Owner Bradley Fortunate: Takes His Second Stake Race of the Present Week, Daily Racing Form, 1918-05-23


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OWNER BRADLEY FORTUNATE ♦ Takes His Second Stake Race of the Present Week. ♦ Bribed Voter Gives Him the Frank Fehr Stakes — Escoba Wins in Easy Style. * Louisville, Ky., Slay 22.— E. K. Bradley scored his second stake victory of the week when his Brils-d Voter accounted for the Frank Fehr Selling Stakes, worth ,000 net to the winner, less the amount that goes to the Ked Cross fund. SI alio -kin landed in second place and Sansyming third. There were six starters in the race, with Grundy the most fancied. The latter alternated in the lead with Slanokin. but after reaching the half mile post, took undisputed command, only to tire fast in the stretch and succumb in the last stride for the shorter portion of the purse. This was the twenty-fourth running of the Frank Fehr Selling Stakes, its history in condensed form since ISM- being as follows: Year. Winner. A.Wt. Jockey. V.tl. Time. 1907 Wing Ting ...3 102 J. Lee B1.-1S5 1:41/-. 1908 Darknight 3 94 J. Butler... 1.4C0 l:.*»ft 1909 Huck 4 10S V. Powers. . IjBBa 1 :40-, PJ10 J. H. Beed 4 104 SIcTaggart . 1.410 1JB% 1911 Prince Gal 5 112 Rooney 1.990 1:.K -, 1912 Brig 3 9."» SlcCahey . . . 1.930 I :»»"-. 1913 Sleeth 4 10.S Teahan 1,720 1 :39/;, 1914 Winning Witch. 5 110 F. Keogh... 2.040 1:3S lDl.i Goldcrest Boy.. 3 91 SI. Garner.. 1,970 1:40% 1910 The Grader « 109 F. Ooper. . 1.7.10 1:39% 1917 Sleeth S 111 K. Goose. .. 1. 510 1 :.H»- . 1918 Bribed Voter. . .4 113 L. Gentry.. 1,600 1:39% While the stake race was regarded as the l est .iffrring from a monetary i-iut of view, the presence of Escoba, runner up to Exterminator in the Kentucky IX-rby. to do battle with three other three-year olds in the General Pershing ,000 purse at a mile and a sixteenth, attracted superior interest. The Alexander representative showed a sparking effort and easily demonstrated his superiority over those he met this afternoon, by winning as his rider pleased. Lucky B. landing in second place and Jas. T. Clark third. The time of the race was surprisingly slow. Backers of choices again had a disastrous experience, Escoba, at a prohibitive figure and Kama, were the only successful ones in the first six races that performed to expectations. SURPEISE IN THE OPENING RACE. Tlie most pronounced surprise came iu the initial race, iu which a dozen maidens tried conclusions and it resulted in a victory for St. Bernard over Bugle Call and Sladrid. The race also brought with it a fall, the first of the meeting, and the unlucky Albert Johnson, who only recently returned to saddle work after having recovered from injuries as a result of a fall at Lexington, was again the central figure. He was on A. K. Macomlicrs War Note, which, while in a contending posit i«»i. stumbled and fell heavily after making a complete somersault. Johnson was sent hurling through the air. but luckily escaped coming in contact with the others in the field and got off with several bruises and a general shaking up. Another stunner that the talent experienced came with tlie victory of Attorney Sluir. which showed a sudden form somersault and won from the outsider, Dick West, with Cruces in third place. The old familiar popular colors of Paf Dunne were noted in the second race and were carried liy Bifie, which finished iu third place. Kama aud David Craig leading him to tlie finish. Au intended good thing was downed in the sixth race, when Baby Lynch succumbed to Guide Post. I.aby Lynch was Ix-st. but Lunsford got her caught in several jams at critical i eriods, with the result that sac was forced from contending positions back to last place several times. Twelve companies of colored troops of the First Provisional Infantry, under command of Slajor A. F. Luodke. came over from Camp Taylor and bi-vouaced iu front of the grandstand in the infield, from which vantage iioint they witnessed the racing. Their excitement during the stretch battle between Dick West, ridden by the colored boy Dishmon and Attorney Sluir. ridden by Donohue. was feverish. Dishmon was given repeated cheers by the soldier.* on his return to the scale, even though beaten. There will bo a meeting of the Kentucky State Bacing Commission at the Pondennis Club Fiiday. when the principal topic under consideration will be the disposition of the Bed Cross fund. Several of the local chapters are desirous to secure credit for the funds. Other racing matters will also be taken up. C. A. SlcCroan bought Larry B. from It. Varwig after the first race.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1918052301/drf1918052301_1_5
Local Identifier: drf1918052301_1_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800