Oaklawn Racing Popular: Big Assemblage Gathers to Welcome Horses to Hot Springs.; Mormon Takes the Main Race of the Afternoon in Game Fashion--Bobby Allen Wins., Daily Racing Form, 1919-03-16


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OAKLAWN RACING POPULAR Big Assemblage Gathers to Wel ¬ come Horses to Hot Springs Mormon Takes the Main Race of the Afternoon in Game Fashion Bobby Allen Wins HOT SPRINGS Ark Mareli 15 Racing at Oak lawn was ushered in this afternoon under conditions most flattering for the success of the meeting An attendance of record size here witnessed the sport and this too in spite of a threatened down ¬ pour pourMayor Mayor McClendons proclamation for a halfholi ¬ day found ready response in the business district resulting In many of the workers finding an oppor ¬ tunity to visit the course The mayor headed the delegation of members comprising the Business Mens League and after reaching the track made an address of welcome to the horsemen and visitors Persons prominent in politics the army and finan ¬ cial circles of every section of the country mingled in the big crowd and all seemingly took a keen interest in the racing and attending incidents incidentsBetting Betting activities was of marked strenuosity and fortythree prominent operators quoted odds and cured for the wants of those speculutively incljned The racing was wholesome and many of the finishes hard fought and close The card was a well ar ¬ ranged one with no particular outstanding feature unless the third raw contested by threeyearolds could be termed such becansce it Imd among its several starters prosi eetive Kentucky Derby starters It resulted in a victor for Willis Sharpe Kilmers Mormon over W M McGees Madras Gingham with Ragnorok in third place The winner showed anexcellgnt performunce in coming all around the others after a somewhat tardy beginning and win ¬ ning by a half length with speed in reserve Madras Ginghams showing was also a good one but she tired racingWillie in the stretch racing Willie Mormons victory was aciiieved in good fashion he left the impression in the minds of the close observers that he will have to improve considerably on this nice to make him formidable in the Kentucky Derby It was his first race this season and trainer McDaniel lias indulged him in his training up to date The colt will no doubt im ¬ prove by the race raceThe The opening race introduced a band of twoyear olds the first race of this kind run over the track in years It resulted in a victory for Bobby Allen ridden by Wheatley a product of Hot Springs born and raised in the shadow of the Ouklawn track It was the horse and the riders first winning race Booneville was the favored one in the race but he ran out on the last turn and failed to get a part of the purse purseMARS MARS MOUSE A WINNER WINNERBringhurst Bringhurst and Bon Tromp were given the call in the second nice but the purse went to Mars Mouse which showed a flash of the form that made him a formidable opitonent for the best at this truck last spring Bringhurst beat Sercnest for second place placeHarvest Harvest King was the second successful choice to get home in front during the afternoon His victory came in the fourth race when lie outfooted Dick Williams and Brownie McDawell Higli Horse ii memory of long ago showed a good performance in staying in front in the fiftli nice and winning from Aztec and Gleipner Tlie final race found Let a the winner with Baby Cal and Paul Connelly in placesTrainer second and third places Trainer Kim Patterson sent Eternal threequarters tliis morning over a slow track in 118 the colt accomplishing the work in easy fashion fashionTraction Traction in Andy Blakelcys stable succumbed to pneumonia yesterday The horse contracted the ailment en route here from New Orleans OrleansJ J H Rosseter and a party of friends journeyed here from Washington D C to witness the open ¬ ing ingOboltis Oboltis which started in the fourth race was claimed for 500 by C Hawk who represented H Field owner of Saints Bridge a starter in the race raceJ J H Madigin president of the Fort Erie track was among the visitors and will remain for some time timeThe The newcomers from Jefferson track in New Or ¬ leans where racing closed this afternoon will add considerably to the big throng already here In the expected crowd will be several layers but the rule of not more than fortyfour operators at any one time will be adhered to and the new ones desiring to go on will have to take chances in the draw

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919031601/drf1919031601_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1919031601_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800