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RETURNS OF RACING FROM NORTH AMERICAN TRACKS IN TEE COURSE OF A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER OF YEARS In the course of the last eight years California, Florida, Montana, South Carolina, Utah, Virginia, Oklahoma and Idaho, which in 1911 gave horse owners considerable sums in stakes and purses, have vanished from the racing map, but Arkansas, Louisiana, Nevada and Wyoming have come back, so there is some compensation. It is not improbable that other comebacks of importance will be registered before long. In the meantime Kentucky, New York and Maryland are the states which have kept the sport living, although New York was but flickering dimly in 1911 and 1912. It is interesting to note how steadily the racing returns of that great state have mounted upward from the 02,003 of 1913 to the ,156,299 of last year, all due to common sense decisions of the New York courts in regard to betting. Study of this presentment of racing returns in the United Stntes makes it seem a veritable map of the vicissitudes of the sport, in this country In the broader field of North American racing the outstanding fact is that since 1904 the vast sum of over fifty millions of dollars has been distributed among owners of winning horsesi But for the war-time suspension of Canadian nnd Mexican racing this great total would have been increased . by at least two and. a half millions more. This is a tabulation of more than passing significance nnd interest to the turf world: United states Racing: Revenue Since 191 0. State. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1910. 1917. 1918. Totals. KAituckr 63,929 40,390 39,750 24,495 70,881. 1919.sh70,439 40,895 $ 754.155 ,710,931 New York 10,900 30,290 402,603 580,860 539,170 050,459 972,07.1 1,150,299 4.342.654 Marvland 277,850 356,930 355,690 413,990 438.374 578,725 715,090 765,678 3.9Q2.927 Louisiana 87.800 169,280 273,835 274,190 805,105 South Carolina. 32,700 194,155 183,450 209,105 4,745 624,155 Montana 74,145 91,600 133,360 133,550 432,655 Florida 310,885 310,885 Arkansas . ., - -. 42,868 90,250 122,150 255,268 Virginia 84,985 72,265 67,935 14,400 2,610 3,360 2,265 3,325 251,145 Idaho 72,090 113,380 11,000 .. 197,070 Nevada 40,150 78,500 43,350 23,240 184,240 Utah 67.935 90,375 158,310 Oklahoma 61.200 53,270 39,600 2,400 156,470 California 73,085 .. 47,595 9,375 130,055 Colorado ...... 12,350 34,600 43,095 90,045 Illinois 7,250 2,000 ...... 57,085 .. 66,335 Msachusetts .. 10,765 11,900 11,910 9,835 7,040 9,135. ...... 60,045 Wvoming . 29,150 30.000 59,150 Indiana 12,600 31,100: . . 6,000 49.700 Pennsylvania . 2,940 6,025 1,015 925 9,605 8,895 4,150 33.555 Missouri 5,200. 21,700 26,900 Texas 9.20Q 6,600 7,500 ... 23,300 Washington 11,430 :. .V.-f ...... t 11,430 D. of Columbia . . 3,950 7,265 11,215 Kansas 6,400 . ...... 6,400 Delaware - "- 1,000 ....... 6.000 Alabama -v- 3,250 3.250 West Virginia 2,62u ....... 2,625 - North American Racing- Revenues Since 1904. 2 2g 2s S?a . 2 2a . : aS. ag.3 a3 a5." a asa Year. , a S- 55 5 o" o" 5" S" , sn a ss - a a 1905 .... $ 5,372,402 $.229,155 $ 15,601,557 1900 .. 5,106,531 313,850 5,420,381 1907 ....... . 4,945,769 429,785 5,375,554 1908 3,812,151 439,540 $ 18,000 4,209,691 1909 2,469,558 488,667 $ 42,800 $ 145,670 24,000 3,170,695 1910 " " ...... 2,316,005 391,988 187,165 47,175 2.942,333 inn " 1,583,974 436,710 251,658 65,615 2,337,957 1912 . 1,507,625 539,110 199,100 145,790 2.391,625 1913 1,890,878 594,640 224,895 210,550 2,920,963 1914 1,939,860 669,345 240.270 145,050 .. 2,994,525 1915 . 1,792,765 688,652 228.420 .. 143,200 2,853,037 191G " " 2,273,521 900,245 407,620 195,085 3,842,471 1917 2,927,933 074,185 225,225 .", 238,910 4,066,253 1918 ".!.."!."." 3,135,037 3,840 .. ...... 286,470 3,425,347 Totals for 14 Years Distribution. 1,074,109 ,805,712 ,007,253 $ 759,850 $ 804,065 1,612,389