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AN APPEAL TO RACING DEVOTEES DEVOTEESUncle Uncle Sams sailors who are busy dropping depth bombs on German submarines are so badly in need of binoculars spyglasses and telescopes the navy has been forced to make a second apoeal for these articles This time the plea is directed to race hitrse followers horsemen and all persons who frequent the countrys race courses These as a rub are generally supplied with the best glasses for they all want to get a good look at the winner pulling away from the other on the backstretch backstretchThese These are the glasses the navy needs to de ¬ tect a distant periscope Uncle Sam doesnt want permanent possession of the glasses All he wants to do is to borrow them during the war for which he will send the owner 1 as the government can not accept material gratis Every effort will be made to return the glasses glassesThose Those wishing to furnish more eyes for the navy may send their glasses to Franklin 1 Roosevelt assistant secretary of the navy care of the naval observatory Washington I C