Wilcox Wins 500-Mile Motor Race, Daily Racing Form, 1919-06-01


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WILCOX WINS 500MILE MOTOR RACE INDIANAPOLIS Ind May 31 Howard Wilcox driving a Frenchmade Peugeot who made 500 miles in 5 hours 44 minutes and 2175 seconds an average speed of 8712 miles an hour won the seventh fivehundred mile race staged on the In liamipoli motor speedway today The best time made in any of the previous races was in 1915 when Ralph Do Palmu drove a Germanmade Mercedes at an average si eed of 8984 miles an hour Eddie Hoarne in a Durant Special won second place Jules Goux third The race was witnessed by the largest crowd in the history of motor car racing and the thousands looked on while three men paid tribute to the sneed god with their lives while another was probably fatally injured and a fifth painfully hurt Ixmis Lecoeq Arthur Thurman and R Bandiiii paid the supreme sacrifice Lecocq and Bnndini died the terrible death of being pinioned under a flaming racing car To Thiirmau was vouchsafed the more merciful end of instant death He was hurlud to his death when his car was crushed against the stone walls of the great speed ¬ way M Molinaro Thurmans mechanician prob ¬ ably will die having sustained a fractured skull skullAuguste Auguste Romiguere mechanician for the French Ballot team was painfully but not seriously cut about the head and face in a third accident

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919060101/drf1919060101_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1919060101_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800