Churchill Downs Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1918-10-05


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CHURCHILL DOWNS FORM CHART LOUISVILLE KY FRIDAY OCTOBER 4 1918 Churchill Downs Fifth day New Louisville Jockey Club Autumn Meeting of 0 days Weather clear temperature 70 Stewards Chas F Price and Col Andrew Vennie Placing Judge J B Campbell Starter A B Dade Racing Secretary J B Campbell Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs 15 blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile Oct 1G 1913 111 2 105 1000 Added 2yearolds Maidens Colts and Geldings Special Weights Net value to winner 830 second 189 third 101 Index Horses AWtPPSt X K StrFIn Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 39947 GOLDEN FLOSS WB 112 10 4 1 1s I4 1 F Murphy J J C Ellis 555100 555100B 38791 G MUEHLEBACH wn 109 1 3 5 5 2 Z E Pool B J Brannon S90100 S90100E 39790 EMANALE ws 109 4 3 Si 2 41 3 L Wsnm E Brewster C70100 C70100R 39790 EL CORONEL w 109 32 1 4 4l 5J 4s L Mink R B Allen AllenG1 395100 39949 SALGEORGE w 104 7 5 G1 6J 62 5i F Smith Knebelkamp Howtonfl030100 Howtonfl030100H 39949 THIRTEEN WB 112 8 2 2onnicV 2l 31 3 D Connlly II H Hewitt 1005100 1005100G onnicV t riTDTot m inn in 10 = 91 9l 7 G Molesth G L Blackford 940100 940100G 39348 HADRIAN w 112 96 TV 7J 71 8J J Hanover G J Lonij 1513100 1513100DIXIE 1513100J DIXIE CARROLL WB 16 5 11 S1 8 = 85 9 L Gentry J O Whitlow 1075100 1075100C 39949 DAYMON wit 109 29 11 = 0 10 105 J Kederi C C Van Meter t tKohn 39889 TROBEN w 109 11 7 91 11 II5 3110 J Howard Kohn Schulten 1975100 38545 BON SANTE w 109 6 12 12 12 12 12 J Mooney L A Balllnger t ttMntuel tMntuel field Time 24 48 115 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Golden Floss 1310 straight 820 place 510 show George Muehlebach 1030 place 730 show Emanate 440 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Golden Floss 555 to 100 straight 310 to 100 place 155 to 100 show George Muehlebach 415 to 100 place 265 to 100 show Emanale 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner B c by Golden Maxim Floss S trained by J C Gallaher bred by Mr James C Ellis EllisWent Went to post at 215 At post 5 minutes Start fair and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing GOLDEN FLOSS showed the most early speed and raced into a long lead at once but had to be ridden hard near the end GEORGE MUEHLEBACH made u ground and came fast through the stretch EMANALE meed forwardly all the way EL CORONEL closed a big gap THIRTEEN tired HAD ¬ RIAN had no mishaps The others were always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 399293Silvery Light 112 39750 Sun Myth 109 39SS9 Byrne 104 39812 Lowell 112 39023 McVex 109 SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs Oct 8 1913 104 8 92 1000 Added 3ycar olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 825 second 186 third 99 Index Horses AWtPPSt M StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 399702NEPE WSB 3 107 11 2 1 1 = i i F Jackson B J Brannon 7G100 39910 M B THURMANwsB 5 112 SI 21 2J 21 2s J Mooney W F Cisco 950100 39970 JEFFERY w 5 112 13 3J 31 31 3i J Morjs J S Hawkins 1193KO 1193KO39729HASTY 39729HASTY MABEL w 3 102 2 S SI S1 41 44 C Brown W H Fizer f3430100 37193 EDITH L w 3 107 6 10 11 = Ck 7 = 5 L Gentry A L Kirby 511310 39950 EBONY WB 3 100J 74 4J 41 5l 61 F Smith T C McDowell S310100 S3101003774GBREEZY 3774GBREEZY w 3 107 97 71 7l 8i 71 J Hancver G Arvin 55SO1CO 39851 COLLE WB 7 112 36 6i 51 65 8 L Mink OMeara Bros 2110100 39910 ENOS WSB 3 108 10 n 5 9J 9 9 D Connlly Pastime Stable 2760100 37799 FROSTILLA WB 3 107 4 9 lO 10J 10 10 = F Murphy Waldeck Stable t t38585MISS 38585MISS OURI w 3 102 12 11 9J 11 11 11 ir J Burke R P Brooks t 39749 TOOkl ANDERSON WB 4 112 G 12 12 12 12 12 N Barrett Adair Baker 605100 605100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 23 47 100 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Nepe 350 straight 2tiO place 240 show M Bert Thurman 580 place 380 show Jeffery 570 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Nepe 75 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 20 to 100 show M Bert Thur ¬ man 190 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Jeffery 185 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Abe Frank Gladys Louise trained by G Laud bred by Estate of Mr John F Newman NewmanWent Went to post at 244 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing NEPE ran as if he outclassed the others and showed the most speed for the entire race M BERT THURMAN was closest up from the start and held JEFFERY safe for third place JEFFERY was away Well and a forward contender throughout but was tiring in the stretch and just lasted Ions enough to hold third place HASTY MABEL was going fastest at the end after closing a bijr gap tBONY tired TOM ANDERSON was forced back soon after the start startOverweights Overweights Ebony 2 pounds Enos 1 t A A fl I THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs Oct 8 1913 104 2 92 1000 Added 3year rfcvfvrJLJL olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 825 second 186 third S9 Index Horses AWtPPSt Yi StrFin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 37810 DUR ROBERTS w 4 1071 62 3 DJ in l D Connlly J Lowe 347010 39970 NIB WB 3 107 2 3 11 iu i 2i E Pool J W Schorr 3S510 38900 CLARICE RUTH w 3 107 1 4 41 4 4 3U C Brown J F Long f 54010 39943 WALTER MACK WSB 3 1CSJ 2 6 21 23 31 4 S Wolstm W Behrens 39950 GEORGE DUNCNwB 3 107 4 5 7J 61 5l 5 J Gruber A L Rogers 140010 39943 L LONGFELLOW w 3 107 5 7 8 gu 81 6 J Hanover G A Marshall 812010 39943 GREEN GRASS w 3 109 7 1 5 5 61 7h L Mink G E Chancellor 27010 39795 REUBEN HUGH w 3 107 9 10 gi 9 9 8 J Mooney E G Crockett 38990 AiMELITA w 3 107 10 S 6 71 7 9 = G Mplesth J C Ferriss 124510 36181 = STEPHEN R WB 5 112 11 It 12 12 U1 10 H Stearns R L F 39910 JAMES w 4 112 12 12 10l 101 10 11 J Howard Williams Bros 2710K 39809 PAUL CONNELLY w 3 111 8 3 11 111 12 12 J Morys W Twyman 153010 153010tMutuel tMutuel field Time 23 48 101 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Durward Roberts 7140 straight 2800 place S1230 show Nib 560 place 440 show Clarice Ruth 390 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Durward Roberts 3470 to 100 straight 1300 to 100 place 515 to 100 show Nibj 180 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Clarice Ruth 95 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by General Roberts Playful trained by J Lowe bred by Mr George M Van Gorden GordenWent Went to post at 315 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing DURWARD ROBERTS close up from the start came fast through the stretch and won going away NIB set a fast early pace and made a game finish CLARICE RlTII ran well and finished close up WALTER MACK ran well throughout GREEN GRASS was close up at the finish finishOverweights Overweights Durward Roberts 4 pounds Walter Mack 1 Green Grass 2 Paul Connelly 1 f I A l O FOURTH RACE 1 116 Miles Sept 25 1911 144 5 105 1000 Added ± VvrJLfal 3yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 825 second 186 third 99 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 ft Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 39891 DR SHAFER WB 103 S S 6 2i 1 IJ 1 N Barrett W H Baker 89735 W P DABNY WSB 10SJ 5 9 S 311 2 2 2s S Wolstm M C Moor 39955 HOPE ws 103 7 5 5nk 41 31 3 3 c Miller T F Buckley 4175100 4175100w 39915PRINCB IGOR w 107 6 3 1 ih 41 41 4 D Connlly W AV Darden 195100 195100WB 39955 2PLAPPER WB 1M 1 1 2i 7J 5ii 6 5J F Smith J L knight 370100 370100wn 39944 AZTEC wn 107 9 4 3J 5 71 5 T E Pool H Field 11S5100 11S5100wn 39891 ACHERON wn 103 3 6 9 61 6S 7 71 R Andson C E Rbwe 890100 890100WB 39971 AUDREY K WB 103 4 7 71 S1 8s 8 = 8J J Mooney Knebelkamp Howton 6560100 6560100w 39943 AMBUSCADE w 103 2 2 4 4l 9 9 9 9 F Murphy Gallaher Bros 2295100 2295100Time Time 24 J 49 114 140 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dr Shafer 4470 straight 1400 place 1090 show W P Dabny 710 place 520 show Hope 2L40 show Equivalent booking odds Dr Shafer 2135 to 100 straight GOO to 100 place 445 to 100 show W P Dabny 255 to 100 place 160 to 100 show Hope 070 to 100 show Winner B g by Toddington Martha Palmer trained by W H Baker bred by Mr R H Ander ¬ son Went to post at 344 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving DR SHAFER showing sudden improvement began slowly but moved up rapidly on the back stretch and racing into the lead in the homestretch won going away W P DABNY closed a gao early and made a game finish HOPE ran well PRINCE IGOR set the early pace but quit badly in the homestretch The others ran poorly Scratched 39955 Bit of Blarney 103 r 39944 Jiffy 107 39891 Sasenta 107 39694 Dr Levy 103 Overweights 103Overweights w I Pabnj 3ft pounds Flapper 2 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Mid 70 Yards May 27 1912 142 SS7 Tyler Hotel Handicap Purso 1000 3yearolds and upfrard Net value to winner 775 second Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 39945 COURTSHIP WB 4 100 1 3 Il 1J 1s 1 is c Brown G A Marshall 3901CO 3901COrumrUsMAXAOFUi rumrUsMAXAOFUi AAAITEw f 120 2 2 4 4 4 3 = 2J L Gentry T C McDowell 70lOi 39953 SBEAVERKILL WB 4 107 4 1 3s 3 ° 2 2 3 ° J Kederis S M Henderson 40 100 38034 PELL SWOOP w 4 103 3 4 2t 2i 34 4 E Pool A K Macomber C701CO Time 24 48 113 139 143 Track fait 2 mutuels paid Qonrtship 1380 straight 340 place Manager Waite 2 0 place no show mu tuelti nold Equivalent booking odds Courtship 590 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place Manager w Wnite 35 to 100 100Winner Winner B c by Phoenix Conrtisane trained by G A Marshall bred in France by Mr Clarence ClarenceWent Went to post at 414 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing COURTSHIP raced into the lead soon after the start and making the pace fast drew away in the homestretch and won in a canter MANAGER WAITE ran a game race under his heavy impost and made a fast linish BEAAERKILL ran well and finished gamely but tiring FELL SWOOP ran a good mile ami gave way wayOverweights Overweights Fell Swoop 1 pound A fft A SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Oct 16 1913 111 2 105 1000 Added 2yearolds 4UU ATE Allowances Net value to winner 805 second 174 third 91 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt StrFin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 39947 XAX KXOEHR 109 C 2 21 lt li J Williams J W May 055100 39954 TSUXCRAXA i i 109 1 5 1 Ci 41 2 L Gentry Jno Murphy 1395100 39871 39871SCLERMOXT SCLERMOXT 10S 7 4 5i 4l 3i 3 1 Hanover G J Long 475100 47510039770DELICO 39770DELICO 103 S 2 Il H 2i 4 E Pool J S Hawkins 1705100 39753 = LIXDEX v s 112 3 1 4 3i 5 5 J Howard Williams Bros 155100 39911 ADELIA W 105 2 S 8 S s C1 M Garner R L TJakcr 1515100 38420 BALLISTITE i 108 4 7 G3 71 7i T F Murphy Gallaher Bros 1180100 39949 WAR PAIXT 103 5 C 3 5h G S L Mink A 1C Macomber C30100 C30100Time Time 24 48 114 Track fast 2 niiitucls paid Xan Knoelir 2110 straight 8 0 place 530 show Buncrana 1110 place 500 show Icrmont 390 sliow sliowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Xan Knoehr 955 to 100 straiglit 330 to 100 place 165 to 100 show Buncrana 455 to 100 place 200 to 100 show Clermont 95 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by McGee Ida Harrison trained by J W May bred by Mr Charles W Moore MooreWent Went to post at 443 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same XAN KXOEHK was well up from the start and under hard riding took the lead but just lasted long enough HUNCH NA fell back in the early running but gained fast in the stretch and would have won in a few more strides CLEUMOXT raced forwardly and ganiely all the way DELICO tired after showing the most si eed to the stretch LINDEN was taken back soon after tile start and tired in the stretch WAR PAINT quit after going a half mile mileOverweights Overweights Adelia W 1 pound War Paint 1 4 AA f K SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Sept 25 1911 144 5 105 Purse 1000 4year bUUAO olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 775 second 150 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 39951 DR CARMEX sn 6 111 5 3 3 32 1 1 1 M Garner R L Baker 39952 SLUCKY R w 5 107 6 1 5 5 3i 21 2 D Connlly J McPherson 39975 W H PEARCE wu 4 107 24 2 2 t 2 y 3h E Pool J R Peed 3903100 390310039894YEXGHEE 39894YEXGHEE wsu S 107 466 6 G 4s 4 ° J Hanover W F Poison 270100 39915 DR TUCK w 4 107 3 2 4 41 5J 5 5 L Gentry A Ii Kirby 2135100 213510039944TRAPPIXG 39944TRAPPIXG wn 4 105 1 5 Il li 4 = G G C Brown M E Lovell G25100 G25100Time Time 24 48 113 140 147 Track fast 2 mntncls paid Dr Carmen 480 straight 310 place 280 show Lucky R 440 place 300 show Walter H Pearce 50 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Dr Carmen 140 to 100 straiglit 55 to ICO place 40 to 100 show Lucky 11 120 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Walter II Pearce 225 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner ChenanltWent Ch g by Boanerges Lady Knighthood trained by A Itaker bred by Mr O H Chenanlt Went to post at 513 At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing DR CAHMEN after being saved in the early running raced into the lead on the last turn and drawing away in the stretch won easing up LUCKY K ran a good race and finished fast WALTER H PEAUCE raced in closest pursuit to the stretch arid tired YENGHEE came fast through the stretch TRAPPING quit badly after setting the pace to the far turn turnScratched Scratched 39S74Tovial 107 39952 Marv H 102 39895 Diversion 111 JAMAICA FORM CHART JAMAICA L I N T FRIDAY OCTOBER 4 1918 Jamaica Fifth day Metropolitan Jockey Club ClubAutumn Autumn Meeting of 12 days Weather clear temperature 65 Steward to Represent Jockey Club Richard T Wilson Judges C H Pcttingill and E C Smith Starter Mars Cassidy Racing Secretary W C Edwards Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance t fkf t ± FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs June 19 1917 105 7 128 Purse 75083 2year 4tUUAO olds Fillies Selling Net value to winner 60083 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 3995GMARMITE w 109 5 3 I1 1 li 1 = 1 L McAtee E Davis 75 S5 G5 14 out 39848 GOLDVALE w 109 1 1 2 3 2nt 2s L Lyke F Burlew 6 5il10111014out 39936 TIGER ROSE w 104 34 31 2J 3 = 3s W Lang A P Murtba 15 15 15 4 1 39198 ROSAGIXE w 113 G 5 4 4 ° 4s 4k w Collins Kentucky Stable 20 30 30 8 3 39783 SHOOT FAIR wn 98 4 G G 51 5h 5h H flyers W R Coe 20 20 20 G 2 2SERELIA SERELIA wn 105 2 2 5s G G G E Taplin T P Thome S 15 15 4 G5 Time G5Time 24 49 101 107 Track fast Winner B f by Sweep Henpeck trained by X L Byer bred by Mr Gifford A r Cochran CochranWent Went to post at 229 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ing MARMITE outpaced the others from the start and was going away at the end GOLDVALE ran a good race and hung on well in the final drive TIGER ROSE was always in forward contention and linished outpacedScratched resolutely The others were always outpaced Scratched 3997GShndy 104 392822Lamentation 103 A A A fl f7 SECOND RACE 1 116 Miles June 18 1917 145 6 123 Purse 75083 3year TtvvF A 4 olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 60083 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi StrFin Jockeys O H C 1 outAVILD LIVELY w 4 115 G 3 1J 1J 11 1 1 F RobsonM Kornbloom 2 2 85 25 out AVILD THYME wn 4 112 4 4 3i 2 2 22 21 R Troise H Sllields 10 JO 8 2i 1 39807 KEBO wB 4 115 7 G 7 7 G 3 3 L Ensor A Cahill 8 12 12 4 85 fr9981ASSIGN 85fr9981ASSIGN w 3 10S 3 7 G2 61 5 5 45 A SchugrQuincy Stable 752 2 35 out 39787 MISS BRYX WB 3 105 2 2 4 4 3 4 5 E Taplin J Gavett 15 20 20 7 3 39903 FIRST TROOP WB 3 108 55 5s 52 7 G = 6 = F Hopkins AV B AVatkiris 15 20 20 7 3 39727MISS FANNIE wn G 107 1 1 21 3 41 7 7 R McCrnnE D Kaufman 30 40 40 12 5 TrackfastAAinner Time 24 49 115 141 149 Trackfast MaddenWent AAinner Ch g by Ballot Livonia trained by P 7 Fox bred by Mr John E Madden Went to post at 259 At post 1 minute Start good and slow for lall but ASSIGN Won easily serond and third driving LIVELY took an immediate lead and holding sway throughout was casing up at the end WILD THYME tired in the final eighth after forcing the early pace KEBO ran ex ¬ tremely wide while rounding the first turn and was far back to the stretch turn from where he came with a rush ASSIGN was sideways at the barriers rise and wheeled then was hard ridden throughout but could not get up MISS BRYN and MISS FANNIE tired in the final quarter Scratched quarterScratched 397G5 The Banshee II 112 39SG51Woodtlirush 108 A fbfl Q THIRD RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Oct 20 1904 143 3 108 Purse 75083 rtVvr JLO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 65083 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt vi StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C 39981 CHESTER TWO w 3 102 22 I1 2U 2 = i l G Walls Parkvalo Stable 5 5 1851 out 39937 W H BUCKXERwn 3 106 3 3 2l I1 Ink 2 = 2J E Taplin R Gatewood 4 G 5 75 out 39998 MATIN WB 4 105 444 3 3J 3 = 3J R Troise E Herz 2J 331 out 39765 THE BXSHEE II wr 4 114 1 1 3i 4 4 4 4 L Ensor G D Widener 1 G5 G5 13 out Time 25 49 115 141 l46 i Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Chardonneret Chester trained by M Welsh bred in France by Mr M J Prat Went PratWent to post iit 329 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing CHESTER TWO followed W II BUCKNEU closely to the home turn then easily passed him to vin in a canter W H BUCKNEU was hard riddn and raced in the lead but tired in the stretch driv MATIN finished gamely and hud no mishaps THE BANSHEE II next to the rail throughout was re ¬ served to the final eighth but could not respond when called on Overweights onOverweights Chester Two 2 pounds A A A l C iOURTH RACE 1 14 Hiles Oct 18 1905 206 4 101 Purse 75083 3yoar rtWJgy olds and upward Selling Net value to winner 60083 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt V V StrFin Jockeys Owners o g C P S 39937 HAUAVOOD II w G 111 335 5 5 21 1 I2 = E Tanlin Taplin Marrone Stable 4 G 39940SCOXDUIT w 4 113 2 2 4s 4 4J 4 = 2 = F RobsonT F Cobb 2 13 S9940BAR SHAXXOX w 1 11G 1 1 1 1 1 = 11 31 T Rice Quincy Stable 4 4 1351 25 39958SXAPDGOX 2539958SXAPDGOX II wu 3 107 443 3 2J 5 41 A SchugrA Miller 3 31 3 1 12 39940 3WOODTRAP WB 4 110 5 5 2i 2 31 C S R McCrnnD Cunningham 5 G G 45 fastWinner Tine 45Tine 24 48 114 140 206 Track fast Winner Ch g by Cicero Dictate trained by A Moliuella bred Iii England by Lady James Don las n nWent Went to post at 400 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing HARWOOI II was outpaced to the home turn from where he moved up rapidly on the outside and was going away at the end CONDUIT raced closer up than usual and found her way throuh when turning for home but could not get to the winner BARRY SHANNON displayed high early speed in pacemuking but tired and bumped SNAPDRAGON II On the last turn knocking the latter off his stride SNAPDRAGON II was going well at the time WOODTRAP ran well for a mile then tired Scratched tiredScratched 39S03Game Cock 109 39SMO Irregular 110 slAA II FIFTH RACE 34 Milo May 19 1916 112 4 118 Purse 75084 4yearolds TtvFvr an upward Claiming Net value to winner 60084 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt H 4StrFin Jockeys 39B 37 = HOUSEMAID w 10 10S S3 3 = 21 2 1 = B Taplin Meadow Bk Fm 75 S5 3 35 14 398G7 14398G7 ALVORD wn 4 103 2 5 li l H R Troise F Burlew 21 3 s i i 39957 SHOXDO WB 4 103 6 G 5s 5 5 = 31 T Rowan F Dahnken l 15 35 6 39725 THE MASQADERwn G 110 5 1 2l 3 35 4H L Lyke W Stormont 4 C 3t 7G 710 39723 PERSEUS wn 4 101 4 7 41 4s 4 = 5 H BuIlmnH A Cotton 100 100 100 40 0 39807 XOXESUCH wu 4 108 1 2 0 = G = G = G P HonkinsJ L Donovan CO GO GO 0 10 39184 PHILIPPIC WB4111 38 8 S S 7nt G Walls Marrone Stable 8 10 7 1 G5 39137 BERT WILLIAMS w 4 106 7 9 7 7 = 7 S L Ensor R L Bresler S l 1 5 i Time 24 47 112 Track fast fastWinner Winner B m by Broomstick Ethel Pace trninpij by p yi Taylor bred by Mr C L Harrison Went HarrisonWent to post at 429 At post S minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing HOUSEMAID fractious at the barrier finally began well and followed the leader to the stretch turn from where she came with a rush and won in a canter ALVORD set a fast earl pace but tired when the winner challenged HONDO finished fast and caught THE MASQUEUADEU tiring in the fin1 ttrides The latter quit badly near the end PHILIPPIC was badly outrun PEIJSEUS showed Kneed Scratched KneedScratched 39154 Masque I0i 397S Intriguer 101 34920 = Socony 94 34740 Breeze 107 Overweights 107Overweights Alvord 2 pounds Perseus 2 SIXTH RACE 34 Mile May ID 1916 112 4 118 Purse 75084 2yearolds Allowances Net value to winner 60084 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P 39708JWAR MARVEL w 113 21 31 3 S3 1 E Taplin A K Macomber 1 G5 91013 out 39828 THUXDERSTORM WB 113 C 5 4s 4s 4 2k L Ensor R T Wilson 6 S 8 1 1 39828JOPHELIA WB 113 3 4 21 lat n 3nk G Walls Mrs J E Davis 4 5 5 5 i 39828 BALUSTRADE WB 116 5 3 Il 2U 21 45 A SchuerR L Gerry 454 65 ° 5 39S28 LADS LOVE w 113 1 2 r9 55 5 5 F RobsonGreentree Stable G S 7 45 39374 COMME CI WB 113 10Time 4 6 G 6 G C Fbther Anthony Stable 100 100 100 30 10 Time 23 47 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Spanish Prince My Dolly trained by W B Jennings bred in England by Mr John B Joel JoelWent Went to post at 45S At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second end third driv ¬ ing WAR MARVEL under early restraint followed the early leaders to the home turn then came around on the outside and won easing up THUXDEUSTQRM was outrun early but finished fast on the outside OPHELIA held on well after forcing and setting a fast pace BALUSTRADE set the early pace lut tired badly when called on LADS LOVE was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 3982S = Purchase 116 39978 Thuuderclap 113 39820I6pkinj Up 105 39SC8 Under Fire

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Local Identifier: drf1918100501_2_6
Library of Congress Record: