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INCREASE II PAR1-MUTUEL EQUIPMENT I. Miisville. Ky.. -Tune 7. — The CmJUUu for ! ..,!_ hition in oiiii-iti -:i with the racing at Iitotiia duriu** th" summer H!*- -ting of twenty -at* days, sehi-dul.-d to open on Friday next, will lie greater tku .;t any time since the introduction of the pari-niuuu 1 KyateJM of lietting. With each passing year the voiiim-. of speculation at La Ionia has grown, in hecufcaj with the remarkable increase in tli ■ at-teaaaace at the track. Each year the pari -muttiel •iiiipue nt has l . M added to. so that those who aatiaaJae th - nralueN may do so with the least I"ss:i,!,. friction. In anticipation of a recon-broak in:. 100, ting this year, the increase in the facilities will he greater than usual. Eugene Elrod. who will ■RaMe over the pari-mutiiel department at Latonia. has comnh-tfd the layout for the machines. Aside fi-,,ni those employed for the two and three horse combination plays, the arrangements for which pop-alar form of speculation will be somewhat different from the plan followed iu former years, there v.i be fifty six machines in operation regu-lariy, with additional facilities on Derby day. The rag alar Mahjaaeat wi" consist of one ancMaa for tin* regi-tratioii of 00 aal S20 straight wagers, three for $;*0 tickets straight, place and show: three straight, two place and two show for 0 tickets f,,ur straight, two place and three show f-r |B tickets: twelve straight, eight place and ten show fcir t2 tickets; one each ef the straight, place and aaaw variety for the exclusive use of the grand-Ctaad messengers and five for the sale of com-biin -d tickets, straight and place and straight, place and show. The value of lliese combined tickets will be SI. So. 0 and 5. In previous years it has heen customary to operate one two horse combination and one three horse combiiiy tion daily. This year there will be two two horse combinations and one three horse combination dailv. The cost of the two horse combination tickets will be and the three horse . The first «,f die two horse combinations will lie on the second and third races and will be closed just lM-f.,:-e jl,,. running of the si-nni.l race. The oth -r I wo kataa esaakiaattaa will include the fifth ami sixth rataa and will be closed licfore Ihe running of tie- fifth race. The three horse combination will embrace the fifth, sixth and seventh races and «ill lie o|M-ned at 1:30 daily and kept open until time for LUe ruining uf the filiu race.