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CATS ARE EXPERT ANGLERS Cats have a passion for fish and will hover about a room plaintively mewing long after the piscine substance lias gone and only the smell is left; but it is not generally known that they are expert anglers. A Hampshire sportsman whose garden borders on a well stocked stream stated that his cat takes more trout out of it than he does. All fish love to bask in the sun, and, taking advantage of this on fine summer days, Mr. Tom lies in ambush, concealed jn tli? reedy grass .bordering some bright ebbly shallow. He needsheitlier rod nor line; unlimited patience is his sole stock in trade. Not a move does he make, his quivering tail merely rustling the slender bents as if stirred with the gentlest southern breeze. Presently there is a splash and a llounder, and a tine, fat trout, bursting with condition, comes flapping up to the shallow for its morning sun bath. For an instant only it lies there contentedly gasping in the soft warm air, but in that instant the four-footed angler has made his spring and fastened his claws firmly in the fishs shimmering back. Family Journal.