Second Race [2nd Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-11

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SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming April 2 1917 107 3 100 VIGILANTE br g 3 M 105 By King James Virgilis R Pending 4197 Bowie 34 115 fast 13 107 1 3 3 35 IJ 3s D Stirling 7 JackLeary LoyPeter TigerRc 41935 Bowie 34 llGKoodl710 10S 4 4 441SS 3 4s 25 D Stirling 13 LoyallVter Mohican Mackenzie 3 41SS Bowie Gl f 123 fast S 103 G 2 2 2 = 2n AV Doyle 9 Plurenzi Auctioneer DrCpbell 41849 Bowie Gi f 122 fast 10 107 5 2 24092G 2 4 5 D Stirling 10 Tan II Houdini Sibola 4092G FGnds 51 f llChvy 7 103 4 3 2 3l 3 i M Rowan 9 Laggard Hilda Elizabeth Marie 40905 FGnds 5 f lllmud 10 110 6 5 540SOG 5 G1 C 3 B Kleeger 1 Micurist SCKeener Tmbeala 40SOG Jefson GJ f 110 good 115 112 5 4 44077G fi 5 3 F Robson 9 ConrtGallant TIIealey Padua 4077G Jefson 34 l19BOod 15 101 4 3 3407C3 3 3s 21 R Romlli 9 GAVIngton AVSpper Reviver 407C3 Jefson 34 119 hvy 2 107 2 2 24072G 2 3h 3 M Rowan 4 Toombeola Astraea Minawand 4072G Jefson 34 121 hvy 2 105 2 2 2JAMES 2 3i 5 M Rowan 8 D Dare DBfight GAVhington JAMES A SHERIDAN b g 3 M 105 10541G19 By GAVhingtonBy Braxted Queen Bee Crown Stable 41G19 Jefson 34 116 fast 7 103 1 4 C StableC 4h 4 Q preece 10 Pltireen Speedster Notate 41370 FGnds 1 l45mud 6 103 G 7 C G NotateG 51 5 N Barrett S Sylvano AV AVillow 41357 FGnds 1 11G l4Sfast 3 100 3 G S 6 101 7 D ConnllylS FShannon Plurenzi Br RSamucls Velvet 41278 FGnds 1 116 l49fast 6 100 11 10 9 8 41 43 C Robsonl4 GorRoberts Brando 41136 FGnds Im70y l52hvy 20 103 S G 4 2 2 21 J Rodgez 8 Duhabiahll Astraea Philistine Wilfreda 41083 FGnds 1 l49hvy 12 116 7 7 7 5 6s 7 AV Crump 7 JSewel AV ETranter CBoothe 41004 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 15 115 8 8 8MACKENZIE 6 6l G M Rowan 10 Cobweb AVar Mask EdTranter EdTranterBy MACKENZIE ch z 4 M 113 By Meelick Gay and Festive M Williams 41 Howie 34 llGgood2710f 117 1 1 2 2J 4 J G Burns 13 Loyal Peter Vigilante Mohican 40029 Jamaica lm70yl4Gfast 6 114 G 4 4 439J77 4 e4 G ° F Robson S Bet Point to Point 39J77 Jamaica ImOyI 4Gslov 20 102 2 5 6 4 4s 4 G PreeceJr G Piedra Broom Peddler Santiago 39903 Aqduct 1 l42good 25 115 11 10 11 8 71 G i M Rowan 17 Bar One Assign Grouse Bolster 39188 Empire 51 t l08slow 12 112 7 2 2S916S 2 3J 12 = R Troxler 12 ODnovan GAVington S916S Empire Ab3l 110 fast 30 109 8 9 9RSS71 9 94 7 AV Kelsay 14 Onico Heredity Kirsties Sntiago Cub RSS71 Aqduct 58 l01mud 30 110 17 19 19 19 19 AV Mclnre20 Debadou AVigstone Daedalus 8759 Afjduct 1 l39faft 60 104 7 G 8 8 8 8 W Roth 8 Empress GLeydecker ComLaw 38436 Belmont 34 st l10good 15 115 12 10 10THE 9 93 11 C Kummerl9 Polynielian JauBout Wigstoue THE BELGIAN II ch g 5 116 By Rabelais Suffragette G W Forman 41974 Bowie 5 f lOSfast H 110 G 4 4419M 3i 2s T Rice 7KinglgII Scaramcli Risponde 419M Bowie 51 f lOSfast 19 113 5 7 73MSS 6s Risponde6s Go T Parton 8 SisEmblem TasSteel LMIlIer 3MSS Laurel 1 11C l4Gfast 8 106 10 7 9 10 1023 S Sndmanl2 Lazy Lou Nigel Ocean Prince 39916 IIdeGce 1 116 l47fast 7 111 13 7 5 3nk 315 T Parton 14 True as Steel Keziali Jessie C 31741 ILdeGce Im70yl49hvy 15 107 3 7 7 7S9701 G5 C R Denyse 8 GoIdBoy TbyTury AVoo IViolet S9701 HdeGce 1 15U 149 fast 3 113 411 41139CG6 2 35 C Mergler 12 Ed Henry AVodan SllverSandals 39CG6 HdeGce 111G149 fast 65 109 1 2 2 23ST39 2l S C Mergler S Ben llanipsou Hayden Keziali 3ST39 Belmont 1 142 fast 12 IOC 8 3 2 23MG2 2J 61 C Mergler S Hubbub Sky Pilot G M Miller 3MG2 Belmont 1 116 l4Sslop 10 KKi 1 4 4 11 11 C Mergler 11 N K Beal Ellison Kingtlslier HASTY LADY b f 3 M 100 10041JiSS By Plaudit Crownlet A F Smith 41JiSS rowie r iflOS fast 111 4 4 W Doyle S II Panky Fricur T Ferryman 73 lldeOce 34 117 hvy 33f 107 I IK 71 714 Q Prcece 12 Minocvre ClGone Sunningdalu K 9C HdeGco 34 l13fast 235 109 a aSS3GO 10 102S J Roilgezll IWgheera Bclario Tetley SS3GO Belmont 58 st 59 fast 7 109 9 910 9 s Q Preece 10 AVar Kiss LillSllaw LookingTJp 39174 Empire 51 f lOGfast 20 100 7 7 71 Q Preece 7 Keen Jane Clean Gone MadgeF 29130 Empire 5ifl07fast 50 100 7 7ORIENTAL 7 7s4 G PreeoeJr 7 Nan Knoehr Sylvano Dahinda ORIENTAL GIRL b f 4 106 106419G2 By Tony Bonero May Orsini N Stewart StewartG 419G2 Bowie 5i f l08fast 77 101 G G f1 J Stapletn 0 Refugee Kewessa Mingling II 41620 Jefson 34 11G fast 20 104 2 12 12IS J Stapletnl Sramoueh MJmbo NSimplex 41598 Jefson 34 l15good 10 102 1 5 5 S Boyle 8 Risponde CACoiskey Roederer 41588 Jefson Im20y IMGVislow 10 99 S S415G5 8 SZ1 AV RIdenr 8 FrankMonroe BIIunley Ornery 415G5 Jefson 51 t l10slow 12 10G S 5l 31 S Sndmanl2 F Monroe Tit for Tat Tranby 41453 FGnds 5i f 111 mud 15 108 9 75 S12 E Pool 9 Toombeola Margery Liberator 40779 Jefson 58 l03good 5 93 4 6s G1 H Cassity 8 BandStars Srgeman HMabel 40752 Jefson 58 l05hvy 10 100 1 1 21 H Casslty 0 Harbard Cobalt American AmericanBy LITTLE BOY b c 4 114 By Sweep Donna Mamona J Tierney 41871 Bowie G f 122 fast 4 113 8 8 S F Robson S Mumbo Jumbo Kilmer Sosius 38439 Prospct Ab7S l29fast 111 111SS336 10 AAr DksonlO Herder CEllwanger Candelarla SS336 Bait Ab GS 103 slow 107 5IS AV Dkson 8 AVill Soon Arrowsmith LSmall 36519 Bowie 51 f l08slow 21 101 4 31 53 J Mooney 11 Ideiil Onico Dairyman 36506 Bowie 34 114 fast 37 108 8 71 S11 J Mdoney 10 Moosehead Af Arrow Babette 36498 Bowie 1 144 fast 12 SS 8 8LIBERTY 8s 91B J Mooney 11 Garonne SunHill GrGrass GrGrassBy LIBERTY BOND ch c 3 M 105 By Prince Ahmed Madeline L R A Johnson 41975 Bowie 5 MOSfast 22 103 5 4 = 582 S Sndman 0 Jfurphy Louise A Toadstool 41850 Bowie 51 f lOSfast 18 108 8 H 11 A Collins 11 AArisestFool Frizeur DuchLace DuchLaceBy RETREAT b f 3 M 100 1003S382 By Out of Reach Little Queen J Cohen 3S382 Jamaica 58 1 01fast 30 109 6 63S290 7 7o A Schugr 7 Earlocker Marmite IJalustrado 3S290 Jamaica 5S 102 good 20 111 10 10DARTWORTH 11 ll A SchugrlS Green Mint Virago Zuleika ZuleikaBy DARTWORTH ch g 11 116 By Stalwart Uomtpo Noire C N FreomwO 41909 Bowie Ci f l23slop 3S 114 3 3J1453 8 St5 T Rice S Sosius Tiger Rose General J1453 FGnds 51 t 111 mud 12 116 7 51 5 T Rice 9 Toombeola Margery Liberator 11417 FGnds 51 f l13hvy 15 118 7 61 73 T Rice 1 Jtey Mar Trusty Toombeola 11133 FGnds Im70y l54hvy 25 114 6 C 6 T Rice 8 Amelita N Simplex Gleipner 40872 FGnds ImTOy l50hvy 185 110 3 5 619 L Ensor f Dioscoride Thirst Bajazet 10846 FGnds 1 116 l54hvy 5 112 2 10 10 M Gamer 10 AVilldo Dervish EdithBaumann 40767 Jefson 51 f lllhvy 5 112 2 2FRENCHY 2i 2s F Robson 7 Foxy Griff Ettalie BeanSpiller BeanSpillerBy FRENCHY b g 4 113 113419GO By King Cobalt Farieuse Ir 0 Sawyer 419GO Bowie 55 f l08fast 149 111 3 S So G Corey 8 SisEmblem TasSteel LMiller 41406 FGnds 51 f lllhvy 100 112 7 S 8ZS R Troxler 8 Sosius Margery Korfhage 41227 FGnds 51 f lllhvy 30 111 S o1 G M Garner 8 Medusa Ettalie Kingling II 40742 Jefson 58 107 hvy 25 110 5 9 9IS S Sndman 9 BandStars WSpper FMouroo 40728 Jefson 58 lOGhvy 20 105 3 81 8 ° C Brown 9 Breezy Harbard Neg 40678 Jefson 51 t 111 hvy 20 105 7 740G45 G NegG 7 S Sndman S Pinehurst HandHalf JuneBug 40G45 Jefson 5i f l13hvy 30 109 1 8 S39 C Brown 8 Sabretash Parlor Boy Safranor 37923 HdeGce 51 f lllhvy 44 103 11 121 11 J L Stalker 10 Brocatelle GldenGIow JuneBug 37882 Bowie 34 l17hvy 28 991 4 4378GG 4 4i S Sndman G Dr Campbell Ina Kay Margery 378GG Bowie 34 118 mud 150 101 3 32 3 S Sndman 8 Odalisque CMJnson LLondon 37847 Bowie 34 114 fast 274 98 G 7 7JS J Atkinson 7 Ornery Tolerance Presumption 37825 Bowie 6i f l21good 125 100 8 8 7 R Denyse 8 Indian Chant Ina Kay Carbide 37805 Bowie 51 f l07fast 64 101 8 7 7 L Ensor 8 Onico Ornery Tit for Tat 37212 FGnds 51 f l07fast 30 9G 12 12AMERICAN 10i Tat10i 1011 T Rowan 12 Onico Postmaster Green Grass GrassBy AMERICAN b g 4 116 By Dick Welles Animosity C R Richards 419G2 Bowie at f lOSfast 12 lit 1 15S 4l 4 R Pauley 0 Refugee Kewessa Kingling II 40S07 Jefson 5S 103 good 7 104 5 82 8JI H Cassity 9 Gleipner Tit for Tat SkeerFace 40752 Jefson 58 l05hvy J 108 5 41 4 ° 1 A Johnson C Harbard Oriental Girl Cobalt 40730 Jefson 34 122 hvy 7 108 1 41 453 M Garner 10 Stelcliff King Neptune Kilmer 40G96 Jefson 34 l20hvy 10 105 4 43J 2 2JJ M Garner 7 WHBuckner Hope Star Baby 40605 Jefson 3J 116 good 5 115 3 6s G14 F Murphy 10 H C Basch LibStar CHodgo 40593 Jefson 34 l15good 7 107 3 5s 5 A Johnson 9 Sayonarra Star Baby OlMartin 40484 Latonia 1 I42good4710 105 4 62 G J Mooney 7 Aztec Helen Atkin Honolulu 404G2 Latonia 34 l15slov 20 106 5 51 44i J Alooney 10 Fort Bliss Amelita Green Grass

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Local Identifier: drf1919041101_5_4
Library of Congress Record: