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MR GRIZZLY AND OTHER BEARS The North American bwirs include Ihc Id bears of Alaska the grizzly bears of Mexico to Alaska and the black bears from Mexico to Alaska The Kodlak bear of Kodiak Island Alaska is tin largest of all bears and the largest carnivorous animal in the world Several skins of immense size and skulls nineteen inches in length have been collected The largest specimen ever killed meas ¬ ured fiftyone inches in height at the shoulders shouldersThe The grizzly bear is the most celebrated of all species and down to the advent of the breech ¬ loader the grizzly was a most aggressive animal and when attacked would charge the hunter This animal is of imposing appearance and are easily recognized by their high shoulders powerful bulk grizzlygray hair and long curved claws From Mexico and Southern California along the Rocky Mountains the grizzly bear shows six shades of color from brown to gray the tips of the hair be ¬ ing edged with silvery gray from which comes te name of Silver Tip The largest grizzly ever weighed was found to balance the scales at 11 pounds poundsIn In many parts of the United States the grizzly is now a rare animal save in the Yellowstone Park and in the Clearwater Mountains of Idaho Many bear hunters are of the opinion that the good grizzly bear hunting can not be had this side of British Columbia ColumbiaThe The black bear is the most common and is found in nearly all the mountains and forests be ¬ tween Florida and Alaska and from Xova Scotia to the Pacific coast It is jet black in color except the nose which is light brown A confused fact about the black bear is the frequency with which it runs into brown or cinnamon color and sometimes black and brown cubs have been found in the same litter In its brown color it is known as the Cin ¬ namon bear and in the Rocky Mountains brown specimens arc as numerous as black Many find it difficult to believe both are the one species but this is so in fact It is a smaller animal than tbe grizzly with shorter claws and well adapted to tree climbing The black bear is a timid animal and always runs when observed by the hunter but it s a good climber and runs swiftly when chased All Outdoors