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SUNNYSIDE HOTEL Magnolia Springs, Baldwin County : : : : Alabama In the heart of the Ponce de Leon country, between Mobile Bay and the Gulf of Mexico. Open all the year round. Fine fishing. The Springs furnish a certain cure for kidney diseases. RATES: 5 PER WEEK. VOLUME I. OF 1917 ANNUAL RACING FORM IS NOW OX SALE. DAILY RACING FORM OFFICES 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO, lit. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, N. Y, BRYNLIMAH 6-5 SECOND Peter Jay, 13-10, lost, were our Dailies Friday. Theyre for six wires. Try them. TODAYS FREE BEST: No. 21, 3ook 338. American Thoroughbred. Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. SEE THIS WEEKS REPORTER FOR some nice long slmts. 2.V everywhere. TODAYS FORM SPECIAL: No. 8. Book 682. THE TURF REPORTER. R. 509 Baltimore Bldg., 22 W. Quincy St., Chicago. DANCER, 18-5, WON, PARTIZAN, 11-10,- WON, wore last Mondays Mail Specials. Expect Two Live Ones for next Monday. Dont miss them. Only . Todays Form Special: March-Peach-77-28-40-13. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. Room 403, 22 West Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. THE Monthly form Book containing charts of all races run on recognized tracks in North America during the month of December, will be on sale Wednesday noon, January 2. PRICE .00 Single copies by mail will POSITIVELY only be sent as registered mail, with an extra charge of ten cents for registration. Not responsible for books sent as regular mail. Daily Racing Form Publishing Go. 441 Plymouth Court :: Chicago, III. 74 Exchange Street :: Buffalo N. Y. LATONIA CHAMPIONSHIP STAKES for 1919 50000 Estimated Value: FIRST Declaration Date, JANUARY I, I9I8 Owners or breeders having an entry in this stake and wishing to declare must send their check for 5 on or before January 1, 1918, to Latmia Jockey Club, Muton, Kj., "A8HS3SE The American Racing Manual for 1918 IS IN PROCESS OF PREPARATION and will be ready for distribution about January 15. It will contain all the features that have created such demand for it in the past. Orders may be filed for. it now to be filled as soon as issued PRICES By Mail: PRICES At Office: LEATHER BOUND . . .10 LEATHER BOUND . . .00 PAPER BOUND ... .85 PAPER BOUND ... .75 DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 Plymouth Court, Chicago, 111. : 74 Exchange Street, Buffalo, Y. - vRoom 8.04, 1482 Broadway, New York City.