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I GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY WASHINGTON, I. C January 23. Levy Mayer, counsel for Armour and Company, and termed "the highest, priced lawyer in the world." told the House committee on interstate commerce today that the proposed bill for regulating the packers was unconstitutional and cited Supreme Conrt decisions in support of his statement. He referred to the decision on the child labor bill as one argument. THE HAGUE. Holland, January 23. No Berlin papers, were published today on account of the strike troubles. This city whs in lHr,kuoi lust night as a result of the walkout of the- electrical "workers. The street car employes have quit also. It is reported that Carl Radek. emissary of the Russian Bolsheviki, who was sent into Berlin to .spread propaganda, will return. He fled when the Sparta-can uprising failed.