Seventh Race [7th Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-08

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EVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nov 25 1915 148 4 116 116iER KILMER iER CristBowie ch g 6 108 By Plaudit Expressing T E Crist 41908 Bowie Gi f 124 slop 51 117 3 45 5s 53 J Butwell 7 HarShaw Margery Sis Emblem 41871 Bowie EmblemBowie 61 f 122 fast 7 US 7 7 76 6 41 21 J Metca 8 Mumbo Jumbo Sosius Nanoli 41624 Jefson NanoliJefson 1 116 l l49 fast 5 116 4 1 3 2 21 11 A Collhu 9 Bnefactor Idolence Aiucator 41575 Jefson AiucatorJefson 1 116 151 fast 31 113 5 1 1 1 11 in M Rowan S Dndreary Mnnchen K Bmanti 41509 FGnds BmantiFGnds Im70y l46 good 15 IOS 4 3 1 1 2 22 M Rowan 9 Grumpy Romeo Ben Hauinson 41467 FGnds HauinsonFGnds 51 f l13hvy 8 155 1 12 123 381 Lt VECTylO Tito Ettahe Amalgamator 41442 FGnds AmalgamatorFGnds 1 115 152 hvy 30 104 8 4 2 6 91 10 M Garner 11 Lucky It Kebo Mary H 41407 FGmls 51 f 111 hvy 30 111 7 77 77MISS 777 7 M Garner 7 Discussion Seafarer Grn Grasi MISS PostJefson FILLEY ch f 4 102 By Superman Allie Darden W H Post 41602 Jefson Im70y l47good 5 103 fi 6 8 8 8 = 8 ° 5 G PreeceJrlO Pluviiida SGatewood Mir erv 41556 Jefson ervJefson 1 11G l55hvy 115 107 1 1 1 1 25 1 G PreeceJr 7 Handfull Mannchen Col IcXili 40823 Jefson IcXiliJefson 1 11G 151 slow 12 108 1 3 G G 42 34 J Rodgez S B Thistle BHampson B Rock 40743 Jefson RockJefson 1 l53hvy 115 105 2 4 5 4 6 6 ° J J Rodgez G Tportation BForite M Fnuiu 40620 Jefson FnuiuJefson 1 l50mud 115 100 4 422 2 2 2 11 in J Rodgez G Jiffy Aztec Medusa 40588 Jefson 34 115 good 7 102 1 3 33 3 21 21 H Cassity 7 Kenward Mab Sayonarrn 40510 Jefson SayonarrnJefson 34 l20hvy 7 106 4 4 43 3 3 3 H Hamtn G Blaise Parrish Earlyrnorn 40193 Laurel EarlyrnornLaurel 1 116 l467ifast 8Jf 101 5 7 9 7 9h 12 ° G PreeceJrlG PeerOne WidBedotte Grouse EDITH H BAUMANN ch m 6 98 By Pr of Melbourne Rose Prim J Arthur 41893 Bowie ArthurBowie Im20y 147 fast 2310 102 5 3 4 3 341S33 21 3 = A Richcrk 8 BillHunley AlmaB Cdiditell 41S33 Bowie CdiditellBowie Im20y 147 fast 7 101 13 13 10 3 3 = 341 A RichcrklS Boxer Zouave Fairly 41633 Jefson FairlyJefson 1 116 l49fast 12 104 4 1 1 2 2 = 2 = J Mooney 14 Handfull SGatewd H Riches 41610 Jefson RichesJefson 1 116 1 l49f 49f ast 12 106 3 3 5 3 33 3C J Mooney 1G Regreso Dundreary BillUunlev 41575 Jcfson BillUunlevJcfson 1 116 151 fast 8 104 1 3 5 5 51 4 = 2 H J Burke 8 Kilmer Dundreary Misimcheu 41529 FGnds MisimcheuFGnds Im20y l42 l42fast fast 25 104 S 10 9 6 51 54J A Richcrkll Medusa Suiiflash Sybil 11383 FGnds SybilFGnds Im20y 146 hvy 4 106 4 5 G 7 6 5 H J Burke 9 Q Blonde A Louise B Shilline 11199 FGnds ShillineFGnds 1 116 l53mud 10 106 1 5 7 7 71 781 J Rodgez 8 AVHBkner Cracow BForite BOXER SR b g 7 111 By Star Shoot Cremorne J Duffy 41873 Bowie DuffyBowie Im20y l45fast 175 114 233 5 4 = 34 F Robson 7 Zouave Iloiuliui Handfull 41833 Bowie HandfullBowie Im20y 147 fast 21 113 1 4 4 2 21 1 F RobsonlS Zouave Edith Baumann Fairlv 41623 Jefson FairlvJefson DundrearyJefson Im20y l45V5fast 4J 111 11 10 S 7 6 5 J J Mooney 1 Abuscade SMarjorie Dundreary 41603 Jefson Im70y 148 good 165 107 4 5 5 5 41 21 J Mooney 8 GRoberts FMonroe Ambuscadu 41589 Jefson AmbuscaduJefson 1 116 l50slow 8 101 G G 5 4 31 33 J Mooney G Ballad Dolina AVaterproof 41576 Jefson AVaterproofJefson 1 11G l51fast 15 108 5 5 2 2 2J 3 = S Sndman 9 Tranby JohnUurio NoManacer 11556 Jefson NoManacerJefson 1 116 l55hvy 12 106 G G 5 5 51 3 ° R Denyse 7 Miss Filley Uandfull Maimchcu 41409 FGnds Im70y l52shvy 15 110 5 6 6 G G3 6 = 3 M Rowan 7 Astraea Dolina Medusa NOUREDDIN br g 7 10G 41410 FGnds 1 116 154 hvy 30 104 G G 6 7 41323 FGnds 1 14 209 good 20 109 7 7 S S 41118 KGnds 1 14 213hvy 5 113 5 7 5 5 41133 FGmls Im70y 1 54hvy 20 114 S S 8 S 41022 FGnds 1 116 l54hvy 8 109 7 8 8 7 10096 FGnOs 1 14 2124hvy 6 110 7 8 40J13 FGnds 1 116 l57hvy 12 107 6 7 6 3 1CS9G FGnds 1 14 2llgood 20 100 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 ° I Gregory 7 Pit Quito Waterproof WaterproofBy GAVILLA ch m 5 98 By Solitaire II Salvatrix C Klucchi 11SG9 Howie 61 f l21fast G7 110 6 7 7 7 63 D Stirling 7 Margery Refugee Kinglin II 3757 Havana 34 l13Vbfust 5 102 2 6 G G3 5s H Bullman 9 CaptMmont Ncvillell Bil 7ou 341 87 Fort Krie 51 f l074 fast 1S5103 5 453 2i F Merimce 7 Philistine Eulogy Dur Roberts 33S47 Connht 34 115 fast 13 1031 2 4 4 4 5 = 3 H Boylari Anita Tioga Bliiebaimock 33757 Connht 34 l15fast 4710 1021 2 4 2 2n 33 W Crump 10 Anita Between Us Costuraer S3543 BlueBon 34 117 hvy 14 100 4 4Cl 235 = 6 W Crump S Blue Fox L Mexican Costumer 30472 Bowie Cl f 121 fast 45 108 5 5T 4 5 7 7 L McAtee 7 Ultimatum AVaukeag Manoklii uC342 Bowie T 5 f l0Jslow 12 109 5 3 2 2nt 40 c DishmonlO MedMiss Gecntree KnthGray HAZELNUT b h 5 By KnthGrayBy Meelick Lou Hazel A Tempest 41936 Bowl 61 f l224 l224good good 195 5 S 8 8 R Moore S Refugee Kingling II Ti Rosp 41613 Havana 34 l14fast 10 2 3 4k 632 R Troise 11 Encore Lady J Grey MissJazbo 41499 Havana 51 f lOyVislow 21 3 3 44 32 R Troise 8 Deckhand Cardome Syrian 41473 Havana 5i f lllvjhvy 8 1 1 I1 1 R Troise S FrBnrke AVillSoon KrozenGlen 41426 Havana 34 114 fust 12 112 2 434 = 7 = 1 G PreeceJrl2 I intuua Miss Frances Barton 413S5 Havana 51 f 108 fast 12 109 5 4 3 G3 571 R Troise 12 Servia Callaway LSnendtlirlft 41346 Havana 51 f l09slow 10 J09 1 5 8 lOnt 9 T Nolan 11 James G Rhadames Cullawuy 41103 Havana 34 113 fast 20 103 9 LO 9 9l 10 = W Lang 12 Fascinating Ambrose Timkins 40950 Havana 51 f llG hvy 6 112 3 5 7 7 7 = 7 G Russell 8 Bon Tess P Ungar Burlingamo

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Local Identifier: drf1919040801_6_5
Library of Congress Record: