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FOUR MORE HIGHBRED ELIGIBLES Pride of India Reported to Be Wonderfully Speedy Fen Hose Sailor and Dolico The quartet of candidates for Kentucky Derby or Preakuess Stakes honors pedigrees of which arc presented here includes the Delhi colt Pride of India nlraut which there was about as much talk and rumor last year as if he hud started and raced successfully Delhi has not been as successful in the stud as some other sons of Ben Brush but he was a grand nice horse and his day may be coming It will arrive at once if all the good thing said alMiut Pride of India turn out to have been well founded His blood lines call for speed and the ability to stay as well as to run fast He is in the Proakness only Another of the four is the fleet filly Pen Hose which started in seventeen races last year winning thirteen of them and was placed in the other four She is strictly an Ameri ¬ canbred back to where Bonnie Scotland comes into her ancestry and it would be pleasing to find her racing as a threeyearold up to the glowing promise of her twoyearold career Sailor it is assumed will start as Eternals helper in the Ken ¬ tucky Derby but from the manner in which he has l een working it api ears that he has a lookin for the big race on his own account He is a St Simon descendant crossed with Hindoo and Longfellow lines and the blending may prove effective al ¬ though so fir All Gold has sent nothing of much account to the races racesBen Ben Bramble Scotland S Brush Iyy IjLaf I Roscville Reform f Mortemer Compeigne Veva Comtesse 1 Lizzie Lucas Australian legless leglessrllimyar rllimyar Alarm Domino Him I Mamiic Gray Enquirer Lizzie G dithavit Melrose f violct tU n Bramble Bon Scotland Brush Ivy Leaf Rosevillc lie form Albla ink J Domino Himynr Mannie Gray Domino DominoI I Belle Rose Rosef Benudesort Monte Rosa f Hindoo Virgil itnover Bourlwn Florence L BourlwnL Belle Bon Scotland Ella D Macduff or ra f Duke of ofMautoin Waverly Mautoin Montrose MontroseI Kelpie I Mrs Chubb Wanderer Nan McDowell McDowellGalopin GalopinSt Galopin St Angela AngelaHampton Hampton HamptonHermione Hermione HermioneDoncaster Bend Or Doncaster I Dame Dame DoncasterRouge Rouge Rose RoseGulliard dOr Masham Gulliard GulliardPauline Pauline PaulineHindoo f Hanover HanoverI Hindoo HindooBourbon Bourbon Belle BelleFelloweraft I Lady Reel FelloweraftMannie Felloweraft Mannie Gray GrayLongfellow jRilcy Longfellow LongfellowGeneva Uurly Geneva Burly Helter GenevaPell Pell L SkiHnr Mell MellEncore Encore mman J Domino Himyar do Mannie Gray L Emma C Darebin Gncnii GncniiSpcm aid of f Amphion Spcm or Rby ErinvMavoiir Suicide ErinvMavoiirL L ncen Barcaldine Gaydene I Hanover Hindoo Hand J Hour Belle spring My FIVOIJIC Rayon dOr Nannie U My Fair flMRi Chittabob S flMRiS I Ken 1 1S Mere Hill S tueky Basi Basque Hay Edwards The Belle