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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. Plans . for government insurance for American soldiers and sailors took a new turn yesterday, when a committee of insurance men, who have been coopernting wth Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo, submitted u recommendation that no charge be made for the proposed policies. The suggestion was made that the government donate a ,000 war insurance policy to eacli soldier. Under the original plan, each soldier would be permitted to take out a government policy for from ,000 to 0,000 at a rate of about per thousand, which was figured by actuaries as being the net cost of insurance in peace times. The government, under that plan, would iiay the extra cost due to heavy war casualties. The insurance men, who proposed the new plan, said that many soldiers might not take out the insurance policies, because of the expense, even though comparatively slight. Dispatches from Paris bring news that the German assaults were reopened Wednesday night along a front of about two miles on the Aisne front, from a point east of Hurtcbise to La Bovelle. The French official statement, issued yesterday afternoon, says that at the cost of tremendous losses the Germans were able to penetrate certain elements of the French first line trenches. North of Auberlve in the Champagne, the French penetrated the German trenches, the statement says, and inflicted heavy losses on the Germans. On other parts of the Champagne front the artillery, bombardment was intense. Fighting lasted all night, the French repelling every attack made by the Germans. Russias routed army in Galicia may have lost to the Germans all the wealth of artillery and military supplies which the allies concentrated for General Brusiloffs great offensive. Even if Premier Kerensky and his ministry, armed witli unlimited powers, succeed in stemming the rout, supplies of incalculable value have been lost. Dispatches yesterday served to increase the realization here of the gigantic task undertaken by the new democracy that of reforming apparently panic-stricken, spy-infested troops with a new spirit that would imbue them to make a stand against the ever-increasing enroachment of the Teutonic armies. A Dublin dispatch of Thursday says that even fewer people than yesterday assembled on College Green this morning to witness the arrival of the delegates to the Irish convention in session here. No individual caused any demonstration either of admiration or hostility. The complete absence of public excitement is treated by the Dublin press as on the whole a healthy sign. The unanimous selection of Sir Horace Plunkett to be chairman of the convention is welcomed by the newspapers of the various political sides. The steamship bearing Dr. FridtjofC N.msen, the Arctic explorer and six other prominent Norwegians, recently appointed by their government as members of a special commission to the United States on the food supply question, arrived at one of our Atlantic seaports yesterday. The commission, according to a cablegram from Christiania the day it sailed, was sent to "discuss questions of importation and exportation, to to inform this government of existing conditions in Norway." The United States is negotiating witli the allies to legalize drafting of many hundreds of thousands of aliens in this country to fight under the American flag. Before the time for a second levy the necessary abrogations of treaties and action by congress will bring aliens under the draft law. In every section of the nation an outcry against the "obvious injustice" of the present law as applied to non-citizens, is rising. Already it has reached congress and forced action. A dispatch to the London Post from Potrograd says that under General Korniloffs drastic measures to restore order in the Eleventh army, one whole division thereof was blown to pieces by their own artillery, to avenge the insults which all loyal troops and especially the artillery, have silently endured during the last four months from these traitorous "rascals. Lawrence Cinuell, independent Irish nationalist member, was forcibly ejected from the house of commons yesterday and suspended from his seat as the result of a sensational charge which he leveled against the government. He declared the authorities were plotting to manufacture a conspiracy which they could blame on the Sinri-Feiners. Conferees on the food control bill yesterday undertook to reconcile differences between the house and senate. A vigorous fight threatened over certain features. The main contests were expected over the senates proposals for the creation of a congressional war expenditures committee, and a food control board of three members. Quiet is gradually being restored throughout Spain, which has recently been in a state of unrest due to strikes and other causes. An official dispatch from Valencia says martial law has been lifted and that the situation is absolutely normal in the entire region. Striking workmen will resume labor tomorrow in other cities. Two German vessels have been sunk and two German steamers have been taken to England by British destroyers, according to the correspondent of the Amsterdam Tclcgraaf at Tcxel, one of the Frisian islands. A German steamship, which had been torpedoed, the correspondent adds, has arrived at Denhclde. German troops have captured the Galician towns of Buczacz, Tlumacz, Ottynia and Delaytn, says the official statement issued yesterday by the German war office. The Russians also are said to be retreating in the direction of Czernowitz, the capital of Bukowiua. Australian manufacturers are planning to produce-steel and tin plate and galvanized iron for local consumption, as there is a shortage of these supplies in the country and prevailing high freight rates prohibit the importation of almost all lines of goods. Beans valued at ,305,540 were exported from Brazil during the first quarter of 1917. France, the United States and Great Britain were the best customers. The exports during the corresponding four months of 1910 were valued at 0,437. A London dispatch of yesterday says the American sailing shin Augustus Welt was sunk June 21, the crew being saved. No details were available. Witli the increase of population in Chili, there has been a growing demand for farm machinery.