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WAR CLOUD STARTS WEST TOMORROW Trainer Jennings Notified He Can Have an Express Car Sooner Than He Expected. New York. April 27. — Walter Jennings has been notified by the express company that his car will Is- ready for tiie shipment of War Cloud to Kentucky next Monday evening. Ii was not expected iinti! Tuesday. Mr. Jennings will possibly take advantage of the opportunity to ship his Derby candidate a few mote hours earlier than he anticipated. War Cloud will probably lie worked a mile aud a quarter on Monday, if his regulation work is carried out. W. B. Cm- and some of his friends were at Belmont Tail, lodnv looking over the horses train -d I v W. H. Karrick. The two-year-olds were all worked a -platter of a mill- in pairs for the edification of Mr. Cue. and he seemed well pleased with their sliced and general condition. Another visitor a: the tra--k was Mr. Cebrian. His manager. Al ! arrar. IN with h.m. They go to Kentucky Mon day. Incidentally .Mr. RattM intimated that there were two or three h...-e in the string to Is- dis paaetf of. They arc by Vou Tromp and of the hea|»er variety. line of tl Id time club members, and a patron of racing far Use pasi forty years. Fire Chief Ijilly. low retired ..:i a $.1.100 pension, drove to Belmont 1ark enrl.i ij, |ue morning to have breakfast with Tow Welsh. Though well beyond the seventy year mark. Chief Kally is hale and hearty and anxious f..r the sport to start in this section. One of the work* he watched closely was that of U. T. Wilsons Campfire. whieh worked a half in 4*,, and flight hae done better had he Ucii urged. This ! ., roe is believed to Is- getting back to his two ;i ear-old t-tiii. which is gratifying to his trainer. :l"lu llealev. who has ahvavs Ix-liovod he was as g.-Hl n hoi -. a- lloiirb-ss. "n,- won the li-t year and i* evidently being pointed for the same event Utfa year. Iolyuiclian is training well and shows much i -ed. He galloped a half mile in .Vl this morning, eased up at tin- end. This is the four-yoar-o|-l son -f Ic-lymelus. which served six mares last rear at Harry Morri-s.- "s Kentucky establishment. The fir- " those to foal was Jaeol-a. the fast mare which rac-d in the odors of W. It. Coe two years V. C. Clancy has his stable at Jamaica, headed I .» Itoyal Fusigu. which he purchased at the Colli gau tai« last winter.