First Race [1st Pimlico, Daily Racing Form, 1919-05-01

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FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds Selling SellingIndex Nov 4 1916 lll i G 133 Index Course Dist TlmeTckOdda WtSt Vt Str Pin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy OATH b g 3 108 By Tracery Philistia G W Loft 40214 Laurel 34 l13fast 2710 113 S 23 2340Q78 G 11 AV Kelsay 13 Mnoovre DntyLady CIllters 40Q78 laurel Bi f l07fast 6 10S 3 41 11 621 W Kelsay 8 Esquimau Knot Miss Voskl 40037 Laurel 1 l41 l41sfast = sfast S 113 5 2 2 3 3397S4 43 43J W Kelsay 0 Tetley Translate Antoinette 397S4 Aqduct 5S 59 slop G 113 5 GO G3 6 AV Kelsay 7 Skeleliy SIiermniiA BrLights 39705 Aqduct fi8 l00fast 15 105 7 45 7 7U W Kelsay 8 Mad Hatter Balustrade Toto 39628 Belmont 34 at l13fast 135 108 B 46 B G AV Kelsay fi Balustrade Thistledon Flyaway 39495 Saratoga 5 f l10Vfebvy 21 112 G 54 6s Go AV Kelsay 7 UnsLassle Tapageur Tetley 39145 Empire 51 f l07Vffast 25 113 3 11 1i I1 G AAalls B Bright Lights Karlocker Belario 39087 Auduct 34 l12fast 5 112 2 23 3 33 G AVnlls 3 Sweep On Boutledge SUPERBA ch f 3 M 103 103421G3 By Superman Rossair S Ross 421G3 HdeGcc 51 f lOSifast 9 113110 9 10 Gh 23 J Butwell II ApphJaikll Joe Joe LibBoud if0 HdcGce 41 f 54fast 15 1101 2 S 10 10 9 J R Troxler 10 Auntie Mormon Little Maudle 37929 irdcGce 41 f 55 hvy 11 109 8 6 63VJ01 G3 6 = 3 C Kummerll MKLdCckcr Pltney Bgheera 3VJ01 HdcGco 12 48 fast 5 112 8 6 6SKY 6 68j C Mergler 8 Crcsson Orinomln Mudatn Byng ByngBy SKY MAN ch c 3 108 By Aeronaut Tranid C H Sprague IIS25 Havana 34 112 Ifcfast G 97 5 2 22 224174C 2 33 33 T Murray 8 Manganese Senator James Lola 4174C Havana IniiiOy 113 fast 2 85 4 2 2 212 1 141C91 G82 L AVoods S Artist Chllhun Hue 41C91 Havana Im20y 142 fast 21 SG 2 1 1 1 141GI3 IB in I AVoods S SevilHan Juke Sclias Dalrose 41GI3 Havana lmr lmr0y 0y 144 fast 21 87 4 1 1 2 24149S I1 2n L AVoods 12 Cliillhm J Schas LadyJGrey 4149S Havana 34 l16V slow 1 112 4 1 11 1 I1 1 T Murray 7 MPctcr TSHdred LLgden 41431 Havana 3 4 l1346fast 4 102 9 S LLgdenS 8 6 32 S AVlda 9 Ivry Sentimental Louise Mack 41399 Havana Bl t 107 fast 5 10610 7 7 G2 33 W Kelsay 11 FosEmbry SnowQueen Liberal 41122 Havana 51 f 107 fast 15 97 G 4 4 4410G4 32 4S3 T Murray 11 Phedoden AppWlske Lackrose 410G4 Havana 68 l00fast 10 109 556 556PADUA 5 6 7i 812 H Thurberll AVey Girl El Coronel Surplice SurpliceBy PADUA br f 3 103 By Predicateur Padoue II Tansor Cline 12075 Oaklwn Im70y l45fast 12 97 S 7 C 7 G2 G W Ridenrll Mab Scoingeman AAilldo 42022 Oaklwn 31 l13Vfast 50 105 7 7 77 774200S 7 7 723 C Brown 7 Legotal Passing Shower Iwin 4200S Oaklwn 34 l13fast 15 99 7 G G G419SO G 624 C Robson 7 AMidton B Paradise KirsCub 419SO Oaklwn 34 l14fast 8 103 4 9 98 8 7l 5i H Cassity 10 AAlexnder Discord W Willow 45618 Jefson 34 116 fast 4 4 7 31 in G PreeceJrlS BlackAViiig LoyPeter DanGirl 41585 Jefson 34 llGslow 12 3 4 4nk 3h Q PreeceJr 9 Tan II Speedster Lariat 41492 FGnds Bi f lllhvy 8 HO 6 6PLENTY 6 6 6n 633 R Pauley 12 Milda Nelle Yorke Vision VisionBy PLENTY b s 3 103 By St Amant Hearts Desire J 0 Talbott 42151 HdcGcc 5i f l07fast 41 303 4 6 G 3 k 3 ° F CMtilettilO Tommy waac Toadstool Avion 520 HdeGce 34 l13fast 1910 107 11 10 10 8l 643 G Corey 15 Peasant Tit for Tat Encore 41682 Oaklwp 34 115 fast 45 112 1 11 I3 1 R Troxler 9 Rayonnant Vcrni B QofTSpa 40001 Jefson 51 f l09good 10 114 2 12 12 II5 II14 F Robsoi RobsonlS Toddler Minawand Shady S9S1G HdeGce 34 l13Vfcfa3t 76 112 G G G G GS 13 Denny Sweeplet Trmphant Pvaricate SYLVANO b g 3 108 108421GG By Magellan La Source J 0 Talbott 421GG HdeGce ImTOylMGTjfast G5 107 4 1 1 1 2 23 F Cltiletti 8 Houdini Antoinette Ivry 42124 HdeGce Im70yl45good 21 102 1 1 1 1420S9 1 1 I3 F Cltiletti 9 BeautySlecp Houdini FPrince 420S9 HdeGce Im70yl46fast 175 109 1 1 1 1 3k 3l F Cltiletti 7 Antoinette Plurenzi Transpero 420 HdoGce 58 l01slop 6 104 3 7 6 5s Gi B Ambrse 9 Dot Vandiver Ballast Peasant 41709 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 8 112 3 6 666 6 N Barrett 7 Legotal Minawand Omond 41673 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 12 1011 2 4 4 3 34 J Mclntyrell Legotal Kuklux Nominee 41526 FGnds 61 f 107 fast 8 115 6 5 8 9l 9U H J Burkell Minawand Legotal Iwin 41370 FGnds 1 l45mud 95 106 1 1 1 140S58 1 I2 1 H J Burke 8 AVAVillow RSamuels CSprlng 40S58 FGnda 61 f lllhvy 185 107 1 1 1PLURENZI 2 21 3 J Metcaif 12 SLight Antnette FandSquare FandSquareBy PLURENZI ch f 3 103 10341GG By PluviousrOssabar W V Casey 41GG HdeGce lm70yl4G5sfast 13 94 1 3 3 333 3 S AVida S Hondini Sylvauo Antoinette 42124 HdeGce Im70yl45good 5 99 6 4 5 6 G1 7 J Stapletn 9 Sylvdno Beauty Sleep Houdini 42089 HdeGce Im70yl 46rast G 100 2 3 4 44 42 23 J Stapletn 7 Antoinette Sylvano Transpero 4015 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 175 90 3 4 6 3 I1 I3 J Stapletn C DDodge AlmaB Amalgmator 42005 Bowie 1 116 l52gbod 19 90 3 3 3 34197G 3 5l 5J J Stapletn S GcnevieveB Progressive Luther 4197G Bowie ImTOy l45M fast 5 SS 3 2 2 2 2 1 2l J Stapletn 8 GevieveB Wewoka Transpero 41940 Bowie In Im70y 150 good 235 93 4 5 6 5 41 31 J Stapletn 5 Fountain Fay Luther Harwood 41889 Bowie 61 f 123 fast 245 90 9 9Gi 8 7 B2 1 J Stapletn 9 Aigilante Ationeer DrCpbell 41S4S Bowie BowieRESIST Gi f l22fast 1310 100 6 6I 6 6 81 8 H Wakoff 12 Transpero GenevieveB BSleep BSleepBy RESIST b f 3 I 108 108Bi By Ballot Gold J V May 420S5 HdeGce Bi f ItfSfast 3 113 9 11 It 101 1011 J AVilliamsll Irene Irish Maid Miss Sterling 42066 HdeGce 34 l17slow 2 10G 6 3 1 la I1 J Williams V Auctioneer KAgrippa Huzzas 40042 Churchl 51 f l07fast 71 109 6 6 5 61 6J J Willlamsl2 McVex Stockwell Serbian 39909 Douglas 5 f l08Vfast 4f 112 5 5iif 2 2 31 33 J Williamsl2 AuntFlora LuckyPearl Carawy 39557 Belmont B iif st lOGfast 165 112 3 2 3 41 4 J J Hanover 8 His Sister Pluviada Dahinda 39348 Saratoga 58 59fast B 112 4 4Bl 3 3 3 3J G Byrne 14 C Thorley Le Balafre Tliirteen 39308 Saratoga Bl f l07fast 10 105 6 2 2 2 GJ A JohnsonlS Wderman Ceramic Melancholia 39282 Saratoga SaratogaRINGLEADER 58 103 slop S 109 10 10ch 7 7 71 4s F Robsonl2 DCarnival Lamention VHour VHourBy RINGLEADER ch e 3 108 By Harrigan Beatrice Soule F Farrar 42096 HdcGce 34 l13fast 4f 101 9 11 13 12 12 3 J Mooney in Peasant Tit for Tat Encore 41761 Oaklwn 51 f l10hvy 12 111 1 177 71S E Haynes 7 Hindoostan Poverina Verity 4165S Oaklwn 51 f 110 slow 185 113 6 3 7 S2 8 B Haynes 9 Milda CHolters TFMcMahon 41526 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 5 112 7 7Bl 7 6 4h 4s B Haynes 11 Minawand Legotal Iwin 41478 FGnds Bl f l09hvy 6 104 6 2 3 22 2 R PauTey 8 GreenGrass Bathllde SConduit 41162 FGnds FGndsTHE 51 f 109 slow 8 116 2 1 1 11 I1 E Haynes 12 AVat Willow Vision Courcelles THE DESERT b g 3 M 108 By Black Sand Parthenis P A Clark 39392 Saratoga 34 l12fast 30 115 13 13 13 14 12 A Johnsonl7 Arindcx DifferentEyes Cherubino Cherubino5S S917 Aqduct 5S 59 fast 10 110 G 44 121 14 F Robsonl7 Tippler Lackawanna Wderman 3S431 Belmont 5 8 st 59 good 10 109 10 9 31 G4i M Buxton 11 Keen Jane Pigeon Littlecote S393 Belmont 4 f Littlecotef st 52fast 12 108 15 15 14 13 M Buxton 1C Pen Hose LitMaudie LVnlcnln 3Xtnr Jamaica 5S LVnlcnln5S l03good 8 11215 15 15 15 15 D Stirling 10 Fairy Prince Milda Sherman A 3S231 Jamaica 58102fast 20 111 3 2 2 21 35 D Stirling 13 DVandcvr Sylvano UMSfens BALAROSA br c 3 M AVhitneyG By Olambala Montrosa E F AVhitney 40274 Pimlico 34 113 fast 177 G 71 7 R Bail 9 Esquimau UndFire Thistledon ThistledonG 40215 Pirnlico 34 l15good 126 G Si 9 ° R Ball 11 Umbala F and Square CGone 40125 Jamaica 5i f l07fast 40 8 85 S4 E Haynes 10 Asterisk NelleYorke Wilfreda 40034 Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 40 4033U3G 11 11 H18 H Myers 11 LookUp TdHnneur DifEyes 33U3G Jamaica 51 f lOGfast 30 5 S3 8t8 G AValls 9 Thistledon Sherman A Peter 12 Belmont tlf st l04fast 30 8 8 73 Q Preece 8 Tippler GrndSwell Madliyng 39522 Belmont 51f st 105 fast 30 10 102 H23 R Troise 11 Mad Hatter Romeo Diff Eyes 39191 Empire 58 l02slow 30 6 G3 918 R HoffmnlO Lill Shaw Lead Star SenCrow 39179 Empire 58 l00fast 30 30391G7 9 9 923 R Troise 9 Daydue Peter Translate 391G7 Empire 58 l01fast 30 5 9l S11 R HoffmnlO DainLady Wnderman TTlker 39120 Empire 58 l01Vfefast 30 7 7s 512 R Hoffmn 8 Clen Ryan Keen Jane Flyaway 38798 Aaduct 58 59fast 40 14 14 14 R Hoffmril4 D Vandiver CrysFord Flyaway FlyawayBy GLENN b g 3 M M391S5 By Magellan Gastonia T P Tliorne 391S5 Empire 5S l01slop 5 5391G7 4 G 518 AV Kelsay JofArc ShnnanA Lmentation 391G7 Empire 58 l01fast 4 4DR 7 G G10 G AValls 10 DainLady Wnderman TTlker TTlkerBy DR RAE b e 3 By Sea King Stake and Cap W Stockton 42093 HdeGcu 34 l14fast 17 10 16 = M J Staplctnlli Our Nephew LeotiFay BnrOne 4 ISM Bowie 51 f lOStetast 9 B2 5 C Mergler 11 AVisestFool Frizeur DuchLace 40495 Bowie Gi f l20fast 31 2 3 i 22 J McTagt 7 Wyndover Poultriey Vigilante 40134 Bowie 1 l43fast 12 12403r7 2 2 I3 J McTagt 10 AVndover Poultncy CleanGone 403r7 Bowie 34 114 fast 22 22402TO 3 31 24 C KummerlO Poultnoy Lackawanna Poilu 402TO I aurel 51 f 110 hvy 50 504n07f 5 311 3 J C Mergler 13 Mor Elder StQuentin JofArc 4n07f Laurel 51 f l07fast 24 12 12 112 J Callahanl2 Baglieera Ceramic Sylvano 39776 HdcGce 51 f lOShvy 5 533W1 2 2nk 4f C Mergler 9 Tommywaac LFielder Poltney 33W1 ITdeGco Bl f 109 fast 41 41n5 4 31 1 C Mcrgler 14 SusnM MHollins Sunninsdale n5 HdeGco Bi f 108 fast B8 B83R857 8 6 GJ C Mergler 11 Translate Baghcera DucdeGuise 3R857 Aaduct 6S l00fast 8 7 GI 6s C Mergler 20 St Quontin Gath Sylvano SylvanoBy HURRICANE b c 3 By Zeus Nunda H H Sommer 42091 HdoGce 5 f 107 fast 19 195S 5 Ci 4 1 1 Butwoli 1 HMUoy JiPMphy SinFnce 420X HdeGce 5S l03hvy 45 4 3 I J Butwell 10 Our Nephew JocJoe Consistency 40534 Howie 51 f 111 hvy 12f 5 41 22 H Myers 13 Tidal Itaby Girl Blue Devil 4092 Bowie 34 l16hvy G G5i 10 103 102 R McCrnnll K Plaudit Vigilante Little Ed 403 Bowie 5i f l07fast 175 4 32 61 L McAtee 12 Belario Sea AVay Court Gallant 4lSi Empire 51 f l07fast 2 3 33 441 A Schugria Un Cliild Loyal Peter Coaler 40132 Empire 51 f l06fast 4 1 42 5 A Schugr 8 TdHneur Delaware OThere 393SO Jamaica 34 l13Vslow 12 8 8 7s A Schugr 8 WPnant LBghton SweepOn 33S08 Aaduct 61 f 121 hvy 95 1 li 2 t A ScbuBr 9 Atoinette LStar TdHnneur TdHnneurBy BALLYCONNELL ch f 3 M 103 By Celt Lady Isabel S Ross 40207 Laurel 5 f 1 OSfast 41 105 11 9 9 8l 83 C Mergler 12 Gal Kitty MConncll SpLady 39108 Saratoga 5S l00hvy 15 115 5 4 3 S2 3 1 J Williams 7 MGingham MVoski Bdamante 3ttl Saratoga 34 lllfast 100 101111 12 12 12 II28 Ti McAtee 12 BillyKelly SwepOn CLingston 39274 Saratoga C f 105 fast 30 30UMBALA 101 10 10 10 71 716 H LunsfdlO Be Frank Tuscaloosa Tetley TetleyBy UMBALA ch K s 11310G 113 By Olambala Foneda R T Wilson 21G HdlGte lm70yl4Gfast 49 10G 3 C 7 7 G Gl H Bullman 8 Houdini Sylvano Antoinette 42101 HdeGcp Im70yl4rifast 41 93 8 G 5 G 8 k 913 G Apel 9 Itomen Perseus Keziah 42055 HdeGce 51 f lllhvy 17J 108 4 3 4 4 4 L McAtee 4 Abasdrlll Atoite Tmywac 40 S1 Pimlico 1 141 fast 14 106 7 8 8 7 830 7 L Ensor 9 GrndSwell Sailor Ducli Lace 40245 Pimlico 34 llrgood 13 115 S 5 4 23 lh L Ensor 11 F and Square CGone MVoski 40108 Empire 1 l42fast 8 86110 10 10 G B1 GJ J Zoeller 10 Ch Two PandCalls PtoPoint 40155 Empire 51 f 107 fast 30 104 G G G 6 n i H Bullmn G Peter War Zone Blue Devil 40073 Jamaica 1 11G l46fast 15 90 3 5 5 5 41 312 J Zoller ft KohiNcor J Mount Poacher 39978 Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 6 1101 7 7 7 51 4T F Robson 8 Thunderclap Goaler Tpombeola TpombeolaBy COCK 0 THE MAIN b g 3 M 108 By Cock o the Walk Privato Flag F Johnson 41S35 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 12 107 G 4 5 7 723 J Callahan 7 Cromwell Scrub Lady Guy

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1919050101_5_1
Library of Congress Record: