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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY By an executive proclamation announced yester ¬ day at Washington about 15950 acres of land principally grazing lands with some agricultural tracts in south central New Mexico are eliminated from the Lincoln national forest and restored to homestead entry in advance of settlement They become subject to entry Oclolxr and to settlement and other forms of disposition October 10 10Twentysix Twentysix women who have Ixen defying the police in womans party demonstrations on the square opposite the white house in protest against thpsenatos delay in acting on the federal suffrage amendment were given jail sentences in the police court at Washington yesterday when they refused to pay fines finesNinetyone Ninetyone enlisted men of the marine corps were commissioned ns second lieutenants after three months training at the Quantlco training camp campThe The New York Stock Exchange has sold all its nontaxable 3i per cent Lilxrty Bonds in order to subscribe to the next Liberty Loan LoanFrance France yesterday was given a loan of 200000000 bv the United States treasury bringing the total credits to Franco to 2Ot n WO000