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JOCKEY GRUBER SENT TO HOSPITAL Arrives in Louisville Suffering from Attack of Malaria of Worst Typo Contracted in Cuba. Louisville, Ky., December 2S. J. Gruber, the promising apprentice jockey, whose contract was recently sold by Kay Spence to A. L. Rogers for the reported price of ,500, and who left Havana about a week ago to report to his new employers stable at Churchill Downs, arrived here today suffering with an attack of illness that the attending physician has been unable to diagnose. The boy was taken to the home of his parents, but was later removed to the Norton Infirmary, on the advice of Dr. E. A. Rose, who was hastily summoned. The nature of the lads ailiiient was puzzling to the physician who, however, gave it as his opinion that he was suffering with acute malaria of the worst type and that the ailment was contracted in Cuba. Gruber was taken ill after landing at Key West and was in such bad condition that he was unable to resume his journey for several days. When able he left the Florida city and. although still sick, lie completed his trip to this city alone. While there appears 1o be no immediate danger, much anxiety over the boys condition is felt by his parents and close, friends. Unless, complications set in, he will be able to leavo the hospital In a week or so.