Telegraphic Form, Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-01

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TELEGRAPHIC FORM The hordes which seem best in Thursdays races arc Lexington Ky April 30i 1 SaiiQCler Huffaker Ed Garrison 2 Lady rataild Viola Oaf fneV Annette Teller Sewell Combs Hish Cost Herald 1 Exterminator Midway Viva America 5 npCODj Serbian Legal 0 Dancing Spray Miss Procter Espano 7 El Key 11 C Basch Sungold SungoldJ J L Dempscy Buffalo Lexington Handicap 1 Squecler Huffnker Yorkvillc Marys Beau 2 Lady Iataud Money Mid Annette Teller TellerViva Viva Cuba 3 High Cost Trusty High Ix w Dr Carmen 4 EXTERMINATOK Under Fire Viva America AmericaMidway Midway 5 Docod Silvery Light Legal Serbian 0 Dancing Spray Miss Procter Water Willow WillowEspano Espano 7 Irregular II C Basch El Key Sungold SungoldObservers Observers Lexington Jlamllcap 1 Smicolcr Circulate Huffnkor Yorkvillc 2 Viola Gaffney Lady Pataud Midia Viva VivaCuba Cuba 3 High Cost Sewell Combs Trusty Dr Carmen 4 KXTKHMINATOK Midway American Ace AceHerald Herald HeraldH H Jago Silvery Light Docod Legal 0 Dancing Spray Water Willow Miss Procter ProcterSimduria Simduria 7 El Key 11 Q Basch Bourbon Lad Sun Gold GoldPimlico Pimlico Md April 30 1 Dr Kae Superba Hurricane 2 Panoply Mr Brummel Super 3 Belle o the Sea Goldilocks Captain Parr 4 Carmandale Wendy Violet Tip 5 Omar Khayyam Rotitfaeo Straight Forward i OLD ROSEBUD Fines George Starr 7 Ilumeo Mohican KohiNoor KohiNoorT T K Lynch LynchIIufTaloM IIufTaloM Piiullcu Handicap 1 7 0 Talbott entry Gath Resist Dr Kae 2 Mr Brummel Panonly Super Tattle 3 Belle o the Sea Goldilocks Captain Parr ParrTurmoil Turmoil 4 II P Whitney entry Krewer Carmandale It ItParr Parr entry Omar Khayyam Royce Ropls Corn Tassel TasselBeavnrkHI BeavnrkHI OLD ROSEBUD Flags The Boy Yurucari 7 Miss Bryii Romeo Harry Breivogel Gath GathObservers Observers Pimllco Handicap 1 7 O Tallwtt entry Superba Gath Dr Kae 12 Panoply Tattle Mr Brummel Ace of Aces 3 Turmoil Capt Parr Belle of the Sea Melo ¬ drama 4 Carmandale IT P Whitney entry K Parr entry Krewer 5 Omar Khayyam BeavcrkiJl R T Wilson entry Boniface OLD ROSEBUD Flags Lucullitc Lion dOr 7 KohiNoor Miss Bryn Romeo Ilarry Brei ¬ vogel

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Local Identifier: drf1919050101_2_2
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