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TELEGRAPHIC SHOOTING TOURNAMENT A movement is under way to form a telegraphic trapsliooting league among the athletic clnbs of the Tnited States and Canada The New York Athletic Club the Boston Athletic Association ami the Mis ¬ souri Athletic Association have been approached on the subject and have taken kindly to it Those in ¬ terested hono to get the Olympic Club of San Fran ¬ cisco the Kansas City Athletic Club the Denver Athletic Club and the Montreal Athletic Association interested in the proposed league The Olympic Club and the Montreal Athletic Association are going in for trapsliooting this year The Olympic Club has fitted up its magnificent resort at Lake ¬ side Cal with everything that a shooter needs including an instructor The Montreal Club has a membership of more than 3000 and from such numbers should be able to present a fine trapshoot ing team The plan of the league would be for the teams to meet once a month and shoot wiring their scores to the other clubs the highest five or ten scores to count The club winning the greatest number of matches in the course of a year to be the winner The American Trnpshooting Association provides a suitable trophy for such competition