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IRST RACE Iile 3yearolds Maidens Claiming Nov Index Course Dist TizneTckOdds Wt St Vi Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish SOLDAT DE VERDUN b c 3 M 108 By Verdun Place Forte D Shaw 122S7 Pimlico 1 l44niud it JZ 10 9 7 41 22 S Wida 13 Joan ot Arc Sylvano JckMount 42234 Pimlico 1 l41fast 1C 104 543 4 42 T Nolan 0 Wyndover Belario Superba 42163 HdeGce 51 f 1 08f ast2710f 115 9 7 Sh SuperbaSh gej T Nolan 10 Apple Jack II Superba JoeToe 42120 HdeGce 34 l14good 72f 111 9 9 9420D4 7l 65J B Haynes 12 War God SinFrance DiffEyes 420D4 ILdeGce 51 f 107 fast 145 KW 1 7 13 T Nolan 15 BMCloy JPMphy SinFiice 42013 HdeGce 58 l02slop 104 106 9 9 9FRIZEUR g gio T Nolan 9 Toto Ticklish Star Realm RealmJBy FRIZEUR ch f 3 M 98 984217GHdeGce JBy Sweeper Trizette G W Forman 4217GHdeGce 5t f l07fast 12 10312 10 8l 71 W Obert 12 Irene Toadstool Amackassin 42138 HdeGce 34 l13iast 21 103 6 3 3420G5 74 713 J Dreyer 0 Murphy Amacknssin KBright 420G5 HdeGce 58 l01slow 13 104 7 7 52 5 J L McAtee 7 Pig Wing Stickling DuchLace 42002 Bowie 5i f l07sood 11 90 5 4 4419C3 6 6 J Stapletn 0 C Leydecker BetBluff Ballast 419C3 Bowie Gi f l21fast 11 lot 3 1 22 2 H Brlcksn 5 Mahony WisnstFool llliinky 41937 Bowie 34 l15good 7 104 2 3 341SS8 42 43 H Ericksn 0 UoiCraig Duchesslace Mahony 41SS8 Bowie Cl f 10 fast 1110 111 1 1 1TOM I1 22 J Butwell 8 II Panky TFerrymmi HLady HLadyBy TOM FOOL b e 3 M 108 By Theo Cook Eiddis W D Babcock 42013 Bowie 34 115 fast 17 110 3 2 3J 3 = J W Obert 13 Toadstool MSterling Vigilante 40336 Bowie 51 f l07fast 17 110 11 10 a S W Doyle 12 Belario Sea AVay CourtGallant 40287 Pimllco 34 l14fast 1G 310 5 4 G4 63 W Doyle 14 Candle Light Doleful Veto 40245 Pimlico 34 lI5 good 73f llf 2 2 4l 72 W Doyle 11 Uinbala F and S iiarc CGone 39896 HdeGce 5i f lOSiiiHt T III 0 1 4 10 J A Doylo 10 Mar Hulllus Avion UiidiJuliu 87323 HclcGce 4i I 55 hvy Wf 112 0 10J 10 C Peak 11 MKLdccker Plluiy Bghcera JOE JOE b c 3 M 108 By Rcy Hindoo La Sinaloa T J Tault 42163 HdeGce 5i f lOSfast 3 115 8 23 33i B AmbrselO AppJacklL Superba LiliHond 42053 HdeGce 58 l03hvy HI 109 43 3i B AmbrselO Hurricne O Nephew Consistency 40034 Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 40 115 D D3974S 102 10i7 p Hopkinsl2 IxokUp TdPlnnenr DifEyes 3974S Aqduct 5S l00slop 50 11516 11516WHFREDA 12 1323 T Rowan 10 Cirrus Hurricane T dHonneur dHonneurBy WHFREDA ch f 3 M 98 By Sir Wilfred Santa Catalina G T McMitchell 41136 FGnds lm0y l52hvy 3 100 7 4l 471 H Ericksn 8 Dabhih II TASidan Astraea 41070 FGjids 1 l474fehvy 20 93 4 22 2nt H EricksnlO TheCBon Pvaricate Tmbcoln 41039 FGnds 1 143 slow 60 90 G 5 6 H Ericksn 5 Reveler Nepperhan F Handley 40535 Bowie 34 l17hvy 7 101 5 4s 3s H Myers 8 Prevaricate T Dauphin Pinnrd 40494 Bowie 51 f lOSfast 18 114 4 2 32 L McAtee 12 HBLady MVoskl RSntriuels 40364 Bowie 51 f l10slop 41 112 9 81 8l X Mc tee 13 Bet Bluff MVoskl RSamucls 40174 Empire 51 f l07fast S 105 8 4 5s H Myers 13 Pluviada Stiletto Lady Mary 40156 Empire 51 f l07V5fast 7 100 6 4 4 1 H Myers 0 Lackawanna T Mnid NYorke 40125 Jamaica 51 f l07fast 41 102 6 41 3 = 1 II Myers 10 Asterisk Nelle Yorke Tarascon 39599 Belmont 5if st l06fast 6 104 9 9TORQTTATO 61 4si L McAtee 11 Tailor Maid Pluviada Sailor SailorBy TORQTTATO II ch g 3 M 108 By Peep oDay Daisy Louise V Apreda 42295 Pimlico 1 l45hvy 214 104 1 7 S1 S34 W Obert 9 Comme Ci J of Arc F Shannon 42248 Pimlico 34 l14fast 24f 105 5 12 1221 C Jackson 12 Balarosa Melancholia Gath 42163 HdeGce 51 f lOSfast2710f 115 5 5MARIE 81 1312 C Jackson 1C Apple Jack II Superba JoeToo MARIE CONKELL ch f s M ios By Olambala Artful Art J S Ownbcy 42122 HdeGce 51 f lOSgood 27 96113 13 ° 11 3 G Apel 14 Toadstool General Hcarpia II 42093 HdeGce 34 l14fast 45 903 903420G9 21 4 = H CarswlllG Our Nephew Leoti Fay Bar One 420G9 HdeGce 51 f l10slow 33 93 6 84 751 J Stapletn 9 Bollringer General Brisk 42013 Bowie 34 115 fast 34 105 5 8l S14 L Fator 13 Toadstool MSterling Tom Fool 41505 FGnds 51 f 109 good 20 103J10 9 = 9J C Brown 12 Jack K L Miller It Strickland 412S7 FGnds 51 f 108 fast 20 1021 7 102 10 H J Burkell Iwiri Court Gallant Poverina 40336 Bowie 51 f l07fast 13 112 4 Fell A Collins 12 Belario Sea Way Court Gallant 40245 Pimlico 34 l15good 5J 112 4 7l G9 C Kummerll Umbala F and Square C Gone 40207 Laurel 51 f lOSfast 2910 1061 3 21 2 ° C Kummerl2 GalKitty SpcedyLadjv MVoski MVoskiBv CHALLENGE ch c 3 M 108 Bv Transvaal duality W L Saunders 42163 HdeGce 51 f lOSfast 73 115 11 101 11 ° J J Conway 10 Apple Jack II Superha JoeIoe 42093 HdeGce 34 l14fast 9f 98 11 12 1212 L Fator 10 Our Nephew LeotiFay BarOne 42068 HdeGce 51 f l09slow 82 98 3 3 53 L Fator 8 Crtimpsall Bar One Peasant 42013 Bowie 34 115 fast 65 110 6 101 914 C Mergler 13 Toadstool MSterling Tom Foul Foul4s 41973 Bowie 34 115 fast 144 107 6 4s 67 C Mergler 7 JckLeary LoyPeter Vigilante 41935 Bowie 34 I16good2710f 103 8 8VETO 103 101 R Denyse 13 Loyal Peter Vigilante Mohican VETO ch c 3 M 108 By Ballot Rosanna G B Fenwick 42292 Pimlico 34 l15mud SO 90 G 44 514 J Stapletn 7 Mnight Sun Hauberk CohLass 40287 Pimlico 3t l14fast SG 110 11 10 33 L Stalker 14 Candle Light Doleful UncJohn 40259 Pimlico 51 f l07fast lOf 112 4 95 iV3 vr Kelsay 12 Tnderstorm PhMaid MVoskl 38178 Pimlico 58 102 good 12 115 6 6CORQNADO 7 722 J Dminick 7 Knot Comfort Thistledon CORQNADO ch g 3 M 112 By Uncle Ruby Nethersole J Sanford First start