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COMO RANTS DESTROYING OCEAN FISH For some time a discussion has been taking place in- Victoria, Australia, regarding the damage done by the cormorant. A witness at a recent fishing inquiry spoke favorably of the bird, with the result that numerous correspondents joined issue with him. The" damage done- in trout waters in Xew South Wales is enormous, but it is difficult to see how it can be effectively checked. Some years ago an experiment was tried by the Fisheries Department granting a bonus for dead cormorants. Over 44,000 were accounted for in this way, but no appreciable. lessenlngHvns"ap"nafent; iind the offer was-with-drawn. A nrominent Sydney angler tells of a rookery existing on the Colombo Creek, a Riverina stream, where innumerable birds nest. Many have been destroyed by allowing a boat to drift below with the occupants using their oars on the overhanging branches. Had the government bonus been continued the finances would have been severely taxed. The birds are not so destructive in the inland streams, where the fish feed on the bottom, but they undoubtedly kill many trout.