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FAVORITES ARE DELUDERS o Some Odds-On Choices at Douglas Park Fail Their Backers. ♦ Icki-Ban Manages to Take a Race at Last — Double for Williams Bros. ♦ — I»nir- illo. K.v., June I.— Y. J. Kolleys MMM, wlii -h 1 as lc 11 snowing consist! it form, l nt has liccn .iiliicky to Ik- pitted :i-:.iilisl racers sup-rior t licr. finally managed tu place I vilor.v to her credit, when she account* 1 for the *1.000 purse at nnc mile anil --eventy yards, in which Anriini rated an overwhelming favorite. Tin- support for tin* later was most propounded and he flattered bis backers by maint.-Miiim: ■ forward position during tin* «*arly running, but wiit*u it cumc to the fin.- I drive, Ic-hi Ban. which li:: l raced into the Irad in the first lialf by passing Counterblast, helil him :..:fe and beat him to the finish by a half 1-iigtti. There Rl some betting activity on Mistress Tolly, but that tMT was aadr/ shy of si»ec I tiiis afternoon anil. contrary to lr-r tis*.ial custom, fell on I of contention, instead of coming with a «-li;,IIi._ i iu 111:* stretch. It was a disastrous afternoon for those v.iio i-avo a penchant for lucking odds on choices, as Tacola. which, after his good second to Leochar?* in the Haariri Haudicai . a pica red to have laird meat his !::• r y :-n*i in consequence invited hacking almost t" the exclusion of the other starters. His rider k-pl him under sharp restraint ia th - early runihu.-. wliile K»rhly raced int-j a long lead and br *..|_-iit i.iia wide on the stretch turn. He g. lined pereeitildy on tin- leader, but near the end his rider evidently tired, with ihe result that Melus brat J:iiu for second place, Korbly being an easy winner. 9m IMllli Pros. silks made it a double for the afternoon, when El Key, a winner iu iiis last pioi-ous race, again scored, when he beat eleven otii-r platers that started in the las: race -;t a mile and three -sij.t c-ntiis. rh- field f tw. -lvc in this raced in a compact |M for nearly the entire way. Kl Key finally managing to secure :: short lead over Cru-es thrit he retained to the end. Little Bigg-! just getting uii in the last few strides to take third place. Tie- sjewards fined jockey M. Garner 0 for his failure to fill his ri tins engagements Thursday. Kny S ponce has decided not to train Badge this year aad will k *ot him turned out until next i-pring. Six-uco coiiteinph.tes taking up Bad loud and will ship him with his others to Latonia next ECLDIER TED KOEBKEP. A VISITOR. Fata-tar jockey Ted Knerner. now in the Artillery Corps, writing from Columbia. S. t., where he i--st.-nioiicd. givis intere: iin« details of his new vo-.itjon and concludes by saying that at present lie weighs less than he li:I when he quit riding. The horses of Edward It. McLeaa, which have beca racing h -r-. will kj sent t- rejoin the others of the establishment next Sunday. The horses u. icier the BMC of Edward Trotter were shipped to Ii Ionia this afternoon. The Gailaher consignment will l* - shipped Saturday. E. I!. Bradley s ,H Sandstone II. this morning to E. K. McMillan at private terms. ;i-iicral Manager John Hachmeistcr made the announcement that in the event of the American track r-ecord of l:3tiVj l- r one mile being beaten iu the running of the IV udennis "lul Kpcdal Saturday afternoon, lie- management of the Douglas Iark Jockey "lull would present a handsome solid silver liophy to the winner of the race to commemorate the feat. Manager Hachmcister further announced that, in order that tlM-rc might Is* no question as to the accuracy of the time recordi-d for the race, official timer IS. K. Hughes would be assisted in the timing by another competent timer of his own selection aiid that the same practice would be followed in connection with all important races at Douglas Iark and Latonia in tin* feture. Williams Itros. who were retires: nted in the fifth race by Kernan. claimed Kling for Sl.LOO. He was formerly their property and tuis was t!-.- first time that he started in the colors of O. Johnson, who secured him by tie- claiming route in a former race. Sam C. Nuckols. Jr.. secretary of the Kentucky •state Racing Commission, has been requested by Mrs. Mary L. Wood of Minneapolis for information regarding her son Thomas, who is said to be cm-ployed around the race tracks. She wants to get w«:rd to her son on a ma Iter of importance. The owners here will not experience any diffi- -ult3- in shipping to Latonia and ample cars will Ik* available for their use beginning Sunday, when a special is schedtib-d to transfer many of tic horses to tie- Milldale track. The sc.iri ity 1f stall sj,aeo to accomodate all the applicants desiring to race at Latonia, has resulted in a rearrangement of the original allot incut and track superintendent I arry Borgensehota came over from laitonia this morning and notified a number of th • owners of the new assignments. *»