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DEATHS HAND ON CONGRESS Fifteen members of 11 been called by doith since the lirst session was convened in April 1111 that the deaths have averaged exactly one a month It is i Mill more curious fact that although there ire almost as many Itepuhlicans is Democrats in the two Houses tin Democratic loss has been ex ¬ actly twice that of the Illpublicans The propor ¬ tion has Ixen decidedly larger in the Senate Eight members of the upper House have died since war was declared against Germany and seven of the eight were Democrats Only three of the seven Kepretentatives stricken during the same period were members of the majority Marty The heavy Democratic loss in the Senate which culminated u few days ago in the death of Senator Tillmau has cost the majority party only two votes Newlands Itroussard and Stone were succeeded by Democrats and a Democrat will follow Tillmau Itcpublican Senators have taken the places formerly tilled by Iane Hughes and Husting but Ilrady a Repub ¬ lican has IxHii succeeded by a Democrat More than half of the deaths in Congress occurred durin the severe weather of last winter Two happened in December two ill January one in March aud three in April As a contrast it may be noted that no member of Congress died during the three sum ¬ mer tuoiiths of 1017 Leslies