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PLAN CIRCUIT FOR WASHINGTON RACING If State Racing Commission Bill Becomes a Law Sport Will Thrive in Northwest. .SEATTLE, Wash.. March 8. Supporters of the pnHsel racing bill were a little disappointed in that the legislation was not reported last week, but the latest information is that the bill Js now in the hands of he rules committee and will come up for net ion this week. The plans call for a new track at Vancouver, Wash., where twenty days racing will be asked for ten in the spring and ten in the fall. Tacoma was to have fifteen days, Seattle twenty-five and Spokane fifteen days. A recent letter from Robert Y Leighton, of Vancouver, B. C, stated that if tlie Washington State Racing Commission became a law he would guarantee horsemen two seven-day wetlngs at Minora Park, but that they would not attempt to race without the aid of the State of Washington. The old racing days of the Meadows and of the Alan track, near Spokane, have .been discussed freely, but those familiar with the methods of racing in Kentucky under the states commission show there is no relationship whatever except that it is Jiorses racing. Writing from New Orleans. William Allen, manager of the Convention and Tourist Bureau of New-Orleans Association of Commerce, has the following to say of tlie racing: "It brings thousands of the most desirable class of people to the city. Aside from tlie immediate monetary benefits that come from such an influx of visitors, it lias an advertising value to the city direct and indirect that would be impossible to cal- Vrom Hot Springs, Ark., G. R. Belding, secretary of the Business Mens League, states: "IJ. brought thousands of visitors to this city tliat we could not have interested in any other way. They were people pf wealth and paid the highest, prices at the largest hotels, and it would be extremely .unpopular for . anyone in Hot Springs to tiajr anything against racing now. I did not hear fine fcUigle, solitary complaint from any one."