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THIRD RACE 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Claiming Sept 7 1914 136 3 117 POOR BUTTERFLY ch f 4 110 By Celt Aurino B Davis DavisI3 42440 Jamaica 1 116 l49slup 910 105 422 I3 11 A Piekcns i JofArc Sningdalc Pluutarcde 42398 Jamaica 34 l13fast 5 103 3 4 i Pluutarcdei 25 G PreeceJr 5 ONephew Unw Child Kcwessa 40520 Bowie 1 14 212slow 1710 105 2 1 1 I2 KcwessaI2 I2 L McAtee G Puts and Calls Luther Uabette 40459 Bowie 1 14 212 fast 4 105 1 4 3 11 13 L McAtee 0 Q of the Sea IJabette Dolina 40424 Bowie 1 116 151 good 125 101 4 2 2 23 11 L McAtee n lChant BofPenix HBrother 40370 Bowie 1 116 155 slop 8 10 1 1 1 I5 1s L McAtee 12 WBcdotte OPriucu Gold Hoy 40342 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 17 1031 777 42 43 L McAtee 7 Babette Blue Thistle Silk Bird 40201 Empire Ab34 l09fast 25 96 6 6 6 514 H Ericksn G Turf Our Nephew Paddy 40149 Empire Ab34 l09fast 20 99 6 7 e 6 W Lang 7 Lancden Bathilde Adele 4XW Jamaica 34 l13ttfast S 107 4 S 3 2 E Taolin P Itatliilrie Nonpsuch Seafarer SeafarerBy FAVOUR b m 6 111 111423S1 By Duke of Ormonde Compensate P S P Ran ¬ dolph 423S1 Jamaica Im70yl45fast 185 110 1 1 1 15 13 E Haynes 11 Millrace Mary Belle Plenty 42277 Pimlico 1 l44 mud 12 112 1 3 3 4 5 i W Obert 11 X 1C Heal Kilts II Uelto 42232 Pimlico 1 116 l47fast 3110 115 3 2 2 21 45 W Obert 11 Polroma Plenty Prunes 42180 HdeGce lm70yl46M fast 4310 103 2 1 1 12 I2 W Obert 15 Dan Mary Belie Laura Miller 42101 HdeGce 5 f 107 fast 11 107 6 3 2nk 33 w Obert 10 Com Law JoscZarate LPetcr 42041 HdeGce 34 117 slop 20 105 1 3 31 4 W Obert G Anuickassin Siboln Miss Uryn 40150 Empire Im70y 146 fast 7 107 2 3 3 4t 4B G Walls 5 Lively Peep Sight Miss IJryn 40108 Jamaica 34 l13fast 10 115 3 4 31 4 ° 3 I McAtee 11 Riverside Thistle Peep Sight SORSI Rolmont 34 J 13Vfefast 10 11410 10 7 = R Walla in MnRili Ninety Simplex Everest EverestBy MAN 0 TH HOUR b g 4 100 By Negofol La Douma R Parr 42390 Pimlico 1 116 153 hvy 5 110 2 5 5 2 = 2i L iMcAtee 10 S de Verdun Thrift Uellringor 4 54 Pimlico 1 116 l49Mfast U IOS 3 3 3 2 2 A Johnsonl2 Lazy Lou Lady Vara Diadi 40205 Pimlico 1 12 235fast 25 106 4 2 2 42 5 C Mergler 5 Sky Pilot Woodthrush Lytle 40076 Laurel 1 l41iifast 10 114 11 7 8 9 973 J Callahanlu Leta Prunes Wood Violet 40024 Laurel 1 142 fast 15 112 1 4 3 339S9S I1 lt c Mergler 12 Grouse Dramaturge Mancha 39S9S HdeGce Im70yl46fast 21 110 9 12 5 Si 531 C Mergler 13 Q Blonde Dramaturge Goblet 39379 Saratoga 1 l39fast 40 104 12 11 12 12S9273 12 10 C Mergler 12 Oenone Rubber II P to Point S9273 Saratoga 1 l3S fast 15 107 12 13 12 12T9222 121 1223 C Mergler 14 Zenith Wingold Impetus T9222 Saratoga 34 lllfast 20 11513 13 13BELLRINGER 13 1222 C Mergler 17 OtheWay PDpeau LInmicre BELLRINGER ch gr 5 108 By Burgomaster Vespers E K Bryson 42390 Pimlico 1 116 153 hvy 13 109 G 3 3 1 3i Bryson3i 41 S Wida 10 SdeVdiin MothIIour Tlirift 42340 Pimlico 34 ItlSlfast 11 115 2 2nt ih s Wida 10 Irene Brisk L Dinosauro 42205 Pimlico 34 115 mud 32 117 2 31 511 A Johnsonll TDecision TBIoom SEmblcm 42209 Pimlico 34 115 slow 34 115 G 4 = 5 = 3 S Wida 10 KiringLinu MidSun TDecision 42134 HdeGce 34 115 fast 3310 llfi 9 6 GJ S Wida 12 Kilts II General Clark M 420C9 HdeGce 51 f l10V slow 12 111 6 42 I1 S Wida 9 General Brisk Coral 41928 Haana 34 l13fast 4 115 4 4418S1 3 2i W Gargan 7 Harlock LadyJGror Minnie H 418S1 Havana 34 l13fast 3 112110 4H 3 W MorseylO Ynrkville Miss Gore Diadi 41780 Havana 34 119 slop 4 106 5 5APPLETON I1 ink H Thurber 8 Miss Sweep Ague Frascuelo APPLETON WISKE ch m 5 101 42137 Jamaica 343lGslop 12 117 G 42123 Jamaica 5J f l05fast 12 108 S 42378 Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 20 112 1 1416SO 416SO Havana ImFOy l41fast 15 1031 7 741M9 41M9 Havana ImGOy l41fast 8 101 4 45 4sj R Troise 8 Susenta Gordon Russell Breeze 41448 Havana 51 f 106 fast 2i 100 6 4 2 R Troise S Premium Dimitri WalterMack 41281 Havana 34115 good 109 5 ink ink H Thurber G Anlace Lady Jnne Grey Elga 41202 Havana 34 112 fast 31 109 4 21 21 H Thurber 7 Impressive QTrovato Lindsey 41122 Havana 55 f 107 fast G5 105 7 Ih 2k R Troise 11 Phedoden Lackrose Sky Man 41045 Havana 51 f l08good 2 104 4 2 63 W Kelsay 12 Phil Unsrar GeoDuncan Colors 40171 Empire Ab34 l09fast S 108 9 9PASAMENA 91 8 E Taplin 12 Alvord Adcle Our NcpLew NcpLewBy PASAMENA ch f 4 98 By Magellan Palotta T P Thome 42427 Jamaica 51 f l075sfast 5 KrS 4 3 = 43 L Lyke 7 T a Line ONeitliew Toadstool 42378 Jamaica 51 f 107 fast 7 107 X li 41 L Lyke 11 JOlctcdll TnLing UltniGnld 40134 Empire Ab34 109 fast 20 lOli 6 6i G W Cntine 8 Alvord ISathilde Jose Zurate 40070 Jamaica 54 114 fast 7 115 9 9mj fi2 6 1 E Taplin 11 Miss Uryn Adele Masque mj Aqduct 61 f l19V fast 25 100 2 131 1311 T Rowan 14 Hollistor Crank Ima Frank 39405 Saratoga 34 l16mud 135 110 3 I5 I2i L Lyke 7 Ton Iloiu BrAngel StSebastian 39230 Saratoga 34 lllfast 30 1031 0 21 10 L Lyke n Midnight Sun Louise V Kama 3315 Jamaica 51 f 1OS hvy 12 105 3 8 8 3 J Don 10 Sballymre ODnovtin Mnetite 35369 Aqduct 58 100 fast 1U 114 7 3 7 ° 2 E Campb117 Irene Babette Oenone 35431 BPlmont filf stl04fast 7 31S 3 3 3SKY 41 416 T Davies TyutPft Continent Onnonp SKY PILOT ch h 6 106 By Star Shoot Frances Hindoo E K Bryson 42354 Pimlico 1 11G l49fast 3910 113 10 0 11 12 12 T Rice 12 IzyLoii MotliHour LdyVara 42314 Pimlico 1 11G lf OV slow 5 110 10 10 D a n S Wida 10 Kilts II SisterEmblPin Prunes 42293 Pimlico 1 11G 152 mud 8 113 7 7 7 5 ° 3 S Wida 7 Plenty Houdiiii Lazy Lou 42153 HdeGce lm70yl4rVffist n1 lOO 9 9 9 94J313 9 913 S Wida 9 l Peddler WUodotte JMount 4J313 Pimlico 1 12 234fast 13 107 4 G G 65 6 R McCrnn 7 Bolster WoM thrush Ituckboard 40299 Pimlico 1 14 20ifast IS 112 C 8 7 7402C5 61 6 = 3 R McCrnn 10 Piedra Ken IJoy Woodthnisli 402C5 Pimlico 1 12 235fast 4 117 E 5 3 I1 A Schuer 5 Woodthrush Lytle Irregular 40237 Laurel 1 14 209hvy 1110 107 5 1 1 I1 I3 A Schugr 8 BHpson SSndals BSimmons 40213 Laurel 1 116 l47fast 13f 107141414 8u 95 A SchuKrl4 Tie Pin Lazy Lou GalleyHead 40114 Laurel 1 14 207 good 5 111 1 8 8 41 li J McTagt 11 GoldcrestBoy Grouse Blazonry 40055 Laurel 1 18 l52fast 41 105 8 8 8 7 6 3 Q Preece 8 T Bloom Ken Boy F Legend 40007 Laurel 1 14 206fast 2 111 6 6 6 3ai 22 W Kelsay 7 Grey Eagle SShootcr Blazonry GLORY BELLE ch m 5 99 By Glorifier Cora Belle W H Henry 42310 Pimlico 2 408 slow 116 145 8 10 10 8 8 8l1W Blake 10 Royal Arch North Star Candle 42233 Pimlico 2 354 fast 54 143 6 7 7 Lost riderH MdAfeelO RoyalArch NorthStar Decisive 40094 Laurel Im70y l44fast 105 110 6 7 6 7 81 8 K Pauley 11 G Head Bellringer Sfdivarlin 39858 HdeGce 1116 l47fast 103 103 8 7 8 11 lli HIB T Nolan 13 Capt Ray Fairly Thorn Bloom 39780 HdeGce 1116151 hvy 12 123973S 111 4 1 3 4 41 5IS B Denny 7 Vocabulary Medusa HelenAtkin 3973S HdeGce Im70yl49 hvy 33 111 4 3 3 4 34 3 EJ Denny 7 CFrancis SeaGull SilvSandals 29591 Belmont 1 l39fast 30 107 8 2 3 6 61 10 L McAtee 10 Right Koh1Noor Favour 38471 Belmont 34 st lllhvy 30 110 10 11 11 11 11 J Williamal9 TheDecision Onico MidnlghtSnn 38413 BeLTer 1 15 110 2 24 4 5 A Collins 6 Kilts II Exterminator SDealer 38160 Pimlico 1116150 fast 17 110 10 13 13 13 13 13 Li McAtee 13 Say Daybreak G M Miller CANDIDATE n b g 4 110 By Voter Padoue H K A Seal 42287 Pimlico 1 l44mud 65 118 2 12 13 12 11 11 G Corey 13 J of Arc S de Verdun Sylvano 42125 HdeGce 1 18 l53good 25 113 5 8 9 9 9 7 1 G Corey 9 Prunes PandCalls Bill Hunley 42070 HdeGce lm70yl4S = isIow 38 112 7 4 6 7 6 6 1 J Staplefn 7 WoodViolet Dolina WUedott 42015 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 5 112 5 2 3 6 6 613 G Corey G Plurenzi Don Dodge Alma B 41977 Bowie 1 116 l52fast 21 112 1 6 4 4 4 11 G Corey 7 Fairly Stir Up Pulaski 41939 Bowie 1 116 l52good 20 107 1 7 8 8 6 61 G Corey 8 GMMiller Garbage B Hunley 41893 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 25 111 4 8 8 7 6 4 G Corey 8 Bill Hunley AlmaB EBmann 41833 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 35 112111111 10 9l 9 G Corey 13 Boxer Zouave Edith Baumann 40277 Pimlico 1 14 208 fast 54 107 8 9 9 9 9 9 J Callahan 9 Piedra Valspar Sunnyland 40228 Laurel 1 116 147 fast 9if 104 13 14 14 14 10 II1 A Plckens 15 SdmnII DrOpbell Artrator