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TO BUY ENGLISH STALLION AND MARES By Ed Cole ColeSaratoga Saratoga N Y August 2 Henry A Porter intends to devote more time to breeding horses than racing them It was his first idea when entering the racing field said trainer Harry Morrissey Mr Porter would rather breed than nice horses and that is his intention and I enjoy the same opinion The farm for mine as I like it better than traveling around from one track to another Before Mr Porter gets through he will have a fine lot of stock and it will be mostly imported so far as the mares are concerned concernedMr Mr Porter is going over to Lurope in time for the December sales and will purchase more mares and a stallion or two I have not yet decided what I shall get but all the mares will be either stake winners or the dams of stake winners said Mr Porter So far I have not yet decided what stallions I shall purchase being content to wait until I get there but I shall at least get one or the best I can buy and probably more