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FOREIGN TRADE RECORDS FOR 1917 1917AAashington AAashington D C January 20 The countrys foreign trade amounted to over 9000000000 in 1117 exports reaching a total of 0220000000 while im ¬ ports amounted to 2952000000 according to a statement issued today by the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce department of commerce This is a gain of nearly 1300000000 over 1910 when the total trade amounted to 7874000000 7874000000December December exports amounted to 5SO000000 an increase of no less than 100000000 over NovemlHr Tin imports for December amounted to 228000000 an increase of 7000000 over November NovemberFree Free imports formed 70 per cent of the total in December and 72 per cent of the total for the cal ¬ endar year The excess of exports over imports has nearly doubled in the last two years amounting to 3274 00000 in 1117 against 3091000000 in 1010 and 1770000000 in 1Jlii 1JliiThe The imports of gold during December amounted to 2500000 as compared with 1500000 in Decem ¬ ber 1110 For the year the gold imports amounted to 538000000 against 080000000 in 1910 The exports of gold amounted to 4500000 iu December 1917 against 28000000 in December 1910 For the year the gold exports amounted to 372000000 as compared with 150000000 in 1910 1910Silver Silver imports amounted to 0000000 in Decem ¬ ber as compared with 3500000 for the correspond ¬ ing month in 1910 and to 53000000 for the vear against S2000000 iu 1910 Exports of silver were valued at 10000000 in December 1917 and 9 000000 in December 1910 For the year the silver exports amounted to 81000000 against 71000000 for 1910