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THREE YEAR OLD ENTRIES Horses of That Age Predominate in Big Eastern Handicap. Exterminator, Not Sun Briar, Hope of Kilmer Stable in I Long-Distance Features. XEW YORK, X. Y.. February 2G. It seems as if W. S. Kilmer Ik either confident that Exterminator is good enough to win the Brooklyn Handicap, or that lie is fenrful of Sun Briar going the route, the latter not appearing among the entries, though lie Is in other liandicaps at shorter distances. Tills is to be deplored, for Sun Briar would be a great ncuuisitiou to the race, along with the other good four-year-olds. In Exterminator Mr. Kilmer has a promising candidate. His races during the autumn meetings showed him to bo a much better horse than he was generally estimated. That he is a long route horse has never been questioned since he won the Kentucky Derby. He also proved lie is au all round horse, being capable on any kind of a track. Sandy McXaugbton is confident that Omnr Khay- yam will come buck to his three-year-old form. It was a foot affliction that cdused him to fall in lils races last year. This has been remedied, according to McNaughton, who has paid the most studious attention to his feet during the winter; in fact, he will practically have a new set of hoofs when he comes out again. Not before Aqueduct will Omar be seen, McNaughton being convinced he will need plenty of time before he again puts hjm In training; consequently he may. not .be before Aqueduct. .He -entered liim in the Brooklyn, chancing his being ready. 1 Those who., have looked closely over the entries for the AQuedliet features are firm in. their belief thnt James Rowe, who has the H.. P. Whitney horses1 in charge, lias -a couple of good three-year-olds in prospect. They are Bayard, by Bayardo Miss Hamburg;- nnd Headstrong, by Polymelus Perverse, and bo far non-starters. Why they were not introduced last year is Mr. Rowes secret, but that they are coming out this year in big events is evidence that they are considered stake race material by the wizard trainer. Should they come up to expectations then the class of our three-year-olds will be greatly augmented by their presence, and the laurels of Billy Kelly, Eternal, Dnnboyne, War Iennant and others will be threatened. BROOKLYN HANDICAP ENTRIES. It is doubtful if ever there were as many three-year-olds entered in the Brooklyn Handicap and other handicaps to be run at Aqueduct as there are this year. The sixty-six nominations for the Brooklyn are positively crowded with good three-year-olds. Glancing over the list one sees the names of Blue Laddie, Bayard, Headstrong, Vindex, Billy Kelly, Eternal, Terentia. King Plaudit, Be Frank, Purchase, Cirrus. Star Hampton and many others of lesser note. Dunboyne. is an absentee, though he appears in the Carter Handicap. All of these have done .something, with the exception of Headstrong and Bayard, that entitles them to decided recognition. These facts give reason for belief that the Brooklyn Handicap this year might be won by a three-year-old, as the route of a mile and an eighth gives the younger horses a much better chance than they had in the old days, when the distance was a mile -and a quarter. The older horses of importance these youngsters will have to meet are Itoamer. Cudgel, Omar Khayyam, Wcsty Hogan, Exterminator, War Cloud, .lack Hare Jr., Papp, Star Hawk, Naturalist and Sunny Slope. Comparing the two squads there is much to recommend in the three-year-olds, for they are young and healthy, while there are doubts about soine, of the older brigade. Roamer is getting old. Cudgel pulled up a bit dickey lust fall, Omar Khayyam had bad feet, Westy Hogan has had to be shelved for ailments. Star Hawk has been out of commission for a year or two. Naturalist may not like the route, Papp was nothing of great account list year. War Cloud will have to have a perfect track and Jack Hare Jr. was laid up last fall. Consequently it leaves but Exterminator, Sunny Slope and one or two others, of less importance without blemish. Indications point to a threc-ycar-old. 4