 9 6» 3ll F Murphy 1:! Perseus. Monotony, ToinManson .•"SS EANHEE. b. m. 8 112 By Marathtn— Ethel Can- N. F. Dortch. £868 Latonia 1 1-tt 1 :4€%faat 99-10 110 3 4 3 5 5J 5» C Hunt 10 For Fair. WaterWitch, Yenehee YeDghee 33.07 Latonia 1 1-16 l:48%ak w 23-10 107 5 0 5 6 3J 3 K Lapaille 8 Alert. Intone .Valor tSSEE Douglas lm.Oy 1 :46%mud 91-10105 4 3 3 3 3- 3= F Murphy 4 Mary 1L. Sleeth Flv IJome 33333 Douglas 1 1-18 l:47%vood 8-8 110 5 5 3 3 S» 5»J W UMey 6 Johnlinrle, SunMaid H Gardner S5 J«5°" i2!J!2P™»* 2S 1 2 1 1 2 6i 6 R Wingfd 8 lenro, "1nrru «u de ".wt SSfefiL0" lm7"yK4.r#5ast J?"10113 7 3 4 6 6* «" « BcherrerlO BIBowa. Guide Post. Blui-kFrost :;::, !-!Ui",a ,1i:"H:,s; 5 108 6 6 5 7 74 TJF Btevana 8 B.ofLw*. Bar.Deaa, Maud Baron 32.103 1 ijuana 1 l:39%fast 4 102 1 3 3 3 Ink 1 J McBri.le 4 Deliver. Fullux, tommaur. Uu CUNEO. ch. g-. 3 M 87 By Magneto— Crip A. B. Gordon. 33834 Latonte larTBy l:4B%faat 161 M4 7 8 fl 8 8 B*» F Fnerat 8 Clare, Walter H Pearee Mntin OTB Latonia ll:48A-.hvy 87 104 9 9 9 S 8 8=" F Murj.hv !t S.i.Dealer Irn-gnlnr FlofSte 1 Om Donslaa 1 1-44 l:jgfcfaat 8B MO 6 4 6 6 6 6*1 N Parr-tt 8 S. nare Dealt -r ?n re. KinKnsleV ■V, -, V-":;K-K lnl7°V J : ;I,nu,i . ? m C S 9 and 7* S3 P Lewder 10 Kilkenny. Clare, Cruces S£SS£M 1 l:44Vf.gooJ 4 100 3 3 2 3 41 5" P Lowder 8 Dan. Fleurou II., Miss Represent 2£22T nlVHtry L "J !MM u »»" Low.i.r IS Maya*eW.. piaudito. BrteaBara 31525 N.Orlns 5i f 1 M hvy 31 106 6 2 2 21 3 J F Murphy 11 Mnv Star Dan Miss Reoresent P 222 r!:nS X !*»£? 185 ■ • * * 3 -h 2 H Jeffcott 7 Stelcliff! Ho,,; iisl,Trber 31218 N.Orl ns 1 l:49%hvy 6 10 6 4 3 3 2s 2«k P Lowder 7 Tioga, Uandiemar, III Savin Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched: PRINCE S., b. g, 6 113 By Campus— Sympathetic J. L. Paul. 33366 Latonte 3-4 lOSKfaat 28 113 7 5 7 3» l1 W Lill-y 8 Lucky R., Othello mo7on 13864 Latonia 1 1 14 1:47 12 113 4 5 4 3 U V W Ulley 7 Flyllome. PtektPair J..lnllurie 33BB4 Latonte 1 1-16 1 :ls%fast 71-10 113 4 6 3 4 2 2 W Lill-y 11 Ione, John Hurie I Gentleman 3K34 Latonia 1 3-16 1 :59u fast 99-lt, 113 12 3 2 54 B" W I.ill.y 7 Olga Star Waterproof £ ? Heart 32594 Latonia lm70y 1 :45%fast 41-10 110 2 5 0 0 U » W Liliey 7 S. First. Lindenthal S R Meier 3X32 Douglas 1 3-16 2:00%fast 9-5 107 3 2 3 5 5 5 « W Liliey « BafetyKlrst W I SurnasVi, 32406 Douglas 1 1-8 1 :53*fcfast 24-5 It© 8 8 7 5 4 2h W Ulley 9 Waterproof lilf FiVld j Hurhl 33323 Douglas 1 1 S 1 :55%,mud 4* 111 5 3 3 3 lh V W I.ill.y 6 Checks ..1 Rri ,,, Borii 32198 Douglas 1 3 16 2:03/r.mud 18-5 111 Bill 2 1 2* W Liliey 8 Surpassing F Orient I Gt.-man 83161 Churchl ll-8 1:i,5 fast 49 10 110 5 5 3 4 2 V W Lill-y 8 LGentleuian. OxSaact Mar"" SURPASSING, b. g. 6 101 By Ditimus— Dancing Water J. C. Hanson 3312 Latonte 1 3-14 2:M-fast 13 IM S 7 5 7 7s 7- F. RTly Home iliiTFi.ld lohnllurie 32636 Latonte 11-161:48 fast 8-5.111 13 3 3 .V V R Goose 7 Alfadir FaVinatinr PM««* SSEKDonslaa 1 2 16 2:00-,fast 17 10 102 1 B E 3 V 3» R WlngTd « Bafetyrirat WUldo M.rlortZlT 33444 Donates 1 1-16 l:*Rigood 41 113 7 7 7 E 3= V A Ctever 7 MarvlL. Th-tlrad-r PiuFe ,w «S8pottaiaa 1 3-16 2 :03 ;.mud 21-6107 6 S 2 2 Ill F Judy » PrinceS F iri , t 1 [Gei itli m-in 3P143 Latonte 1 1-8 1 -J,l-t.t ist 2 106 0 E 3 2 V V W Hoag S Camellia Mario ie D N n ,r 30037 Latonia lmTOy l:4S%hvy 83-18 MB 3 2 11 1» V W H.,ag 7 A. i.-, - •?,, r ett , ltaaaaaah Itm Latonia 11-16 1:52 hvy 95 TOO 7 7 7 7 81 3» J Brown 7 Bonanza. Ken.. Wat rpn of ma Latonia 1 1-16 l:47hfast 83-18 146 4 6 6 5 25 2- H Shilling 7 J.s. Louise. A.Lawrence B Bill 29780 Lataada l 1-16 l:4S%faat 16 IBS 6 8 7 7 I" 7!» w Hoag 8 «yrtea Ukore Bonaaaa

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