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MONDAY WORKOUTS AT LOUISVILLE Both Churchill Downs and Douglas Park Crowded with Horses During the Morning Hours LOUISVILLE Ky May 12 Both local tracks were alive with horses tills morning and the fol ¬ lowing were the workouts reported by the official timers timersAt At Churchill Downs Weather clear track slow Alice Arm Half mile in 51 51Airdrie Airdrie Half mile in 57 57Araelita Araelita Fiveeighths in 101 Brunette Mile in 140 140Basillus Basillus Mile in 144 Brownie McDawell Mile in 151 Bribed Voter Mile in 143 143Binding Binding Tie Threequarters in 115 115Baignenr Baignenr Fiveeighths In 100 100Bnncrana Bnncrana Threequarters In 110 Butterscotch 102Candle II Fiveeighths in 102 Candle Light Half mile in 53 53Clandestine Clandestine Half mile in 50 50Cacambo Cacambo Mile in 145 145Crystal Crystal Day Seveneighths in 131 131Clermont Clermont l43VfDouble Mile in l43Vf Double Van Half mile in 51 51Dimitri Dimitri 391fcElkton Threeeighths In 391fc Elkton Fiveeighths in 106 106GalliCurci GalliCurci Fiveeighths in 101 Gourmand Half mile in 51 51Grey Grey Eagle Threequarters in 117 117Green Green Jones Mile in 144 144Ginger Ginger Mile in 141 141Inquiry Inquiry Half mile in 51 51Jap Jap Three quarters in 117 117Jas Jas Foster Threequarters in 117 117Tas Tas T Clark Fiveeighths in 101 Lord Hamilton Half mile in 51 51Legotal Legotal Threequarters in 110 110Langhorne Langhorne Half mile in 51 51Lukes Lukes Pet Half mile in 50 50Lucky Lucky B Half mile in 51 51Leicester Leicester Fiveeighths In 105 105Legal Legal Threequarters In 115 115Mint Mint Cat Threeeighths in 37 37Mayor Mayor Galvin Threeeighths in 37 Mormon Fiveeighths in 102 if Mighty ifMighty Man Fiveeighths in 107 3 MalvaT = Half mile in 49 pJ Music 107Madrid Man Fiveeighths in 107 Madrid Half mile in 51 51Madras Madras Threequarters in 115 115Nominee Nominee Mile in 144 144Nepe Nepe Threequarters in 117 117Peach Peach Blow Mile in 148 Pastoureau Mile in l4i l4iParis Paris Maid Mile in 140 140Pastime Pastime Mile in 147 147Prince Prince Albert Mile in 153 153Pif Pif Jr Threequarters in 121 121Purl Purl Threeeighths in 38 38Pizzaro Pizzaro Half mile in 48 Prince Igor Fiveeighths in 103 103Peace Peace Pennant Fiveeighths in 104 104Pyx Pyx Threeeighths in 39 39Quito Quito Threequarters in 115 115Ilapid Ilapid Stride Threeeighths in 37 37Kiddle Kiddle Threeeighths la 37 37Kog Kog Mile in 140 140Sea Sea Urchin Threeeighths in 37 37Stevenson Stevenson Fiveeighths in 104 104Sangallo Sangallo Fiveeighths in 100 100Silk Silk Lady Fiveeighths in 103 103Sweep Sweep Jr Threeeighths in 38 38Sam Sam Frcedman Half mile in 47 Sansymlng Threequarters in 110 110Sunflash Sunflash Threequarters in 120 Squeeler Threequarters in 117 117SazaXanyr SazaXanyr Mile in 143 143Tacola Tacola Fiveeighths in 104 104Thinker Thinker Threeeighths in 38 38Tombolo Tombolo Seveneighths in l29i Thistle Green Half mile in 49 49Thrills Thrills Threequarters in 117 117The The Porter Seveneighths in 128 128Uncle Uncle White Threequarters in 110 110AVoodford AVoodford Threeeighths In 38 38Words Words o Wisdom Half mile in 51 51Woodpile Woodpile Half mile in 50 At Douglas Park Weather clear track slow Alston Threequarters In 121 121Alhena Alhena Fiveeighths In 110 110Big Big Smoke Half mile in 52 52Bean Bean Spiller Half mile in 54 54Cabal Cabal Threequarters in 123 123Churchill Churchill Downs Fiveeighths in 105 105Deckmate Deckmate Half mile in 55 55Dr Dr Samuel Threequarters in 120 120Dick Dick Williams Threequarters in 121 121Discord Discord Threequarters in 118 118Duke Duke of Shelby Fiveeighths iii 110 110Gibby Gibby Mile in 147 Impressive Half mile in 54 54Lucinda Lucinda Half mile in 50 50Loyalist Loyalist Threequarters in 118 118Lillian Lillian Shaw Mile in 147 147Mountain Mountain Itose II Half mile in0 in0Melody Melody Man Half mile in 55 55Mandalay Mandalay Half mile in 52f 52fMiss Miss Koberts Half mile in 50 50Mickey Mickey Moore Half mile in 49 49Miles Miles Finlen Half mile In 55 55Major Major Parke Threequarters in 119 McGec Mile in 14G Mab Five eighths in lOTiJ lOTiJOld Old Broom Mile in 155 155Prince Prince of Como Threequarters in 121 121Precious Precious Threequarters in 122 122Parlor Parlor Maid Fiveeighths in 109 109Sir Sir Oliver Fiveeighths in 100 100Sayeth Sayeth Fiveeighths in l0i l0iSelma Selma G Threequarters in 120 120Sands Sands of Pleasure Threequarters in 124 124St St Augustine Threequarters in 118 118Safety Safety First Half mile in 55 55Sandy Sandy Lad Half mile in 50 50Sweeping Sweeping Glance Threequarters in 123 123S S Walker Threequarters in 120 120The The Swimmer Half mile in r 5 5Tom Tom Brooks Threequarters in 120 120Tyranny Tyranny Mile in 140 140Verde Verde Mile in 149 149W W H Iearce Threequarters in 120 120W W W Hastings Threequarters in 123 123W W H Buckner Threequarters in 130 130Wise Wise Man Fiveeighths in 105