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JOCKEY HENRY RULED OFF TURF Final Day Rulings of Hot Springs Officials — The Meeting a Great Financial Success. Hot Springs. Ark., April 4. — From a financiil jioint the Oaklawn Iark meeting, which terminated yesterday afternoon, was the gp-atest ever held here. During the first three weeks of the meeting the attendance was of large proportions. The limit number of price Madera were on daily and bad there been more room they would have exceeded the forty -four limit. The weather has lieen good and the track conditions well adapted at all times to good sport. The drawback was in the jHMir racing material. At no former time has there been such a surfeit of |MM»r horses. Oaklawn Iark has certainly lieen a Mecca for them this season, due to the richer prizes that they were enabled to race for. The racing, on the whole, has been enjoyable and the supervision vigilant. Judges Nelson and Campbell have not hesitated in applying punishment when mi-essary. Yesterday the officials handed down a ruling which debars former jockey John Henry from turf privileges for his alleged tampering with the filly Mary Belle. This followed his convictiou in a local court. The judges also ruled off Liwrence T. Beas-ley for his attack on Charles Iyle. a witness in the Henry case. The judges final action was to wa.u off from tracks trainer M. C. Keefe for practices prejudicial to the best interest of racing. Francis .1. Nelson, who presided here, left today for his home in Toronto. Canada. Secretary Associate Judge J. It. Campbell will motor to Liuisville where he will resume work at the Churchill Downs track. Wash Norvell. who official. -.1 lure as clerk of scales, will go to Baltimore. O. Johnson, represented in the last race vesterdav by Uaucer, claimed H. C. Basch for ,200.